GlobalismSucks4All 1 point ago +1 / -0

They aren't. They're a pathetic group of losing cheaters - as are some of their Republican cohorts.

GlobalismSucks4All 1 point ago +1 / -0

The guy's just her to cause trouble.

GlobalismSucks4All 1 point ago +1 / -0

I assure you I live in reality and that you don't want to battle me about elections. A lot more is going to be revealed. If you're getting paid to be here, your boss is probably on my list.

But I really hope you aren't here to shill and are simply asking honest questions. We're always happy to welcome those that are against one-world government and complete control of individuals. If you're not, your stay will be a short one. The Patriots here are great at spotting traitors, and the mods are very good at deporting them.

GlobalismSucks4All 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fact 1: Under Trump the dems have won the Presidency and both houses of Congress.

The GOP gained seats until this year, and those gained Dem seats were due to election fraud.

Fact 2: There is a good chance Trump creates a new party and splits the ticket in 2024 all but ensuring dems win again. There is basically a civil war in the Republican party right now while the dems are more united than ever.

A new party may be created by We The People, not by Trump, although he is our chosen candidate. The people have recognized that this is not a Democrat vs. Republican battle - It is a Globalist vs. Patriot battle, and on another level, a Good vs. Evil battle.

Trump didn't destroy the Republican - His agenda merely pointed out the facts that most of the GOP are Globalists and, as such, have the same long-term agenda as the Dems, who are predominantly Globalists, as well.

Spitting the ticket in 2024 is not an issue. First of all, our election system won't be fixed unader Biden, so any idea that there could be a fair election from here going forward, is utter bull. The entire election system is corrupt. Secondly, evidence suggests (and I believe correctly) that Trump got at least 70% of the 2020 vote. In the even he ran in 2024, he wouldn't split a ticket because the majority of the public would vote for him, as they did a few months ago. In fact, I believe in a fair election in 2024, even more people will realize what the Globalists true goals are, and Trump would get probably 90% of the vote.

Fact 3: As a result of the (likely stolen) election, a large number of Republicans feel like their vote does not matter and therefore are less likely to vote (this already happened in Georgia). The dems certainly don't feel that way, which means they are in a way better position than the Republicans.

Yes, a third-grader could see the election fraud of 2020 - it was over-the-top blatant. However, I think that has made Republicans even more determined to right the wrong - and I believe we will, and that will happen sooner rather than later. The fraud also opened many Dem eyes to their own party's corruption - which is why we saw so many Dems voluntarily and bravely coming forward about election fraud.

Fact 4: Trump invited people to the Capitol. He did not invite people to storm the capitol. When the Trump admin learned that Antifa might be planning something at the Capitol, Trump moved his rally at least 30 minutes away and delayed his speech to lessen the number of Patriots at the Capitol. He also asked all of his supporters to disband to diminish further problems which he knew would be blamed on his supporters. At NO point has Trump "made Patriots look like terrorists." That has been perpetuated by the Globalists as a way to eliminate anyone who disagrees with the Globalist narrative.

Trump did not abandon Patriots - nor have Patriots abandoned him. Trump is not letting this go - and he shouldn't. Biden telling us yesterday that he wanted to unite America and would treat all Americans equally is the height of hypocrisy, given that he literally negated half of America voters by accepting an office to which he was not elected.

The obscenely fraudulent election results need discarded and our legitimately elected President Trump, needs to assume office. I believe that will happen - and I will do everything in my power to make it happen - as will more than a hundred million other Americans. We are prepared to take this to the end - because this is not about us - it is about every future generation - not only in the US but around the world. It is about ensuring they retain their God-given freedoms, as opposed to be being locked into a system of virtual slavery governed by an arrogant few.

GlobalismSucks4All 1 point ago +1 / -0

I gave you the benefit of the doubt on that, realizing it might be a legitimate question. I hope others do the same.

What makes you think it might be true?

GlobalismSucks4All 5 points ago +6 / -1

You may want to research this a bit. Nearly this same group of people applied for this patent a few years earlier.

Blockchain is NOT going to solve our election problem. NOTHING in our elections should be proprietary (owned by anyone other than We The People.)

GlobalismSucks4All 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, you're a glutton for punishment - especially considering this is your first post.

That post may be real in the sense that exists somewhere but the information is FALSE.

GlobalismSucks4All 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks - I dislike posting info like this, but the more we know about what the Globalists want to do, the better we can fight against it.

GlobalismSucks4All 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely - we need to boycott all these companies.

It should be a list and stickied.

GlobalismSucks4All 7 points ago +7 / -0

You guys can laugh at this, but these people know the faster they implement controls over us, the better for them. This isn't fear-mongering - it's the truth about what these people want to do: make vaccines mandatory for everyone.

distribute tests and vaccines at scale

a compilation and summary of their agency’s existing distribution and prioritization plans for pandemic response supplies, which shall include any assumptions or planning factors used to determine such needs and any recommendations for changes to such assumptions or factors.

mechanisms to respond to emergency supply needs of State, local, Tribal, and territorial authorities, which should include standards and processes to prioritize requests and delivery and to ensure equitable distribution based on public health criteria;

GlobalismSucks4All 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean misinformation put out by the authors of the article you cited? You might want to check them out - and their backgrounds and what they support (HINT: Not Trump and NOT Patriots - but I suspect that you already know that, right?)

For those that don't know, here's a little about the authors of this report:

Nagler's Twitter page - ENJOY! https://twitter.com/jonathan_nagler

Here's Andrew Guesses site: https://andyguess.com

And Joshua Tucker whose blog, The Monkey Cage at the Washington Post is funded by one of the biggest NeverTrumpers. https://as.nyu.edu/content/nyu-as/as/faculty/joshua-tucker.html

The same people funding these authors are the same people spending hundreds of millions of dollars studying faith, race, gender and age in politics so that they can spend millions more socially engineering us based on the results.

Which is EXACTLY what YOU are attempting to do. You are part of their game and YOU are the one sowing disinformation.


GlobalismSucks4All 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe the more important question is: What have we allowed to be done to us via misplaced trust, ignorance and/or complacency?

by Hooji2
GlobalismSucks4All 3 points ago +3 / -0

You sure got that right - Then he has the audacity to say "we want unity." and "we'll treat all Americans equally" when he got in there by negating half of the country's voters. I DESPISE these people.

GlobalismSucks4All 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes - I apologize and deleted that - I thought I was responding to him. I'm starting to notice a trend on here with the way things get stickied - It looks shifty even if it isn't.

GlobalismSucks4All 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's from ABC news. The don't mention the back-turning, but they clearly state that it's Biden's motorcade. https://twitter.com/InesdLC

I'm curious - I'm glad you got this stickied bc I do think it's significant. How does that happen, because I posted this hours ago?

GlobalismSucks4All 3 points ago +3 / -0

Disgusting, huh? Can you imagine allowing yourself to be sworn in like that knowing you cheated tens of millions of people out of their vote? And then smile at them and say you want unity and will do the right thing for all Americans. It is DESPICABLE. I DESPISE them, and they deserve EVERYTHING that's coming their way. EVERYTHING!

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