Whats the latest? Are we hodling? I havent seem anyone mention stonks in awhile.
I want to start off by saying the most important part first and then I will give my economic breakdown:
Life is hard for everyone right now and the world is going to crap. In times like these the most important thing you can do is focus on family, faith, mental health, physical health and your inner circle of friends and people you care about.
Always remember that while our job is to help awaken others, News and media literally make money off demoralizing you so even when you react to tranny story time, olympic ceremonies, etc. You are quite literally feeding the system because fear sells and the more views and shares you give something the more they profit even when you are fighting the system.
Im not saying avoid hot topics, but the reality of the situation is that most of the stuff we react to does not affect our daily life and will have to be changed slowly via politics and culture once Q team cleans up the election rigging (hopefully soon).
Worry about things that you CAN control first, especially if you have faith in the Q plan and keep yourself mentally strong. This isnt going to be a super quick process and even if they arrest all the corruption the battle for hearts and minds will continue starting with those around you more than random internet trolls half of which we know are fake/CIA bots/etc.
Now for my take on economics: Lately i have seen A LOT of borderline dooming posts implying the old system will completely collapse and gold and silver are the only safe thing or even DJT dtock, gamestop etc. While i do believe those are great money making opporunities for those with spare cash (i own some myself), I honestly think that view is fake news and dooming.
Not everyone here can afford physical metals and i guarantee you whatever the Q team has planned doesnt involve wiping out the entire middle/working classes stocks and 401k and if it somehow does then there will be a plan in place because they know that would destory the fabric of society and even have global implications that are disastrous.
While i do think the old system will be removed somehow, even the Q team knows an economic collapse would destabalize society and literally kill MILLIONS of people. Nothing about that sounds like the Q plan that most of us here believe in. As a matter of fact if that happens i would be the first to suggest the Q plan failed.
It is HIGHLY unlikely that there will ever be a very rapid economic collapse and Q specifically said loss of life will be mitigated which means whatever the future holds, it will likely be a phased roll out of a new system not a switch that is flipped overnight. Economics are incredibly complicated and i believe the plan will likely go something like this: 1 - redistribution of some wealth from corruption as they correct the stock market (whatever that looks like) 2 - capping interest rates on credit cards, mortgages, loans, etc. So that banks cant rake us over the coals 3 - redo the tax code and lower tax rates to something reasonable or at least provide massive tax incentives to encourage home schooling, farming, manufacturing, and other things that benefit society as a whole. 4 - financial transparency requirements using blockchain or similar tech for future politicians so that people cannot hide bribes and crap through shell corporations and friends and family. 5 - removal of the fed so that average working class people can actually plan for and enjoy retirement without random inflation and economic reset worries that wipe out their savings 6 - removal or partial repayment of debts owed to corrupt corporations (credit cards, student loans, etc) Note: i dont know exactly what the plan is but those bullet points are all rational reasonable steps, any one of which would massively benefit the average person.
Summary: If you trust the plan then calm down because it will all work out. Pray and Focus on the ones you love and protect your mental health and love your fellow humans even when they are liberal crazies who have bought into propaganda. Hard times call for hard men/women who are prepared for the worst but working towards the best and we cant help others if we live in fear constantly.
Its going to be okay! Dont let the fear get to you. Thats what the enemy and the devil himself are banking on.
Once you are free from fear you are basically unstoppable. That fact alone keeps them up at night and that is why they try to keep us in a state of fear. Dont play their game.
I love you all. Stay strong frogs! 🐸
What if infowars is like the sale of twitter and can now be purchased by a new pro free speech buyer?
I know a lot of people on here arent Jones fans but me and many others have him to thank for our original awakening and he does have a die hard following. With the right hosts i think they could turn it around into something even bigger.
Maybe we find out officially about sandy hook somewhere in the process?
Idk. Its just a thought. Maybe there is something bigger on the horizon or maybe new owners "uncover" some hidden truths either good or bad.
Does anyone know when the last day is to buy warrants?
Also am I understanding correctly that warrants are almost “free money” given that you can buy them for 27.70 and then I believe 11.50 a share at a later date when it is trading at 66 a share? Or is there still risk involved?
This is my first time ever having warrants so I want to get a professionals understanding of it if possible!
I won’t apologize for Netflix because I ignore their weird stuff but this new docuseries “the octopus murders” is absolutely INSANE.
It’s almost like the Q conspiracy just way more focused on a few central players but the web it reveals (if true) is widespread.
I just started episode 3 and So far We got the DOJ stealing software illegally through contract fraud/conspiracy, firing and hiring new judge when they lost the case and then canceling the award money. Taking the software and allegedly using it for international spying with back doors to adversary and allies, random strange murders, a super sketchy tiny Indian reservation with ties to massive security corporations and Iran contra possibly
The documentary didn’t even focus on this but guess who was head of Indian affairs when this was going on? songbird NoName, a crowd favorite.
We also have Reagan campaign allegedly paying Iran to steal the election from Carter, threats from anonymous DOJ contacts then using DEA to arrest them for over 20 years for something that is usually a few years.
Has anyone watched it? What did you think?
This is the kind of 🔥 that can lead normies to water and MAYBE make them drink 😂
Are any of y'all getting sick with a crazy cough, unexplainable sore throat, or any other weird symptoms?
Wife and I did not get Covid vax, my oldest hasn’t had vax in 7 years and won’t have any more, and my youngest is completely vax free but we have still been catching all kinds of crap and I’m starting to wonder if there is something sketchy going on making people sick. We live a pretty normal life in a mid size city but the cough we got lasted weeks and went through all of us.
My son is in childcare a couple days a week and the older one goes to middle school so maybe we were unlucky and just caught some from their germs?
Just want some outside thoughts. I rarely get sick in the past.
This is sort of off topic from normal Q talk but I am curious this communities take on the sandy hook shooting since everyone is still at different levels of awakening and digging:
Do you think sandy hook was:
1: false flag where students were killed
2: false flag where no one died and it was a PR stunt for gun control
3: Other
Personally I lean towards #2 especially after they tried to say alex jones owes 1 billion dollars to the families which is over the top absurd for any defamation lawsuit especially when the trial was very questionable.
I like to occasionally look back at events and see if I missed any evidence or news that this community caught. (Batman theater shooting was a weird one, Vegas, and even parkland all had strange happenings but for the purpose of this post I want thoughts on SH
So he has some pretty wild beliefs and he is still involved in some proceedings but around the 50 minute mark he says he was escorted for a very specific reason but that he can not disclose yet.
He also knows a LOT about intelligence and stats about how many need to be awake, etc.
Idk his whole history but I get the feeling this guy is part of a larger operation by white hats
Couldn’t find a link other than YouTube.
Patrick Henry said give me liberty or give me death and is a founding father. Mcarthyism was the red scare where we ousted commies.
The Q team is literally having a blast with this.
I’m just saying what are the odds..and no one seems to be talking about it
Top Kek. Hat Tip to the white hats and all the operators out there making this happen.
I have been thinking about what would actually destroy the media in the minds of normies and I have a wild theory:
Remember when they re-legalized propaganda and articles were written about how they were going to be AI generating news with the CIA and others?
Then a few years later they released the deep fake queen video and Obama and bush, etc. and the media started going absolutely insane about how deep fakes could destroy democracy and destabilize the world and lost their collective minds. Why? They love propaganda tools? Unless…
What if they knew that they were going to be replaced due to all of their shady treasonous and/or pedo connections and they realized the tech was going to be used against them because they were going to be in gitmo or executed while the white hats run the same plan and no one even knows they are MIA.
We know Trump has been calling them fake news for eternity and we know we were told we were watching a movie. What if all of them are already off the chessboard and this is the final operation to prove the media really was “fake news” while also discrediting them by following their propaganda plan and showing how degenerate they are.
Big reveal is that all of the news we have been watching is quite literally fake AI generated news and the whole time normies thought it was real. Shatters their belief system more than it already has been and exposes the whole media simultaneously.
It’s a wild idea but one of the only ways I can think of to take MSM down.
I think this is significant. For those who don’t know to look up the opening ceremony and CERN
White hats? Or coincidence?

Ever since the odd Q dissapearance nothing makes sense except that trump is not some secret mastermind and parts of the plan had no real contingencies.
It never made sense for Q in the darkest hour of election fraud to dissapear. It also never made sense for big tech not to be stopped, vaccines to be pushed, and at a certain point it never made sense to give crypric hat tips to our community instead of calling to action.
I want to believe. Trump is well intentioned and so is his family, but the level of corruption and evil is so hard to contemplate that i honestly think they were blindsided. Its okay to honestly question whats going on without dooming.
This isnt as bad as the gothard tunnel but some serious illuminati satanic vibes. This link is the partial the full ceremony is longer.
I live in alabama and due to high heat index our utility company is issuing "voluntary curtailment" from 2pm to 5pm to reduce the load on the plant. Something tells me the voluntary part is temporary...
Ill be clear that it is sweltering outside with heat index arpund 105 and im in a rapidly growing city but am curious if anyone else is seeing their power companies send out these notices? I have heard of it in commiefornia but never in the south locally.
So i dont think trump endorsed any of our candidates and i have been out of the loop. What candidates are you liking if you are an AL voter? Im in North alabama area so depending where you are some local races may be the same.
Musk Pro/Con list:
Pros: -Cares about free speech -pisses off the SEC and various agencies constantly -trump trusted him enough to be one of the outside advisors -progressive but realisitic on crypto currency
Cons: -neural link is transhumanism -grandad was a technocrat -has 2 children with grimes whose music videos are super creepy and illuminatiesque. I also just discovered he had one child die allegedly from sids...might be worth a dig to see if there is other info? -constantly makes promises he cant actually deliver on with his companies or he runs many years behind -Believes AI will beat humanity and we will be forced to join it to survive(see neural link and transhumanism)
- most of his companies exist due to massive governmend subsidies and contracts...not actual brilliance. (Green energy tax benefits, etc...)
What am i missing anons? Any pros or cons? In my book i still lean towards him being shady cause everything about neural link and having babies with a super creepy music artist screams NWO control.
I am a total noob to warrants and am seeking some answers. I own a couple hundred shares of DWACW and no matter how much I read I still do not fully understand how it works.
1: What is the estimated date of this merger and does it appear to still be going smoothly (From what I can find it sounds like everything is still good)
2: Once the merger happens what are the total additional fees to convert each warrant into stock ?
As an example lets assume warrants are $30 when it succeeds which is close to today's price: What would the fee structure look like and what would be the potential gains assuming DWAC is at $100 when everything completes.
3: Not seeking formal financial advice but is it better to own DWAC stock outright or go deeper on warrants since you stand to gain a lot more at this current juncture with a little more risk?
Talk to me like I know nothing. Kek. Thank you in advance!
I just wanted to post about my hospital stay experience currently since many here dont work around healthcare and often times it is hard to see what is really happening in the hospitals. I am in the south for a reference point since obviously some states would likely have far different policies.
Background: My wife and I are both unvaxxed and were 30 weeks pregnant when this adventure started I have been at the hospital about 2 weeks now. My wifes water broke and we were on bed rest for a week before she got an infection she couldnt shake and they made the decision to deliver via C section at 31 weeks and 2 days (original due date Feb 25th). Mom is doing much better but still battling infection so still in hospital and baby is healthy as a horse born at 4lb 3oz (big for 31 weeks) rocking in the chair on my chest as i type this but still in nicu till he can bottle/breastfeed on his own.
Observations: 1: people wear masks but it isnt really taken as seriously as you would think. They have even let me take it off some while spending time with my little one in nicu. Funny how he can lay on my chest with the worlds deadliest virus huh?
2: they changed the covid policy yesterday so that no one can visit the baby except mom and I. Until yesterday anyone can visit as long as it was one at a time with a parent present. Only me and one other can visit my wife the duration of her stay, no more rotating visitors allowed. My 9 year old is not allowed to visit either way because he isnt 16 which is not cool but probably common for nicu :( Apparently "covid is on the rise" thanks to nomnomnicron or whatever the virus of the day is.
3: nicu nurse said the past year or so they have seen closer to 75 babies at a time instead of around 60. Are more people having babies because of covid boredom or could vax be increasing likelihood of preemies? Regional hospital so it isnt just our city, many things could possibly account for this but it seemed significant to her.
4: nicu nurse said they are not happy with the new changes to visitor policy themselves. Even the ones who are actually worried about covid. They have families too after all and some have grandkids and kids on the way.
5: overall this wing of the hospital does not seem panicked by covid and i have not heard anyone overly concerned nor any rumours about overcrowding.
6: They tested my wife once for covid and flu and she was negative and it has not been mentioned again. Amazingly they never required me to get tested or even required a temperature check...also stunning since we are being ravaged by a deadly virus.
7: the nurses overall have been great and caring to us and to baby. No clue how many are vaxxed here but no one has been pushy about anything or preachy about vax.
8: they have not pushed the vax at all other than on initial check in when they asked if mom was vaxxed. Never asked me if i wanted it or anything. They said no vaccines are given without consent except RSV and that is only if the lung specialist doctor orders it for baby (this is not common, only for preemies or babies with respiratory issues at birth). They did mention hep b vax and gave us a flyer for it but he is too young and i told them ill pass on signing that waiver and they werent bothered by that at all.
9: feel free to ask questions about anything i did not address and i will do my best to answer. Long story short in my area they dont seem to be too worried about anything except the from an admin/policy standpoint.
I was thinking this week that it makes me really nervous that we are trying to resolve this corruption through a corrupt legal system. I know military is the only way but that comes with its own set of risky issues.
If the plan doesnt end in the complete destruction of the fed, interest rates/lending, legal structure rework, schooling, and even requirements for politicians with transparency then i am going to go out on a limb and say it isnt a very good plan.
I feel like devolution is a bit of a pipe dream but at the same time anything short of a reset is going to have us right back here in 100 years or less just like the first time.