Sidney Powell or General Flynn in awhile, I may have missed things. They were (are) so influential. Theories?

2Pe 3:13 But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
The only remaining 'virtue' of EV over ICE is that the cost of 'refueling' is significantly less. Now with the shift in energy costs, charging costs are near that of gas refueling. See the article link below. Already, the notion that EVs are less harmful to the environment and are safer have both been resoundingly debunked. Nevermind that the upfront cost is for the rich and not for the majority of us hard working folks. Oh and the minor inconvenience of being stranded while searching for a charging station that works. Going on a trip, you'll need to spend lot's of time planning and accounting for many contingencies. Replace your battery, forget it! The real cost of EV ownership, upfront to operation to disposing, is astronomical when compared to ICE. I'm convinced those buying EVs are just virtual signaling and at that have no basis to do so - notice how so proud they are of themselves when they buy one and can't wait to show you to shame you - hmm kinda like the vaccine. EVs is just another big scam being perpetrated by the elites using junk 'science' to control the masses.
Since Covid is over, has been for a long time, why are the poisons still being pushed and allowed under EUA. Revoke EUA and all the poisons are immediately pulled and the ‘mandates’ evaporate. How / who declared EUA?
The Cleveland Browns now have 14 that tested positive for Covid and at this time can’t play on Saturday against Las Vegas. All are vaccinated. The LA Rams I understand have 9 testing positive. All are vaccinated. I would think the whole world, vaxxed and pure alike, would be asking WTF?
I simply searched on the number of Q post occurrences for each of the above phrases where x__ denotes the quantity. I try to reconcile these statements with what is actually happening - where real lives are actually being affected, lockdowns, people losing jobs, people unnecessarily suffering and dying. I thought "the end won't be for everyone" was more frequent but has always stuck with me as being significant. Is this in reference to the unconvertable 4-6%. Does it refer to the end of a movie or show where one is dissatisfied with it as not being plausible or not having closure or simply not liking it? Or does it refer to the end not being shall we say kind to everyone; i.e., the Satanists, cabal, illuminati et al meet their demise while the rest of the world is freed? But look at the number of refences to "watching" and "show", very passive. And the huge number of "Enjoy" admonishments. How are we to just "watch" and "enjoy" this - it can only be that the end has been predetermined and our faith is what gets us to that ultimate conclusion. I'm reminded in writing this Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice"

May just be local gossip on the local NextDoor app but people are observing the sudden disappearance of birds and also squirrels here in my Ohio community. We noticed oddly that as of 2 weeks ago no birds are visiting our feeder. Can others vouch for this? Odd? If real, what does it mean?
A question. Why are the 5 eye nations locked down so severely, CAN, UK, NZ and AUS? The US is pushing back towards. The difference is we are armed. But why so hard the other 4 relative to other nations?
All needs to be broken up and dismantled – this is how the Deep State consolidates its power and creates leverage for global reach. The Great Awakening needs to result in a return of power to us, local communities, small businesses, community banks. We start by buying from local small businesses, buy from local fresh food markets, don’t buy from Amazon, Walmart, etc. Cancel Netflix, ESPN, etc. Never watch MSM (duh). Question any meds you are taking, if you are on more than a handful likely you are being hurt. Natural remedies are available – search and you find local sources. Delete your facebook, google, etc accounts – they simply are not needed. Use rumble, bitchute, etc. for content. Wherever power is consolidated and wielded against the people. Specific unions need to be neutered, e.g., Teacher Union.
Step daughter is saying unless she has proof of vaccination she will have to wear a mask all-day at school next school year. We live in Ohio. We are adamantly against vaccinations. Is this even legal, it is wrong and evil yes, but what legal standing and recourse does one have to fight this?
Wondering if at large people are seeing crews working on the poles where the emergency/warning speakers are mounted. In my immediate area here in northeast Ohio we have seen crews working either to maintain or install new ones.
With no senators objecting - can this only be that they all agreed to this during the time original proceedings were interrupted and they were sequestered separately from the house? Why? What was said and by whom? Grassley leading them and he is to be trusted according to Q. So how does this play into the plan? To further entrap the treason!