It only applies to those with personal assets over $100m apparently? Please correct me if I’m wrong as this is what my friends are saying. Even if it’s true, it is designed to ruin people of wealth. People like Trump.

They are so afraid of him they are literally willing to do anything to stop him.


She needs a nickname that envelopes her stupid cackles personality and lack of presidential persona. I think Kammy fits just right.


We all know Biden was a shitshow. But I can’t for one minute not be concerned that the D party just staged a complete takeover and the media is just glorifying it as the best ever. This is absolute insanity that people don’t see how they have been tricked but I have friends who are posting on FB “I’’m with her.” How do they not realize their voting rights have been completely fucked over?


Considering all that is currently known about DC limiting the resources allocated to the Trump detail prior to July 13, it is quite literally amazing that his detail was able to keep him safe. The men and women of the detail were putting their lives on the line every day in far greater danger than any other protectee for many many years. The failures that allowed July 13 to happen begin at the very top and a reckoning needs to happen in DC.


That is all.


The only way forward is as follows:

  1. 25th Biden. He’s clearly not stepping down.
  2. Allow Kamala to succeed as President. This way the keep all the campaign money raised.
  3. Barack agrees to serve as VP.

This would unfortunately be a winning ticket IMO and is completely allowable under the 25th amendment.

From Dr. Google: “In fact, the relevant constitutional provisions, their histories, and their purposes all point to the same conclusion: A twice-before-elected President may become Vice-President either through appointment or through election and — like any other Vice-President — may thereafter succeed from that office to the Presidency “


Fully vaxxed. He developed severe neurological issues about two years ago. They thought maybe ALS but he had been improving with treatment so not ALS. He went to a writing conference this week and when he returned Thursday he wasn’t feeling well and by the Friday he was dead from pneumonia. Such a sad loss for our family. He was the figurehead for the family and now he’s gone. Please pray for us.

Wow, I wasn’t expecting a sticky. Thanks mods. I have to read all the comments now but thank you all.




That is all folks.

There is currently a trend to but air chilled chicken. I used to strictly buy Costco organic chicken. But lately it’s been a watery woody mess so I’ve stopped. So I buy my chicken at the regular store. Lately I’ve heard of air chilling being preferred to water chilling and it just made sense to me. And then I had a package of Costco chicken that had so much water I couldn’t cook it correctly. I also can say they are injecting shrimp with water to weigh more so we have to spend more. I know this because I have bought several packages of frozen shrimp. I usually thaw them in water. However, if I don’t eat them immediately, the water comes out . This is all just ramblings and frustrations I have over the years with fucmery in out protein supply.


I would post this to r/dogs but I’m shadowbanned there because I subbed to TD, conspiracy and some other Covid related subs that were quarantined. You frens are my outlet RN since I’m unemployed and I don’t know any dog experts.

Anyways, I adopted a female 6yo beagle in 2020. She came to IL from TN and had recently had a litter. She was trained. Knew how to sit for things but didn’t understand English commands. So my assumption is she was a backyard breeders dog who likely spoke Spanish to her as she gets very excited when Spanish is spoken around her. Sadly, she is still looking for her original master even to this day☹️ and hasn’t really bonded with us.

My question is this…every time she falls into REM sleep she has nightmares. She growls, her feet twitch and she yelps a lot. She’s clearly having a dream of something violent happening. It happens 3-4 times per day and it’s every time she has REM sleep. She never has interactions in our everyday life that cause her to growl or yelp so this seems odd for her to be reliving some experience so disturbing that she would growl and yelp in her dreams everyday 3-4x per day for the last 4 years? Or am I wrong? Do dogs just have regular dreams of them violently fighting all the time?


I will not deny it! I don’t hate them for it! It was foretold! But it is true, the Jews killed the son of God! It’s not hate speech. The Jews were our friends but now we are divided. 🥲


I have an in person interview tomorrow and a phone interview Tuesday. This will be job option # 5 and 6 since January. Market for my field is kind of dry and I’m feeling desperate. 25 years into my career and I had no idea I would be facing financial uncertainty at this point but here I am. Both of these jobs are good opportunities but veer a bit from my career which is ok. Getting shitcanned at 25+ years has jaded me so I’m welcoming new opportunities. I appreciate each and everyone of you frens.

He is risen! (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by HeartofStone2 ago by HeartofStone2

Her biopsy confirmed it’s been growing 1-2 years so it pretty much coincides with her getting one dose of the Moderna vaccine.she didn’t have to take it, she was retired. But she did it because my husbands sister and his father were both required by their university employers to get the vaccine. She has very little body fat and needs to go through radiation. I’m afraid this isn’t going to go well for her. She was so proud of how skinny she is but now I think it would have been better if she would have had a little more fat on her. Please I know if the alternative treatments, it’s not my place at this time to go there with her as a daughter in law.


Yesterday, I came across a tik toc of someone who zoomed in on the collapse who pointed out explosions as each portion of the bridge collapsed. The link no longer goes to the video and only goes to an image now. Little sus.

Here is the link:


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