No. The scriptures define & interpret His word. God defines "the last days" or "the latter days" in His word as the last days of the tribes of Israel (Gen. 49:1ff), specifically the last days of the tribe of Judah when the scepter would pass from the "law giver" to Christ, the Seed (Gen. 49:10), the last days of the Mosaic Covenant, and the last days of that old animal sacrificial temple (Matt. 24- 25).
You have to read the scriptures with the first audience perspective in mind. They were not written TO us, but to those living in the ages gone by. They are recorded for our admonition and instruction, but the NT books are almost 2,000 years old now. They are the history of Christ's ministry, sacrifice, resurrection, and return in judgment on all those who pierced Him (Rev. 1:7).
When was He sacrificed? When did He rise again? When was the temple in Jerusalem destroyed? During the 1st century AD, and those were the "last days" spoken of in the word of God.
"foreknown, indeed, before the foundation of the world, and manifested in the last times because of you," (1 Pet. 1:20)
First Peter was written approx. AD 60-63. So, "you" refers to those ppl living at that time in AD 60-63. That personal pronoun does not refer to us today. When was Christ manifested on earth? During the 1st cent. AD. When does Peter say He was manifested? In the last times. Therefore, the last times happened in the 1st century AD, and that phrase always refers to those days when the old covenant waxed old and was ready to pass away (Heb. 8:13).
All of the book of Hebrews - written approx. AD 60-65 - concerns the passing away of the old Mosaic covenant and the new covenant of the gospel of Christ taking over. That ALL happened during those "last days" of the old covenant which ended with the destruction of the temple in AD 70.
We now live in the days of His everlasting kingdom, which is spiritual kingdom not of this world (John 18:36), and that kingdom never ends. There is no end to an everlasting kingdom. The Bible never speaks of an end of the physical cosmos.
"“I will never again curse the ground because of humankind, since the imaginings of a person’s heart are evil from his youth; nor will I ever again destroy all living things, as I have done." (Gen. 8:21, CJB)
As God has stated that He would never again destroy the earth for man's sake, then the apocalyptic language of fire and destruction throughout His prophesies, including 2 Pet. 3, were all nation judging, tribal judging language against wicked ppl would not turn back to Him.
See all of the posts at, especially -
No. The scriptures define & interpret His word. God defines "the last days" or "the latter days" in His word as the last days of the tribes of Israel (Gen. 49:1ff), specifically the last days of the tribe of Judah when the scepter would pass from the "law giver" to Christ, the Seed (Gen. 49:10), the last days of the Mosaic Covenant, and the last days of that old animal sacrificial temple (Matt. 24- 25).
You have to read the scriptures with the first audience perspective in mind. They were not written TO us, but to those living in the ages gone by. They are recorded for our admonition and instruction, but the NT books are almost 2,000 years old now. They are the history of Christ's ministry, sacrifice, resurrection, and return in judgment on all those who pierced Him (Rev. 1:7).
When was He sacrificed? When did He rise again? When was the temple in Jerusalem destroyed? During the 1st century AD, and those were the "last days" spoken of in the word of God.
"foreknown, indeed, before the foundation of the world, and manifested in the last times because of you," (1 Pet. 1:20)
First Peter was written approx. AD 60-63. So, "you" refers to those ppl living at that time in AD 60-63. That personal pronoun does not refer to us today. When was Christ manifested on earth? During the 1st cent. AD. When does Peter say He was manifested? In the last times. Therefore, the last times happened in the 1st century AD, and that phrase always refers to those days when the old covenant waxed old and was ready to pass away (Heb. 8:13).
All of the book of Hebrews - written approx. AD 60-65 - concerns the passing away of the old Mosaic covenant and the new covenant of the gospel of Christ taking over. That ALL happened during those "last days" of the old covenant which ended with the destruction of the temple in AD 70.
We now live in the days of His everlasting kingdom, which is spiritual kingdom not of this world (John 18:36), and that kingdom never ends. There is no end to an everlasting kingdom. The Bible never speaks of an end of the physical cosmos.
"“I will never again curse the ground because of humankind, since the imaginings of a person’s heart are evil from his youth; nor will I ever again destroy all living things, as I have done." (Gen. 8:21, CJB)
As God has stated that He would never again destroy the earth for man's sake, then the apocalyptic language of fire and destruction throughout His prophesies, including 2 Pet. 3, were all nation judging, tribal judging language against wicked ppl would not turn back to Him.
See all of the posts at, especially -
Testing The Spirits - Part II: The End -
Testing The Spirits - Part III: Daniel's Lot -
And all 10 parts of It's Not The End of The World beginning here: