Keep your head screwed on straight and we win in the end. Their only hope is an unforced error. - from /pol/
Hello everyone. After the long wait I was invited to join TS yesterday. I set my profile up, made one post and today everything is blank. I can’t search, my profile pic is gone and the feed won’t load. I’m not sure if it was the truth I dropped and got locked out or if it’s just the platform. I simply posted : Tricky - Convincing the unjabbed the jab works so they’ll get the jab -While convincing the jabbed the jab doesn’t work so they’ll get the booster.
Thoughts please. Interesting correlation between 33rd degree Masons, MK Ultra and your 33 vertebrae .
Old World Trade Center brochure my grandfather kept. I believe it’s from the late 70’s.
The most American Ferrari ever. If you have the funds this is on currently.