Except for Guillan Barre, most people I know that got very sick are boosted.
I know it's still got it's problems, but try as they may the RINOS are not going to be able to stop Trump's steamroll to nomination. He has re-hijacked the party, just like Musk and/or WH's have taken over Twitter.
We can do the same with retail, entertainment, news, etc. Why shouldn't we use the existing infrastructure where at all possible? I'm tired of them pushing us out of everything. The boycotting is difficult to maintain because these freaks are everywhere. Instead of retreating into the wilderness, we need to advance and take over. Disclaimer: this is not a wholesale rejection of needing to get back to more independent nature based living, which I agree with.

It's on Sunday Nights with "Just Human" and "Burning Bright" hosts but I usually listen after the fact and/or fall asleep and have to listen to the rest later. They always have an interesting take on things and they are funny and likable. One of the notable exchanges on the last podcast was the idea that the leak about Trump asking RFK, Jr. to be on the ticket may have been a psyop of sorts. By Trump and RFK Jr. renouncing the concept altogether, the theory they posited was that Biden voters would be more even likely to vote for RFK Jr and Trump supporters would be less likely to be wooed by him. Cement what they believe is already going to be a problem for the democratic ticket. They spitball a lot like that and it is very engaging. The point of the podcast, too, is to try to keep us all at a 30,000 view and see the psyops for what it is. Devolution Power Hour is also good. I think it's Saturday and Wednesday nights. Links to the last few episodes below. Patel Patriot is on both Power Hours with Just Human/Burning Bright on the Wednesday night show, and two other guys on the Saturday Night Show.
Just like that, so matter of fact. Started with one friend saying, "So I got COVID for the THIRD TIME!" She said something about what a waste the vaccine was. I thought, "well, it's a start." Later the other friend has a niece who has gone off the deep end. She was always a bit odd but had friends and was functional. Since the vaccine she has all these weird inexplicable ailments, and she has become such a strange hermit she's been rendered effectively disabled. The young woman thinks she has "long COVID" except she's never had COVID, so my friend and this young woman's mother connect it to the vaccine.
Mind Blown! I have in the past told them, "Don't get any more of those vaccines." It has always sort of been brushed off, their polite way of dismissing me as a lunatic. This time, they were both like, "Believe me you don't have to worry about it."
The bad news is that one of these friends' daughters has been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. She's thirty years old. The other friend went through the litany of health problems in her own immediate family. Brother had a stroke, BIL has cancer, and on and on. Finally, first friend's daughter (the autoimmune one) has a thirty two year old former grammar school classmate who was found dead in bed by her 8 year old son. No one knows what happened.
I decided it's not time yet to tell them what I think about the specific friend and family tragedies. This "layering" of information is actually working, so I am going to let it do it's job and say very general things like I did last night, such as "I think those vaccines aren't just useless, they're bad." To my surprise they not only agreed with that, but agreed that Pharma is probably actively suppressing known cures. It was such a bizarre but encouraging night. This information war is a long haul but we are winning.
Note: These are people I have known for almost fifty years and while they may have been vaxtards, I love them both. Just responding in advance to any advice to discard them for being retarded. Ain't gonna happen.
There is so much going on and yet more than in a long time I am feeling sooo impatient. It's like being 9 months pregnant for a couple of years now. I need to get busy with other things. I have checked in here and on Twitter about a million times in the last 7 days and I just re-read the same things over and over. Something fairly huge happens every day and my reaction is "yeah, what else you got?"
I am also more impatient than ever with red pilling. At this point I just tell people "For the love of God, If at this late date if you can't see that you've been taken for a ride, I really, really can't help you." I have noticed that it takes them off guard in a way that it would not have two/three years ago. There is definitely a crack in the Matrix I just wish the damn thing would bust open already.
No one laughed.
I've been listening to Devolution Power Hour and they are suggesting that maybe there will be another stolen election, but it will be over the top obvious and cartoonish. Unlike 2020, where the only way for Trump & Co. to avoid major civil unrest was to (pretend to) walk away, the only way to avoid major civil unrest will be for the military to come in and make sure Biden is never sworn in. That got me to thinking about the 11.11.18 military parade post. It's kind of a delta date fag but here it is anyway:
As an aside, they really don't trust Tucker Carlson.

Her vaccinated caregiver tested positive two and a half weeks ago. The only reason she tested is because my Mom was supposed to go to a church thing. So, my Mom and her caregiver didn't go.
Enter the COVID Christmas hysteria.
One of my siblings then decided that my mother, who had a runny nose, had to get tested. She tested positive. Then said sibling decided not only that my mom couldn't go to the extended family Christmas even "five days after she was asymptomatic wearing a mask" which is apparently the new bullshit rule. AND, that no one should have direct contact with her. AND, that anyone that did have direct contact with shouldn't go to extended family Christmas either, even if they tested negative. So I was banished, and adult children that flew into to town for Christmas were banished. Not because they were with my Mom. Because they were with me, who was with my mom, who was barely sick, and clearly not sick enough to get me sick.
It was awful and I don't think the rift will be healed anytime soon. I became persona non grata because I decided to take my chances so as not to isolate a little old lady at Christmas. The irony? I (unvaccinated) took some MMS and didn't get sick notwithstanding that I have been with my mom every day since. Prolly because unvaccinated people exposed to a real virus then thave broad based immunity - something everyone in the world used to know.
So, my unvaccinated mom was less sick than the vaccinated and boosted caregiver that got her sick in the first place, and I wasn't sick at all. Yet we are the problem. The good news is my elderly mom will probably never get it again. The bad news is she was heartbroken at Christmas, and she probably does not have a lot of Christmas's left.
The Daily Mail article and other recent news stories about Republican Congressman being blackmailed keeps reminding me of the movie LA Confidential. The subplot of the women being "cut" to look like movie stars who were prostitutes was a toned down version of what really goes on. A VERY toned down version obviously. The scene where the guy from Mentalist show is gay, and is set up to blackmail someone and he ends up dead. The "Hush hush" reporter played by Danny Devito. Whoever wrote that script was totally in the know.
This info war is really demoralizing sometimes. You think you find something authentic and then its attacked by someone you thought was authentic, and then you don't know what to think. I thought AJ was Mossad. But also thought Tucker was probably a good guy. But then Tucker kind of embraces AJ. Who also interviewed General Flynn. Q appears to support Flynn but not AJ.
Anyhoo, I listen to DEFECTED and DEVOLUTION POWER HOUR on Badlands, and they often mention this Kate Awakening person. So I just entered Kate Awakening into the search bar here at GA to find out what her deal was, because there's not a lot of easily searchable stuff for her real name on the internet. Only to find that a year ago there were questions regarding her connections to MOSSAD and Playboy, etc. Which of course implicates Patel Patriot, right? Reminds me of when people were talking about Papadopolous's wife being his handler. Does anyone know what if anything ever came of those accusations?
Here is a link to a discussion that took place on this last year:
I am pretty convinced this works as good as an antibiotic and just as quickly. Pretty life changing for me.
Side note - If I haven't taken it in a long while, like over 9 months, I have stomach issues for one day. TMI a little bit, but for people that really need to know, one very sour stomach and stinky bathroom visit. That's about the worst of it. It really does seem like you killed something off. But if it has been 4 months or so no reaction at all. Totally anecdotal but I do believe there must be something to taking an anti-parasitic from time to time for general health.
This alternative health stuff is its very own rabbit hole. I'm already seven years in on Pizzagate, 911, the Bushes, Pelosis, Podestas, Clinton Arkansas cartel, NoName, Disney, etc. I feel like at my age I have to relearn everything I thought I knew about everything. It's interesting, but also overwhelming. Most of what we think we knew was a lie.
If it works this will be the third time. I may be able to stop taking antibiotics for this. I will update in a day or two.