"Incorrect grammar." Hell yeah ??
Lmao! Aww! Well, you're welcome. ? I apparently didn't try hard enough to be the first one - I was so disgusted by how invasive Big Tech is that I spent 15 minutes trying to delete my Instagram account before even considering posting here first. YUCK, social media needs to go
I signed up with just my phone number, a nickname instead of my full name, and a fake birthday, and they had people I know, including a family member, inside of my suggested friends list. ? Never again!
If defense.gov is the official website for DoD, then yeah, this is pretty much real. Type "department of defense" into your search engine of choice, and find the defense.gov link within the first results.
Scroll down as far as you can go to the bottom of the defense.gov website until you see the icons for Facebook and whatnot for their social media pages. Pick the Instagram icon. You'll have to sign up to Instagram to see it ?, but it will direct you to the deptofdefense account which DOES have just an image of the aircraft in this video.
I immediately deleted my Instagram account shortly thereafter. Yikes, I almost forgot how completely invasive social media is.
Peanut butter! :)
Nuts and seeds, and lots of beans. Some beans go really good with rice for a pretty good meal when you're starving.
These have a good shelf-life. Not apocalypse level shelf life, but it's a start.
Soup is good for a nice long while, too. Chicken noodle soup. Chicken with vegetables or whatever meat/vegetables you prefer. I'm sure there's a soup for whatever you desire. I hope you don't have a gluten allergy when it comes to soup. 😐