"Ordo Ab Chaos"
>33º freemasonic motto
>33 = address of school
>3 adults, 3 kids
>27th = 3 x 3 "squared"
🔍 Notable
Not Q related but we lost a pioneer and legend today. Ken Block dead at 55
Here’s how the show will go: Tim:
You know Jews don’t own everything right? YE: Borderline incomprehensible bullshit for hours on end. Tim: Let’s go the the SUPER CHATS! Here’s one from one of our frequent donors, Moishe Gloden-Shekel. Thanks for the donation Moishe, I agree with everything you say, Israel is our greates ally.
Looks like fear is back on the menu in Portland, OR. Any other Anons seeing this in their cities or states?