It's worth remembering that Jesus was resurrected and lives with God in the Afterlife dimension. Likewise we ALL get to live in the Afterlife dimension; the physical body dies but the spirit/soul/ka lives on.

This life is just a learning experience. It doesn't really matter when/how your body dies because YOU don't die. So enjoy the temporary experience of living in your body. No matter how difficult things may appear, the struggle is only temporary. Be joyful. Be happy. Help others.

Here is a useful website that deals with the Afterlife and Near death Experiences.



The unfortunate girl collapsed on the track on the campus of the city where she was training.

According to thrakisports, she is a student of the TEFAA school of DUTH, in the third year, originating from Crete.

The girl was found unconscious in the stadium by people who were in the adjacent swimming pool, including teachers and doctors who happened to be there who also made her a WRIST.

According to thrakisports in a relevant article, the 22-year-old had gone for training at the track and field of the University Campus of Komotini, where she collapsed.

The unfortunate girl was found unconscious by people who were in the swimming pool next to the training ground, with the teachers and doctors who were there trying to bring her back but to no avail.

Unfortunately, when she was transported to Sismanogleio Hospital, her death was confirmed.



Sent to me by a friend.

Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts: Global Governance War for the Future

Catherine Austin Fitts is Back with Dark Journalist to reveal how the central bankers and the Deep State have implemented a worldwide surveillance and transaction tracking infrastructure to harvest humanity physically, financially and spiritually. Catherine sees this as a time to choose between freedom and tyranny and suggests we have a limited window to restore the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

When Daniel asks her, "where are we now?" she replies, "We're up the creek without a paddle."

She continues, "You have an establishment – and I'm just speaking for the United States, now – which has engineered, from 1998 on, a coup d'état. And to finance that coup d'état, they've stuffed our pension funds and retirements with IOUs from the government – from which the money is all disappearing, right?...

"So now that everybody wants to retire, the issue is coming up and of course, we saw with the Going Direct Reset, massive inflation...and now, it's showing up at the pump, it's showing up at the grocery store...[there] is a lot of disaster capitalism, too as you know...

"A million small businesses got shut down but that's a reallocation of capital. You shut down a million businesses using COVID and then you print money and pour it into the financing of electric car companies space companies tech companies bio tech companies, that's a reallocation. So we're watching a reallocation.

"Part of the challenge with the reallocation is that you you have a wide group of people who can no longer be productive under the circumstances. So in the last quarter, productivity fell 7.5%...

"When the rule of law breaks down, nothing can work and and you can print all the money and inject all the steroids you want but if you're poisoning the population and destroying their productivity, nothing's going to work, right? But it's intentional... "A decision has been made to, basically take the economy and centralize control, using AI and software and a variety of different technologies...it's like a high-tech Bolshevik revolution."

She continues, "You have a debate about three models that are going on and they're going on in every country in the world. The first model is, 'Will that country be sovereign or not? Will they lose their sovereignty?'

"The second is, 'Whoever is running in that country, is it going to be run by government or corporations and banks? So, Russia is choosing government. The United States is choosing banks and corporations.

"And then the third is, 'Is individual sovereignty going to be lost to central control?' So you could argue China and Russia are fully on board for complete control of the individual and wiping out individual sovereignty as long as it's the national players who control it, as opposed to the Anglo-American alliance. "So the Chinese want to run their own social credit system. They don't want it run by the Anglo-American alliance and the G7 central banks.

"So you have these three models that are being fought out. One is compromise of individual sovereignty using digital technology. One is national sovereignty and the third is...'Who's going to operate a day-to-day? Is it going to be governments or is it going to be corporation and banks? Which will be dominant?'...

"It is true, I think, that Putin is pushing for...a sovereign nation state run by a government, as opposed to corporations and banks, so there are significant differences.

"There's no, in my mind, there's no way Putin could be doing what he's doing without support from the West...

"Remember, Europe is the largest consumer market in the world. Asia has become the manufacturing juggernaut and the whole debate by Brzezinski in 'The Global Chess Board' is the Anglo-American Alliance can't let China and Europe build into each other and cut the Anglo-American alliance out, so of course, they plopped themselves right down in the middle of Afghanistan and the Ukraine – and that's the middle of the Silk Road.

"But remember, China and a variety of parties are building railroads, so instead of 40 days by sea lane, which makes the US Navy the most powerful force in the world, you got roads and trains that can go in 11 days. That's a big, big change." She continues, "In 2014, I did a great interview with a guy named Steve Roche, who had been at Morgan Stanley and warned about the coming financial crisis.  And I think, to get him out of town, they moved him out to Asia and he became Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley in Asia and he wrote a book when he came back, called 'Unbalanced', which is, as of 2014 and a superb description of the relationship between America and China...

"It's a boxing match between two Siamese twins and and what he describes is that the false prosperity of the West was built on what happened by moving all the manufacturing to China to Asia...

The China trade kept the false prosperity going – and of course, built Walmart. Because everybody was going down and getting cheaper and cheaper TVs and cheaper and cheaper this and that...You're destroying the muscle in the economy, because what's happening is you're selling Treasuries to China, you use that money to hand out Food Stamps and Welfare payments. Those people go down to Walmart and buy stuff that was made in China.

"And meantime, as our manufacturing base is weakening, theirs is growing and they're getting stronger and stronger and our skills are getting weaker and weaker and their skills are getting stronger and stronger and our pollution is improving and we're shipping out all the environmental pollution to them. So that was part of the trade. And part of it was now, we're getting rid of the unions because the unions have no bargaining clout because we're shipping all the manufacturing abroad. "If you look at what Mr Global is trying to achieve, I think the reason Mr Global invested and built-up China is, Mr Global wants that industrial capacity, that engineering capacity and if you're going to build a multi-planetary civilization and you look at what India, plus Korea, plus Japan, plus China, together can bring to that effort?

"You need them...and what's interesting, though is, why are you destroying the scientific and engineering capacity of America?...

"If you look at any measurement of what's happening to people physically or mentally in America, the population is being destroyed as a productive labor force...We see lots of predictions about what the impact will be of what I call 'The Great Poisoning'...If you look at what could happen, in terms of skyrocketing mortality and disability...I think we're in for a very rough ride...

"You have digital systems that are basically invisible to the naked eye...and basically, they're tracking everything you're doing, everything you're saying – some people say they're tracking everything you're thinking – but they also can deliver mind control, they can deliver entrainment, they can deliver supplemental programming, they can deliver people who call you up and scare you and threaten you.

"So there's a one-way mirror and a two-way street, in terms of operations...There is a fantastically sophisticated and complex system of financial nuts and bolts. A guy loses his job. The next day, the drug dealer is at his door and the next day, he gets a credit card from Chase with the 30% interest rate and a 50-50 upfront fee, if he exercises it, which he's going to do, because he needs to buy food for his kids...That's called relational database marketing. So they're working him just like they're working every family in the neighborhood...

"One of the stories I always tell is about the teacher who quit, because all the parents wanted her to say that their kids were ADHD so that they could get Social Security Disability and they needed Social Security Disability to feed the kid but it meant they had to put the kid on drugs and she wouldn't sign off on it. "So she was always getting into fights including with the school – because the school gets a kickback, right? So, there's this very complex incentive system designed to basically drug the kids and incentivizing parents and teachers in schools and everybody to engineer this and we saw that the schools were paid fantastic amounts of money during COVID to do this and that. Basically, the federal government is paying schools to destroy your children...

"It's fantastically complex and and the surveillance and the entrainment; it works off of AI and software. The third one, of course, is covert operations. Not everybody will play ball, so you got to get a control file on them if you can't get a control file on them, you got to scare them in a variety of different ways or poison or kill them..

"You have the financial nuts and bolts you have the covert operation. Now, here's the important thing to understand: so you have these three lines of surveillance, the two-way operations in the one-way mirror, the financial incentives, the nuts and bolts, carrots and sticks and it's very granular and then the third is the covert operations. They all work together. "So when I was dealing with litigation, I was dealing with all three plus the legal and financial harassment and I'm dealing with all of them all the time and remember, they can run these with AI and software so the big excuse I hear from everybody is, 'Oh, I'm too unimportant. They would never bother with me.' Wrong. There are 325 million targeted people in America and they divide up in two groups: those who know they're a target and those who don't. It's that simple...

"The variable cost of tracking and operating the control system, the control grid is zero, because with AI and software, you've got 325 million Americans, the incremental cost of adding one is zero – and the taxpayers paying for most of your expenses...So the people you're controlling and managing and manipulating and

hurting and influencing – they're paying you to do this... "So when people say, 'I'm not important.' Wrong. You're very important, because if you look where most of the money comes from, it comes from the political control you get, one county at a time and that means... you can harvest everybody and everything now why is it so important to me that every person listening to this can see the control grid that's operating on you, because when you add CBDCs and Digital IDs – Bam! "That control grid goes from something that is hurting you and me and influencing you and me and tricking you and me to a digital concentration camp right we go from being herded to being under total and complete control to slavery. That's a huge difference.

"It's a huge difference and there's one way to stop that from happening and that's to back out of the control grid now and that's why it's so important you see the control grid. "Because, if I can see it in my life today; how it's impacting me, how it's influencing me, I can start to withdraw, I can start to protect myself. I can start to do things. "If I know that entrainment is on this digital equipment, if I make an important financial decision, I can turn it off, go out, sit under a tree, sleep on it, think on it and make a decision where I'm not in the glow...it makes a huge difference, just knowing the stuff exists and how it operates."

Fitts says we have a 6-to-18-month window to put the brakes on this diabolical plan.



I posted this for the night shift and not many saw it so I'm posting it again because I think it's useful and relevant to "the plan".

The text in the PDF is an excerpt from a book called "Transylvanian Sunrise" and covers a meeting between a gifted person (Cezar) and an Elitist from the Bilderberg Freemason group, in which he describes how they control the world. Whether the book is fact or fiction, I don't know. But the discussion is quite compelling and probably close to the truth.



The text in the PDF is an excerpt from a book called "Transylvanian Sunrise" and covers a meeting between a gifted person (Cezar) and an Elitist from the Bilderberg Freemason group, in which he describes how they control the world. Whether the book is fact or fiction, I don't know. But the discussion is quite compelling and probably close to the truth.



Russian military sources say there are reasonable suspicions that some of Azov's leading group do not want to surrender and are considering either continuing to hide in underground tunnels or committing suicide.

"Before being taken prisoner, the Nazis smashed their phones and tablets to avoid finding material that would make it easier to prove their guilt in war crimes," said Alexander Khodakovsky, the founder of the Donetsk "Vostok" battalion.

All this while the trials of the neo-Nazis began in Russia Denis Muryga, a member of the "Aidar" Battalion that fought in Kherson, has been arrested and is on trial.

Military Commander Yuri Kotenok estimated that in two days about 1,600 Azov fighters had already surrendered.

Thus, "a minority remains" including the leaders of the "Azov", "Volyn" and "Radish" Battalions.

"Theoretically, I understand that one of the 'Bandera trio' does not yet want to surrender alive to the 'cursed Muscovites' and will try to commit suicide. Why do it? "For example, out of fear," says the military commander.

The scenario of the suicide of the leaders of "Azov" is confirmed by the phrase of the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov.

The leading team of the Azov Order consists of "Kalyn", "Volyn" and "Radish" known as Denis Prokopenko. There are already reports that the first one was handed over. But not the other two."

The deputy commander of the Azov Battalion, Svyatoslav Palamar, nicknamed "Kalyn", surrendered to "Azovstal", military sources said.

"Now the Donetsk state security services are cooperating with him," said a Russian military correspondent. However, a military commander from Donetsk said that "Kalyn should not have surrendered, but committed suicide with so many crimes he has committed."



FENBENDAZOLE: A collection of Articles in a zipped folder.

People keep asking about this cancer treatment (which Clif High uses along with Chaga mushroom powder) so I thought my fellow anons might like to download and share.

Includes Joe Tippens Protocol usage guide.



Apparently, in the unedited version you see on Ninoscorner.tv when juan is asked about whether JFK jr is alive and behind Q, he doesn’t answer… all other questions he answers.

I don't subscribe to Ninoscorner.tv so I can't check this. Any subscribers here?

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