GandalfThePatriot 0 points ago +1 / -1

The fact that you think the country breaks down between the liberal and conservative and that you think that implies a specific set of beliefs means you’re still asleep. The political landscape of the United States is far more complex then that and “liberals” as you think of them are definitely gun owners too (heard of the Socialist Rifle Association??).

You aren’t paying attention and your desire to further split our country marks you as either a shill or someone more focused on their own personal political ambitions then the needs of our country.

Also, you only got as far as “yeah, I guess major economic centers or the US would die off or secede” and if you go beyond that there is no more country. It ends there. Stop doing the work of the CCP.

GandalfThePatriot 0 points ago +1 / -1

Fighting a modern civil war in the United States doesn’t defeat the deep state, it just dissolves the USA. It wouldn’t be “the us vs the deep state” it’s just a bunch of people shooting each other. Cities starve, states or parts of states secede, farmers lose everything because they only grow a shit load of animal grade feed corn.

Then NATO gets involved through Canada so that our nuclear stockpile doesn’t fall into the wrong hands and maybe Mexico decides they need to secure parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas and then maybe they don’t want to give them back.

And once one or four sides secure one of our myriad nuclear weapons either they use it and we are actually more fucked OR it becomes a classic nuclear standoff and the US is gone forever. No more super power, no more super organized military (which would fracture early when this started), no more ultra powerful economic engine.

Civil War is probably what is wanted more than anything else since it 100% assures everyone that US is gone forever.