Rather than trying to give the sheeple time to wake up out of thier LBTQSG...beds, or pull themselves away from thier double-pump soy latte. I is getting to be time to get the word to the lower rung DS's about Hitler's "night of the long knives. Its inching its way closer to civil war, and the lower level DS have to be reasoned with or moved away from the battlefield. Dale
Hello Frens, I am sure that someone else put this together previously. The answer is NO, i'm not crazy.This is just after a couple days of research and no sleep and too much coffee. Here goes. With what is in the clot shots, with the 3 ingredients that most of them (not enough info on J&J) have, if they get it perfected. It is GAME OVER!!! The 3 things all the Vaxx have in common :
- Operating system ( just needs to relay simple stimulations of pain signals), I dont fully understand this, but i have heard that state-of-the-art systems can get both nano sized, and fairly capable.
- Graphine Oxide- This stuff (reminds me of the blob)(Bitchute has very good research on it). I would think the GO, being controlled by the Operating Sys. Would be a perfect "kill switch, Or pain switch (depending on the signal) Which would be:
- Whatever mechanism the shot is using for EMF generation. EMF signal from outside the body to the Operating System. The Satanistic Cabal would need to perfect what is in the shots. We dont know how much testing they have done, and the way things are now, Testing (Giving out more shots and observing), can be done more qhickly because they do not have to worry about mistakes now...they just hit the "kill" switch. All of this, I believe will be controlled long distance by 5G. They would control the human race ( though they would change the slaves DNA). If I am on the right track, and if they were to perfect this "mar of the beast" against God. WE ARE DONE I might be crazy (I hope I am), because this scares me. This scared me bad up to the 11th when I was researching it, but I woke up Sunday morning very calm because the Lord has this. I was able to see this "Great Awakening" for what it is. The time when the Lord and patriots clean up the earth, put an end to the trespasses against Him, and save His people. I might not have everything 10% correct (I am not Bible scholar, or a physic professor, I'm just an old country boy). But you have to admit...the picture might be a little blurry, but it might be the right image. Now on to the reasons I know That this battle has already been won by the lord and The battlefield is being cleaned up now by Trump, the Operators, and worldwide patriots all working for the Lord.
I am so mad I can't see straight. I have been researching the clot shots. Graphene oxide is in all of them. GO reacts with 5G, GO likes to get into your brain and make you crazy. I know there is something else (Its proprietary- so I have not been able to locate much more). These other ingredients must compose the "operating system. GO produces an EMF that reacts with 5G. Covid rates and covid deaths are more than twice as high in areas with 5G. Search a 5G infrastructure map and overlay a covid map! we know the clot-shots are making people infertile. I can only guess what the "operating system" does. There are videos out there showing vaxxed people (can we still call them "people"? since they do not have 100% human DNA?) This is a bioweapon of truly EVIL making. The level of EVIL of these people. I just cant believe it. This IS the start of the movie "World War Z". I pray to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to please save the human race, and right this course we are on. PRAY Please, to all the frens in the world....RESIST, RESIST, RESIST!
Hello frens, This is only my phrasology, but it is always what I say, and I say it far louder than I need Too. I say it loud and with conviction...it may make some sheeple think. For instance, I was in a VA clinic the other day, a nurse ask me if I was vaccinated and if she could give me a shot. I told her, loudly enough so I think it was heard outside, "You can give me a Covid jab, right after you put a bullet in the back of my head" I got a LOT of looks, and It even looked like some of the "zombies" were thinking.
I was thinking (well, trying to think) like a deep state actor. Even though I am no metal scientist, and will NEVER take the vaccine. I was trying to think like them, and figure out why they would put graphene in the shot. I came up with a reason...Just want some frens to tell me what they think of this... Sinse this plan started at about the same time 5G was rolling out, and seeing how they both came from China, and the "operating systems" are labels of this vaxx. I have tried to see this from "10,000 ft." you might say. There would only need to be 3 things to control the population.
- They would need a substance in the vaxx that would let them track each individual. That Luciferaze and the bluetooth connectivity would do that.
- they would need something that would alow them to insert instructions to the "slaves, or eaters, whatever". the bluetooth would also do this.
- Then they would need something that allows them to "correct" or "inflict pain" on us. Here is where the graphene comes in. Frens, could a 5G tower, modulate and triagulate their signals to make the Graphene get hot and cause the host great pain, or even death? If the 5G towers can be used in this way, it would be the perfect weapon to control the "slaves". Does this sound possible? I need a Dr.'s opinion.
Hello Frens...we all got to stick together, this is of utmost importance.** I am a travelling construction worker, who did not care and quit my last job before the requirement of me getting the clot shot. The requirement was coming, I just didn't care. I told my employers LOUDLY how they could give me the shot, right after they put a bullet in my brain. I left and did my best over the last 2 months to red pill as many as I could. I have talked with family, with friends, even handing out flyers (1600+, and still going). I have met many great Americans, almost got arrested a couple times, kicked of so many properties for handing out papers, But I am just doing what i can. Please patriots...talk to each other! while i do think that Q's estimate of 6% lost is a little low (I would guess 15%). But my faith in God and my fellow American's has only increased. I am glad, I see it happening, us winning, and coming together Stay safe and active friends...and much love!
Hello, I am unemployed because I refused the jab. I have used my unemployed time to hand out an info. paper (it is only B&W, one sided...I'm not rich). I started in Atlanta and am now in OK. I have been kicked off so many walmart properties, but I figure that is where most asleep sheep are. My handout gives 5 alt.news sites and a few facts (i started out with the militaries in charge ( but that seemed to scare the sheeple so I dropped that line after the first 500 batch). It seems that about 10% of the people are based, 60% are thankfull of the info, and 30% just through the handout on the ground (one walmart manager could not think of a good reason to kick me off of the property, so he used "youre causing litter" as an excuse. Ill upload an image when i figure out how. Dale
*** PLEASE PATRIOTS, YOU ARE BEING LIED TOO! THINGS ARE NOT AS THEY SEEM! tHINGS ARE ABOUT TO CHANGE DRASTICALLY!*** PLEASE RESEARCH AND DECIDE WHO IS LYING TO YOU! Do things seem normal or even "rational" now? Are parts of our government trying to kill us with "Covid vaccines?" Is the tragedy in Afganistan what it seems? How can Australia be totally locked down (matial law, also building concentration camps), while the country of Japan outlaws the vaccine? Where is the USA headed? they're are a few inernet sites not "controlled". some website's you can start with: www.brighteon.com www.Bitchute.com www.rumble.com www.Telegram.com www.GreatAwakening.com Please, protect yourself and your family! Be kind to others! Above all... PLEASE, INFORM YOURSELF!!! GOD BLESS!
Hello, I dont know what else to do, my Commander-in-Chief told me to put my guns up, so i am doing what i can to wake the sheeple up. I have been handing flyers out at Wall-mart (i think thats where liberals are). About 50% are thankfull for a list of alternative media, and the other half are so lost...I have been having nightmares of the walking into ovens. The flyers info:
*** PLEASE PATRIOTS, YOU ARE BEING LIED TOO! THINGS ARE NOT AS THEY SEEM! tHINGS ARE ABOUT TO CHANGE DRASTICALLY!*** PLEASE RESEARCH AND DECIDE WHO IS LYING TO YOU! Do things seem normal or even "rational" now? Are parts of our government trying to kill us with "Covid vaccines?" Is the tragedy in Afganistan what it seems? How can Australia be totally locked down (matial law, also building concentration camps), while the country of Japan outlaws the vaccine? Where is the USA headed? they're are a few inernet sites not "controlled". some website's you can start with: www.brighteon.com www.Bitchute.com www.rumble.com www.Telegram.com www.GreatAwakening.com Please, protect yourself and your family! Be kind to others! Above all... PLEASE, INFORM YOURSELF!!! GOD BLESS!
Didn't know realy what else to do, I am not a celerity or "influencer" I am just a vet/working man. I took some time off at work to hand out these papers (just a single page. I have been handing them out at wal-mart.) Since i need to go print more...I am asking if this looks good?
*** PLEASE PATRIOTS, YOU ARE BEING LIED TOO! THINGS ARE NOT AS THEY SEEM! tHINGS ARE ABOUT TO CHANGE DRASTICALLY!*** PLEASE RESEARCH AND DECIDE WHO IS LYING TO YOU! Do things seem normal or even "rational" now? Are parts of our government trying to kill us with "Covid vaccines?" Is the tragedy in Afganistan what it seems? How can Australia be totally locked down (matial law, also building concentration camps), while the country of Japan outlaws the vaccine? Where is the USA headed? they're are a few inernet sites not "controlled". some website's you can start with: www.brighteon.com www.Bitchute.com www.rumble.com www.Telegram.com www.GreatAwakening.com Please, protect yourself and your family! Be kind to others! Above all... PLEASE, INFORM YOURSELF!!! GOD BLESS!
Hello All, and GOD bless. Let me preface this by saying I am 100% behind Trump, and 110% behind and believe in the Lord. I have been doing a little research on the "jab" and the reasons behind it (the cabals reasons), and also when light is going to be "turned on". And I had a heart-wrenching though. Maybe its only timing coincidence, I do not know. Seeing how the "vaccines" are an instrument to "change" the human race - into presumably human 2.0. If the "jab" cannot be undone by the medical technology that is coming ( and by time constraints, it only can by some percentage). Are those that have received the jab (or the percentage), Going to be sacrificed as "cannon fodder", or "casualties of war"? I pray that I am wrong, and I do not think the LORD would let this happen, but it is frightening me.
I have 2 friends that have been red-pilled because of Biden's actions. Both of them know I was "based" years ago. Now both of them are mad at me. I have not communicated with one of them in months, but I feel they are both mad at me because I "beat them to it". WTF, I really don't give a shit, but still...
Keeping in mind all that is coming out about Tesla's papers, then the possibility of time travel. Then remembering all the Q drops that predict things. What do you all think about Q having traveled thru time. Could our "surprise" about who we are talking with, be an non-human?
Some thoughts, can others tell me what they think?
- The LORD is offended by these crimes against children. Throughout the Good book, there is examples of him destroying cultures/people that commit these offences. I believe that is behind the Aztec and Inca disappearances. Thoughts???
- The Q-drops have mentioned things years ago that are happening now. I believe this is because the person talking to us as Q, has travelled thru time. This ties into 3, thoughts?
- It was mentioned in a drop how we would be suprised who was talking with us. Could these Q-drops be written by a GODly alien?