Avid Ivermectin advocate and use it. Still I have to acknowledge that I did catch "it" at one point, and it did leave me wth a couple stubborn issues. No I've never had tests or jabs. Always a healthy person. I have never had the susceptibility to allergic skin reactions and bronchial phlegm hanging on and on, that I do now. So aggravated. I know about Zelenko Protocol. Besides NAC for congestion, any suggestions about constant allergic skin stuff? The Allwell doctor by phone recommended Claritin and real Sudafed and they help symptoms but I need to get at the cause.
Avid Ivermectin advocate and use it. Still I have to acknowledge that I did catch "it" at one point, and it did leave me wth a couple stubborn issues. No I've never had tests or jabs. Always a healthy person. I have never had the susceptibility to allergic skin reactions and bronchial phlegm hanging on and on, that I do now. So aggravated. I know about Zelenko Protocol. Besides NAC for congestion, any suggestions about constant allergic skin stuff? The Allwell doctor by phone recommended Claritin and real Sudafed and they help symptoms but I need to get at the cause.
Avid Ivermectin advocate and use it. Still I have to acknowledge that I did catch "it" at one point, and it did leave me wth a couple stubborn issues. No I've never had tests or jabs. Always a healthy person. I have never had the susceptibility to allergic skin reactions and bronchial phlegm hanging on and on, that I do now. So aggravated. I know about Zelenko Protocol. Besides NAC for congestion, any suggestions about constant allergic skin stuff? The Allwell doctor by phone recommended Claritin and real Sudafed and they help symptoms but I need to get at the cause. They mentioned prednisone but really rather not.
Stickers too! I'm not equipped but hope others can do. I did not like the orange man stuff but whatever works!
The search engines have slipped and slipped, less quality and skimpy results, for images. With yandex finally have a source of high quality again. Good job, you Russians!!🤩

If this is what normies are being spoon fed, then no wonder they feel the way they do. Levin's video is so repulsive, so blatant a manipulation, I have to go take a shower. As soon as I can go copy the link a gullible friend sent me, without gagging, I will come add it to my useless pitiful rant.
Just wasted a precious hour of my work-at-home day on a reasonable quest for a photo of a pregnant Killary. Nuttin' "no-ways no-how" to quote a pandering HRC. If anybody knows of such a photo, though, please indicate.
Sad everyone who does has to apologize. We link to where things come from among limited options at present. It is also how we take the pulse of the echo chamber of the masses; some good, some bad. When Truth Social is up, will the liberals post there? Of course, but it will largely be defensive or attacks. Fb and other places will refect their general consensus when they are among their fellow sheep and feel less threatened. For that reason alone, the Leftie sites are useful to us here.
Yea! Ivermectin even ends gastro-enteritis! Iver is a friend to all.
? This appears to be Truth Social. Though I thought his site would be called Truth Social, so I'm a little confused. This site works very well and is easy to navigate. Sorry, no link, I only found it by searching for an app called Truth Social in my android playstore.
I cannot find how to save her video! And if you go to youtube to see her, it is not there either. Please go to IG and see it if you can. She does spots on The Daily Blast but not this vid! Is this how it's going to be for American convoys? Secret from citizens? Far far worse than the way it's being handled in Canada!! See my comment re Lynn Minor having this video. She is on FB.
This always bothered me... but now as we do so, if we must, because of hatred against us as non-vaxxed, I understand it. To do what is righteous can make pulling away, necessary.
Valleyvet.com 7.99 each, now. It's gone down
It seems like GA is not like usual today and showing the variety of current event related posts.