thank you...I'm not too clever and if you knew me you'd know that's kind of who I
I agree that her mind won't be changed it's just that I know for a fact I do a TON more research than she does as she's listening to the 30 second blurbs on local news. I do sincerely try to train my mind to sift through as much as I can stand and then formulate an's probably more of a mental exercise on my part....or possibly pride...who knows.
...getting stronger everyday...and your kind words are extremely appreciated. I have been pleasantly surprised at all the good....kind...and Godly folks. Makes my heart happy.
Wow! also very pure and pointed info...easily digested...Thanks
gratitude....thank you for that kindness
thanks...that's a great piece of concise info
64 year old female...feverishly trying to catch up with you all. Living in Oklahoma...thank God! I lurk and learn...Thanks for being a safe place to turn to amid the insanity of the world. I'm lousy at red-pilling my friends at this point but am still working on it. I've learned a LOT since January and my far to go...
Thanks for that sincere offer, Ryan. I am a 64 yo female....awake only since January 2021 unfortunately. I lurk and learn from the amazing minds on here and am grateful you offered to answer can all be quite intimidating and so much for a mind to hold onto.
Whew...I feel armed now...and steps