
Normies waking up.

One comment on the big reddit thread has a user saying

"As a result her Wikipedia page currently says there was a mass protest on Reddit because Redditors "suspected" she had been hired. Also her Wikipedia page is locked to editing by admins only"

Also a different user

"Even by Wikipedia standards, they whitewashed the absolute hell out of her page."

Another article from 2018 on "Aimee", has a few details on what transpired in the attic, as one could imagine, it's sick. https://archive.is/Trah1


Audio available as audio, if you don't want to give YouTube the click.



Have you noticed that the enemy routinely attacks individuals who support President Trump as being QAnon conspiracy theorists? Why? Because it is the favorite accusation de jour to demean and attack the messenger.

I believe in God, not Q. I follow Jesus Christ, not QAnon. I don’t know who Q is. I don’t know what QAnon stands for assuming such an organized group even exists.

God is real. I reached that conclusion by faith, not by sight. Having made that decision by faith, I then see God everywhere. In the beauty of the land, in the magnificence of the sky. In the love of other people. In the puppies.

The enemy will not directly attack me based on my belief in God. So he attacks me by falsely claiming I am a QAnon conspiracy theorist.

Don’t be fooled by the accusations against the messenger. Most are false.

Focus on the message.

I'm new here, if this is considered low quality, feel free to move on.

I realize all of the below is quite the stretch on any level, and I may be "doing this wrong".

As an aside I lost power at the place I'm currently residing for roughly 30 seconds as I was about to post this. Complete coincidence I'm sure, but that was interesting.

One of the latest comments in the video (sort by new) mentioned Metcalf, so it provided a spark for just what came to me with that info.

It references "about 45 seconds into it"

Metcalf played Neidermeyer in Animal House.

End credits of Animal house has captions on screen reading something to the effect of, killed in Vietnam by his own troops in '63.

Backstabbing reference?


"In more upbeat war shows, he's usually forced to learn An Aesop about his awful command style and adjust his behavior in a way that either changes him into a likable officer or +++results in his resignation, demotion, or transfer to a more suitable post.+++

In more cynical war movies, there will be no escape from this petty and obnoxious brute, and the men simply grouse and wait for the day someone on the opposing side will get lucky and catch him in the crosshairs. +++The troops might even conspire to frag him themselves if they get tired of waiting for the enemy to do the job.+++

If he is too tough to frag, though, the (un)lucky survivor of his tirades will become either a +++Yes-Man with no more backbone than he started off with, with a sense of "loyalty" to him, or The Dragon who seeks to become his successor when he moves on.+++ [Pence?] In a best-case scenario, the successor may show much competence and merely view the man as a Cynical Mentor or Drill Sergeant Nasty, but not always. In this case, the other troops will remain as spiteful as ever, but find that the converted will easily take care of any sort of mutiny they try to pull off.

Fun fact: "Neider" in German means "Envier", making Neidermeyer's name a Meaningful Name. [What is the definition of Trump? A dependable and exemplary person. To get the better of] "

There's also a reference at the link of a Sister Trope [Twisted Sister?].

Since I'm new, again I apologize if this is considered low quality.

I may be reading too much into it, just take the video at face value we're not gonna take it anymore...

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