No matter what evidence is provided, half of this country will not accept him as president. I don't think he wants to continue to put his family through this. I DO believe he is going to pull this off. But I'm really starting to believe he is going to step aside after like many have said. This is why he keeps saying "new administration" and not "Biden administration." He has done his duty. He has one last thing to do and he can walk away.

Let me add some clarification. HE WILL WIN! HE WILL PULL THIS OFF! MASS ARRESTS WILL HAPPEN! I'm saying AFTER all of this goes down, he MIGHT step aside.


The media is always brainwashing their following. They have been saying President Trump would attempt a military coup since back in February. There have been numerous articles about this. This is all in preparation for when it does happen, they control the narrative and the "normies" believe Trump is actually doing this instead of saving the damn country.

This was the exact thing they did with the mail in ballots. President Trump was calling out the fraud for months, including tweets from June laying out their plan to use foreign ballots to the T. They set it up saying the election fraud claims are baseless and we will have a free and fair election.

This is exactly what they do. They try to get ahead and control the narrative. Not only have they been saying Trump will attempt a "military coup," but they have been trying to actively discredit Q and label anyone that follows the plan as crazy. They use it as a derogatory term left and right to immediately attempt to discredit someone.

This tells me all I need to know. The plan is real...and they are scared shitless... because IT. IS. HAPPENING!!


Has our timeline been wrong on this? It is always said that Q does things out of order. The 10th Mountain was activated back in June for the riots! In fact, the media kept saying he was going to use them to force a military coup and postpone the election! Maybe we do not have to wait for them anymore, their part is already done?




The initial amount called in for the "riots" on the 6th were about 500. They quickly bumped those numbers up to 6,200, then 15,000 and now 20,000. Big deal right?

To put this into perspective, when units deploy overseas, they generally deploy on the battalion or regimental level. You have your individual person, multiple people make up a squad generally around 10-15, multiple squads make a platoon, multiple platoons make a company, multiple companies make up a battalion, multiple battalions make up the regiment or brigade, multiple regiments or brigades make up a division. The battalions generally range from a few hundred to a 1,000 troops and the regiments are 3-5k troops. A division makes up 10-15k troops.

We officially have enough to make up at least 1 very large division or 2 smaller ones currently in, or being sent to, our nations capital.

This is the same amount of troops we had in Afghanistan back in 2004.

20,000 troops in DC is a staggering amount. So the next question is...why? They will not be the ones doing the arrests when they go down. Which means they are there to stop the unrest that comes afterwards....or if the arrests don't come at all. This means they are either there for us, or them...Since President Trump is the one with the sole authority to order them into DC...I like our odds of who they are there to stop from rioting.

Let’s start with the doomer path first. We keep going on the widely PERCEIVED course we are on. Biden is inaugurated, the dems take the house, senate, and White House. This leads to complete censorship of all Republicans and mass persecution. They are already openly talking about “re-education camps” for us.

This sets of a chain reaction though. We are the last beacon of hope. Without us, China takes over the world. We would be completely demoralized. There are talks of civil war left and right but let’s be real here, if Trump just stepped down without showing the fool proof evidence his team has been promising, we would be so demoralized that and cut off from everyone that I don’t think we would be able to get organized enough to have a legit overthrow of China or government.

This would fulfill parts of the book of revelation. We would have a one world government and the persecution of Christians. We would stand no chance until the Lord comes back to lead us in the fight.

The other option follows the plan. Q was right all along and this was a massive military sting operation. Our military overthrows our electors and, working with other countries, takes down corruption and evil around the world. But it would start here.

If and when Trump and the military pull this off, the left is going to absolutely flip shit. You feel the uneasiness on both sides. The news comments on a possible military coup. They know what is coming. This is why the national guard is there. They will be able to put a stop to any riot. Antifa would not stand a chance. BLM would also likely riot. But once again, these riots would get shut down very quickly.

The issue is the next part. Portions of NATO controlled by the deep state will decide to interfere. Possibly China as well. They would step foot on our soil to help “save our democracy.”

Because our military will likely be torn during the riots, some will likely side with the democrats, we will be much more vulnerable. This is when the right will stand up and join our military to fight side by side with them. The left would welcome the foreign countries just like they always do, with open arms. Throwing us into a full blown world war again...except it would be everyone against us...in which case...the Lord will still possibly be coming back then and leading us.


I mean, his tweets have definitely been messages. They match up perfectly to the a shitload of the messAges from Q. He was the former director of the CIA so when it comes to psyop shit like this, who would be better at it then him? He is a trusted advisor for Trump and he straight up smiled and said there will be a smooth transition to another Trump term, he knew this because he knows the plan because he is Q.

Sorry if this is already known, I’m kind of new to this. I know the general scope of it but have never started digging into the actual individual q drops until the other day, or however they are referred. But I mean, it just seems obvious that it’s him after all the tweets lately.

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