About two weeks ago i started getting the feeling that i had a tonsil stone forming in my throat. Basically like you swallowed a hair or something, like youve got a frog in your throat. This is not unusual, i get these from time to time. Took a course of ivermectin just in case.

It didnt go away and then i had a sore throat for a couple of days. That went away but I still have the frog in throat feeling.

It is probably laryngitis or tonsilitis. Its not COVID. But i am worried. I dont want it to be throat cancer. I used to smoke, half a pack a day at worst. I am 43. Will make appt with doctor to look at it as i am due for my annual check-in for meds.

This coming thursday the 18th will be week 3 if it doesnt go away by then. I know the risk of throat cancer is rare but im just worried and would love some prayers please.

Thank you.

Well well well...false flag inbound? (media.greatawakening.win) 🏳️ FALSE FLAG 👮
posted ago by Glooptygloop ago by Glooptygloop

I know they ask if you have any metal in you when they do MRI tests.

Does the vax contraindicate MRI tests due to the magnetic particles?


When I open the browser on my phone I see a list of trending search terms.

What if we did a rolling group search for things like "ADAM SCHIFF STANDARD HOTEL" in a coordinated fashion?

Say on a certain day we all search that term a number of times so that the search programs pick up spikes.

Very similar to 2000 Mules and how that trended.


What if what we call the Mandela effect is simply extremely skilled gaslighting by Big Tech or some Government agency, with the goal to make us question what we remember and what is true and our own sanity to destabilize the population and distract us?

It would be incredibly easy in this largely tech based world to accomplish this.

And the goal of narcissist gaslighting is essentially the same thing, to make people believe that they are going nuts.

Idk, i can totally see it. BTW i sent the Brittney dress post to my ex wife, who was a huge Brittney fan, and she said it was 100% plaid in her recollection.


What if this was done on purpose by the cabal because the time for advertising their plans aas now up and the monuments were no longer needed?

Bonus points for throwing shade at crazy conspiracy theorists in doing so.

Kind of in the same way that the Twin Towers were built to be destroyed at a certain time to bring about the next phase of their plan?

Also, what about the time capsule, curious if that is mentioned or not. Hell, what if the time capsule WAS the bomb.


Seems theres a new liberal hive mind forming. Called Tribel social?


They had a new full rack of "Beyond Meat" jerky at the gas station this evening.

I think im going to start calling it "Billy Beef" because Bill Gates lol


For peeps who are weird and rare like AB-

What superpowers or special alien abilities might they have?


So everyone has been so busy testing the covid vax for graphene oxide, that RFK jr video got me wondering, I wonder if it has HCG in it?

The five shot spaced 6 months apart dosing is exactly what the antifertility vax schedule is. And they did it with tetanus...why not covid?

We're already at 4 boosters...five iirc in Israel. Gotta wonder.


My former stepdaughter, 15 years old, has developed a golf-ball sized swollen lymph node under her arm. Ex tells me it has been there a month. Went in for an ultrasound a couple of hours ago. Bloodwork was abnormal with slight anemia, high bilirubin, and high red and white blood cell count.

Unvaxxed and a very cool kid. 😞 please focus some of the positive energy on her. Ex says shes already read enough to convince herself shes got lymphoma, but im praying shes OK and that she stays off WebMD bc like her mom shes kind of a hypochondriac prone to worst-case thinking wrt symptoms.


Made a comment on a random FB post and it popped up again in my feed today with like 8 likes and the top one was MINDY ROBINSON. yes our Mindy Robinson. Wont be long now before shes meeting me for dinner at Red Lobster, mark my words.

One Eye Sign (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Glooptygloop ago by Glooptygloop
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