JesusisKing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Proud boys have their own thing going

JesusisKing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen!!! :)

Very happy to wake up to this, and so far no bad news!!

JesusisKing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeet he can spit strait fire about adrenachrome and the cabal for 5 minutes easy I’ll send it to you privately when we’re done this weekend :)

JesusisKing 1 point ago +1 / -0

What us? It’s a one way road though cuz obviously all is Qtards are Trump fanatics and just some of the MAGA normies Who literally have just not taken the time to investigate seem to hate us.

My belief on that is the Christian overtones cause some people who have demons to really lash out at people with hope but who knows. There’s a lot amongst our ranks who make connections out of stuff that is simply not there but I would rather have them than not :)

JesusisKing 1 point ago +1 / -0

We live in a fractal reality don’t get lost in the hall of mirrors.

JesusisKing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Love it bro left a comment and saved! Can I send to my brother to rap over?? He’s phenomenal

JesusisKing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly though, with ANTIFA being so retarded they might only cause in-fighting if the did try and LARP as us...which is extremely ironic as well. God is in control that's all i can say.

JesusisKing 2 points ago +2 / -0

See my above comment, it's odd because I know firsthand this is the ONLY issue that we can whole-heartedly agree with the BLM NORMIES on (not the hardliners they won't ever accept the end reality) but the whole plan was to hijack their pathos and reflect it against the DNC. This is supposed to happen naturally and spontanuoesly but I still am so so worried about a literally perfactly deep state timed reverence before the RNC smackdown and after the dumpster fire DNC convention.

JesusisKing 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel a Charlottesville tomorrow. Please pray pray pray this evening if you are reading this.

I recall people deep in comment sections the night before puting out warnings that something would happen but nothing like the visibility we have on this today. Literally first thing in the AM i saw were the Q accounts on instagram REALLY butt-hurt that their was a rally organized outside of their network.

Ideally these spontaneous events would start to occur more frequently as things pick up steam but the vibes in these videos are way off.

I will say this for the record though. Without doxxing myself i can tell you I was at an event for #STC a couple weeks ago and I was side by side marching with a pink haired feminist in my full MAGA garb. One side of her sign said End Racism and the other said Save the Children. Was she an operative? No. Was she a person who found overlap with her emotional appeal? Probably. Many Many were just churchgoers who thought it was a just cause without knowing the depths of the narrative. There actually wasn't 1/10th of the MAGA support I assumed there would be.

This should actually be a non-partisan issue and I am ok with that. I don't want us to completely discount the possibility of winning over normies! THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT!

JesusisKing 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't know the specifics that was just his input having similar experience as yourself. It didn't raise an eyebrow from him but given Mar-A-Lago etc in FL it is worth digging for us I think. I was able to scape some public info I cited in the rest of the thread. The picture from the article doesn't show much, I am sure the Feds are looking into it.

JesusisKing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Casino barrons etc. after speaking with a source i have in MIL seems these things are common and used for training, does not have ability to fire/no warhead.

Still interesting and worth digging tho. See the post below regarding NV

JesusisKing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are there more of these memes with dual citizenship, blood libel is for retards. (not that the people depicted aren't obviously gross)

JesusisKing 5 points ago +5 / -0

These Saturn warshipping faggots cannot stop jacking off and their entire worldview is shaped because of it.

JesusisKing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Said to have been owned by this org look who the new CEO is! I wonder who his donations have gone to over the last 8 years http://www.drakenintl.com/

JesusisKing 3 points ago +3 / -0

They will classify Pedophiles protected under LGBTQ+ and fight us until the very end. God has aligned the sides on this and we will bring the whole corrupt thing down on top of them.

JesusisKing 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you for the sticky! Don't let the Media slander us!

JesusisKing 10 points ago +10 / -0

Hello old friends, boy has it been a wild wild ride over the last 4 years from the FBI laptops being release, Seth Rich murder, Pakistani Spy ring, Florida corruption, Vegas Shooting...I could go on and on.

There is work yet to be done Patriots. Veterans are needed now more than ever to lead. "Trust the Plan" does not mean sit back and relax. It's now or never, your country needs you.

I feel like i have followed this loose group since Kotaku in action or when Reddit was taken over by Ellen Pao. Actually maybe even since Weinstein had his dropbox from his iphone with all those nudes dumped.

Literally ya'll have kept me sane, as a truther from birth...

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