They Have to Follow the Chain of Command - Or its Treason. So They Needed An Outsider to Run For POTUS - To Be Able to Clean House Without Committing Treason.
They Knew Everything But Were Unable to Act on the Intel They Had.
There is a Massive co ordinated Effort to make Q followers Look Like Terrorists or Just barmy lunatics from MSM Big Teck and now even TD.W is full of shills pushing the same shit - Divide and Conquer - They Have to Destroy Q whatever it is or was as Q REDPILLED More people across the planet to the goings on of the
Elites and Criminals within our or there own government let alone the degeneracy of Hollywood...
They Know They Have Been Exposed - i am Expecting the Effort to put the gene Back in the Bottle will Be Long Fought - The Plan to save the world was to wake up the populations of the world to the Depraved and Corrupt acts of the Ruling Classes and there Minions - That Did more Damage to them than Trump Ever could as POTUS. you would think if it is real it would be on there own outlet - why no one mentions this is beyond me - just sayin
Soudi has closed its borders the UK in Lockdown and Isolation - even the channel tunnel is closed