HIRAM 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read what these religious leaders are saying, and I do not believe they are correct to completely denounce Q as a work of Satan. I don't see Q putting itself forward as a substitute for my faith in God (which is the true definition of antichrist––not against but in place of Christ). That will never happen because I know my Savior and He knows me, and I am grounded in my salvation by faith. In any case, there are several things wrong with their premise. Jesus said that the whole world lies in the arms of the Evil One. That means all the structures of the world system. He also said that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and if Satan casts out Satan, how would his kingdom stand? Q is exposing something devilish that is happening among the world's elite. If Q were an instrument of the devil, what would he gain by destroying that? Satan might be epitome of evil, but he's not stupid.