My younger son has had tinnitus for some time. He took an antibiotic not knowing it was ototoxic and his tinnitus is off the charts. He is beyond despondent. I am scared for him.
I thought I forgot to pay my bill but nope.
That is all

Chicago Prosecutor Kim Foxx fought hard to "win" re-election and thereafter announced she would be resigning at the end of her term. Many suspected at the time of the Maga Country Subway Sandwich lynching incident, that Kamala was involved in the hoax. Now the NY Post is reminding people of Kamala's support of brave Jussie. I wonder if something will happen with this in the coming weeks.
You see a lot on social media and here about doctors using off label drugs like Ivermectin for COVID but not cancer. I have a dear friend who is receptive to the idea but I think he'd be more comfortable doing so under a doctor's care. Has anyone run across doctors that are actually doing this?
Have never been able to find this information so easily on Google before. Even discussing the much maligned "DON"T DRINK BLEACH!" and describing it as "without side effects" LOL. Interdasting.
1950 - 20 Regulatory Agencies* 13 Volumes in the Code of Federal Regulations.
1970 - 26 Regulatory Agencies** and 73 Volumes in the CFR.
1990 - 32 Regulatory Agencies*** and 170 Volumes in the CFR.
2013 - 36 Regulatory Agencies**** and 235 Volumes CFR.
This is just up through 2013!!! Sauce taken from this guy's video but even if it's close.
"It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood." - James Madison.
Brilliant as Madison was he didn't anticipate that the voluminous "laws" wouldn't even be drafted by our elected representatives.
- DOL, SEC, Agriculture, Treasury, NLRB, NCUA, FCC, Dept. Interior, RRB, SSA, GSA, VA, FCA, DOD, FDIC, Dept. State, FTC, DOJ, Federal Reserve (not really a govt agency so I don't know about this one), Dept. Commerce.
** HUD, EPA, EEOC, SBA, DOT and Federal Maritime Commission added.
***Dept. Education, Energy, Futures Trading Commission, HHS, Nuclear Regulatory, Consumer Product Safety Commission.
**** Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Homeland Security, FHHA, Copyright Royalty Board.
That's why the Gorsuch appointment was so important. I was surprised he didn't author the opinion, because he had signaled that it should probably be reversed before he was on SCOTUS. I still can't believe it's been overturned. I haven't felt this way - like a kid on Christmas - since a couple of weeks after Trump was in office.
It's almost impossible to overstate what this will allow Trump to do when he gets back in. The "Dictator" has returned power to the people by dismantling the agencies and "rules" that are really laws, which are made by the true dictators. He doesn't even have to do it. It's like he planted a poison pill that was activated after he walked a way. I don't think there's any going back from this for the deep state. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming.
I am scared for them all, including my own children. There had better be some kind of reckoning.
*I found Q in the process of researching the FISA abuse stuff. 20 years earlier I had vehemently argued with my now ill friend, that W & Rino, Inc. were justified in enacting the Patriot Act because "Muh Terrorism." Liberals aren't the only people who hate to be proven wrong. ;)
Wanted to share this book which is available in print or for free in pdf version, below. I am just getting into it and many of you have probably heard of it, but it is very intriguing.
The cliff notes version so far is that if we can control and let go of certain emotions we can move up the ladder of consciousness and enlightenment. It resonates with me because what we are experiencing on a macro level is true on the micro level. We are distracted from the truth by the fear and the lies of the mind in the same way we have been distracted by the lies and fear instilled by the deep state. Not sure I am doing justice to the work but wanted to get this out to you all before the work day LOL.
Was thinking about what I thought was "Drip Drip Flood" post. Drop 3784 is actually "Slow drip > Flood". Is it me or are things really accelerating?
Had a cocktail or two this evening. ;)
She was married to Gavin Newsome for crying out loud. And she hasn't aged gracefully. I just don't get it.
I just had a weird random memory about how oppositional I was to the trend some years back where you HAD to order Iced Tea at a corporate lunch to prove your bona fides. I don't know if that's still a thing because I am self employed and will drink whatever I want thank you very much. I was always so surprised that people would do that without even ASKING, wtf does it matter? Wouldn't you be less inclined to hire someone that would roll over on their lunch beverage for no reason?
I have been seeing a lot of comments on the bank bail in thing where supposedly there's legislation that lets insolvent banks seize money on deposit. Does anyone have a research link? I think I read it was connected to Dodd/Frank. I am starting to think the big scare event is going to be massive asset seizure. That would definitely unite people and put them in a mind frame to accept the true evil nature of our overlords.
Several people have posted the Tucker interview with Rogers. I watched the whole thing at 1.5 speed (maybe dozed off for some of it). IMO there's NO WAY this guy isn't fully into the Q thing, which makes it impossible for me to believe that he is not a closet Trump supporter. He's all in for "Bobby" supposedly.
Which leads me to believe that RFK, Jr. really is there just to siphon off Biden votes. I mean, I get that Rogers has strong opinions about the vaccine so arguably its a natural fit. But almost everything else he said - about waking up, Epstein's Island, and all of if, was like he was hanging out here for the (or Voat, etc.) for the last 7 years. I don't know how anyone could get that educated anywhere else but here or the chans, and I don't see how anyone here would doubt that Q is connected to Trump. Maybe I am misreading it, but he would avoid talking about Trump like a 7th grade girl avoids talking about a boy she likes, because if she started it would be too obvious she had a mad crush. It's late and it's been a long work day, but I am almost certain now that the RFK, Jr. thing is officially part of the plan.
IDK what to believe anymore. I was trying to research this and of course because the billion dollar rehab industry is against it, I'm sus - even though the arguments against are pretty logical.
Anyone have any experience with this personally or with a loved one?
So my thrice vaxxed and boosted SIL/BIL, to give you some context, were responding to my aunt's comments about the college protests, and basically responded that these protests are fake and not grassroots. My BIL - who is definitely Big Pharma Brainwashed - was nodding "yes!" at my adding that the whole thing was clearly funded from an outside source with the matching tents, etc. Then on his own he added that a large majority of the protesters arrested were not even students.
It's a small thing I know, but at the same time, seismic.
For whatever reason this is one of the conspiracies I haven't done much independent research on. Thoughts appreciated. Mainly, how are the commercial airlines complicit if this is a real thing? How does something like this not have a whistleblower? I am seeing people like Attkinson and Naomi Wolf post about this on Twitter so I am leaning towards maybe its a thing.
The gist is that to take down the mob they had to move to a RICO strategy. But there are so many comms. In episode 2 Giuliani is taking about how the mob in NY infiltrated everything - industry, retail, the courts, etc. It was like reading a Q drop. Then twice they played clips from surveillance where the mobsters are talking about the concrete scam they were running and Trump. But it's very weird the way its done - no context whatsoever. Coincidentally yesterday I overheard someone playing a clip on social media about how Trump refused to pay his construction "workers." As if he doesn't hire companies LOL. "Bob, I am low on payroll this week gonna have to cut your pay to $10 an hour."
The concrete scam if you haven't seen the documentary was tthat the mob had rigged a scheme where seven concrete companies would bid on a job way over the true cost. The lowest bid on an $8 million job for example would be $10 million. Then the other six companies would bid over the $10 million so the lowest bid would then kickback some of the $2 million profit to the mob. They would rotate the beneficiary of the scheme so everyone made money. Sounds a lot like what we think is happening writ large with these "foundations" and "foreign aid" packages, no?
I sometimes wonder if Trump was hip to the scam and tried to negotiate off the top. And if he wasn't the informant. Reminds me of the article about him and the New Jersey mob takedown on Quodvorum. If I can find it I will link.