God_Bless_America1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not many ppl know about the senator issue and I am sure the population in relation to rep was constantly tweaked as the country and population grew.... I don’t think the fathers ever saw us being at 300+M ppl ..... that aside, how they saw forward and protected just about every angle with levels of protection from invading swamp scum is very impressive

The only reason our establishment swamp creatures are getting away with walking all over it is because not enough ppl understand it well enough or care to. For far too long Americans have had the “that’ll never happen here” thought process ..... now it’s happening ...

Ppl are more awake now than they’ve been in a long time, once elections are secure here, all the shit will be flushed down the toilet and we should be good for a while again, provided we continuing to educate the upcoming generations what happened, what got us there,why and what it took to fix so they don’t let it happen again.

God_Bless_America1 4 points ago +4 / -0

The prob is wayyy too many aren’t familiar. And those recently out of school have no clue how our system works the establishment has done its best to not teach it for times like now ..... when you have a majority of a population of ppl who are either illegal or legal immigrants but didn’t go through Ellis island how it should be done and a large % of the rest not being taught it properly in school, it becomes very easy to overthrow that country ... if ppl don’t know how the system works they’ll never know when it’s working against them .... I agree all should know this but way too many don’t .... perhaps if some in the dark take the time to look at it now more will wake up n smell the bs

God_Bless_America1 3 points ago +6 / -3

He’s always been solid and seemed to be ahead of the curve

God_Bless_America1 2 points ago +2 / -0

He says 2 hours vid will drop that’s 11:00Am eastern

God_Bless_America1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Everyones F5 Button will be shiny by end of today

God_Bless_America1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn’t even know he was on there till I saw Wendy Rogers make light of him recently

God_Bless_America1 11 points ago +11 / -0

Personally I much rather watch movies than be actors in them like we are now

God_Bless_America1 4 points ago +4 / -0

You can use that link I believe and preview or view in channel without having an account I am pretty sure

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