Been listening to the AM radio for a while. So far everything I heard on it was like a step or 2 ahead of the counter attack from mainstream news and I was able to verify myself through essential worker treatment the next phase of this entire plandemic. I turned it on in the middle of it saying some date following it with "Will be the end of the pandemic and the banks will have a total recovery and the economy will bounce right back." I didn't catch the date other than the year 2022. This station hasn't misinformed to my knowledge so far based on announcements at work(which follow main stream narrative) following what the AM station said compared with my own experiences. Anyone else know anything about this?


Over the summer I was seeing a lot of (this many weeks is when this part forms) referring to a developing baby. Today I saw multiple signs to join the GOP in my area, our pain killers are killing us, and one other thing I thought was notable, wish I could remember but posting this before I forget again. I keep remembering to tell ya guys while I'm in the middle of driving.


I'm putting the Christmas stuff out at my job. I noticed there is a big decrease in Made in China stuff, a big increase in Made in USA, and the newest addition of Made in Cambodia.


In 1970 the controlled substance act was passed and meth was classified as a schedule 2 drug for it's high potential of abuse and dependence. I'd like to classify the current admin as a schedule 2 drug pending as schedule 1. Lol


More communication on these mandates are coming down from up the chain via state level. I want to know these answers for the sake of when the chain falls on me. I don't believe any of this is even legal so I do not see the reason behind submitting my exemptions when I always thought invoking your rights were to protect your rights when law falls under gray areas. I don't see a gray area in this and would appreciate more insight.


So let me get this straight. There are people being fired without ability to claim unemployment because they will not get an approved vaccine? I don't mean to be stupid but how the heck are you going to fire thousands of people healthcare workers for refusing an FDA approved drug when the FDA approved drug is not even an option to take? The pfizer one we have now is the same formula but people are being mislead. Legally distinctive.... One you cant sue and one you can sue for bodily harm. It matters what's on the label. I may be late to the game in understanding this but I finally got the gist.

This is extremely disgustingly deceitful and I'm pretty sure this is why they push because who ever bought the vials of the what's considered experimental drugs under US law are struggling to collect their insurance money as quickly as possible before more people realize the bodily harm is no one's fault but that person. It's sick because all the information is there.


I live in an apartment complex. One of the neighbors were on the stairs talking to another neighbor and I had to pass him to get to my car. The neighbor I passed has covid and was running away from me not to give it to me. I appreciate his kindness gesture. Then I joined in the conversation that I already had covid in November and said the headache for me was the worst. Then I was asked if I got my shot yet and I said I didn't. Then the other neighbor said "oh your one of those." Then I told him "yeah I'm about to lose my job over it." I didn't get a read on what that neighbor meant if that was a disgusted or a making note in his head. Just wanted to share.


They push the unvaccinated are the ones causing issues on the medical system. Anyways they have put out a notice that the FDA is only recommending booster shots to people 65+ and individuals in high or severe risk groups of covid 19. The reason why I'm even posting this is because I thought it was important to note the definition of high risk is still in the to be determined category. lol


Fyi. If you run into people and they let you know they are looking for covid tests they get self conscious and let you know the test is for someone else. I responded, "oh no worries I already had my covid."

I didn't get the vaccine. I had covid in November. Not my fault it was assumed I meant vaccine. I was honest lol.


And then there are the employees who complied so they didn't have to wear their mask while working. And then the government changed the mandate.

So long story short and reward was given and people complied and then the reward was taken.


One of my friends works somewhere. Staff emails went out August 9th will be the fire date for the unvaccinated. Please start loading me up with the information for her. Thank you.


So the company I work for adopted the fully vaccinated employees gets the choice of mask but must follow local laws. This option to not wear masks was enough incentive to get more vaccine. Few days later and the governor changed the rule so now those employees were tricked into taking a vaccine they didn't care to have and don't get the reward they we were promised.

Over here you got me saying, see they tricked you.


Has anyone else been noticing YouTube throwing suggested videos in your feed that don't relate to anything else you have looked up on YouTube?

Lately I've been getting video suggestions for autism and specific personality types.

Once Upon A Time.... (encyclopedia.ushmm.org)
posted ago by Jmadness ago by Jmadness

So my company is about to enact the freedom of choice to wear your mask or not in honor of independence day to those only vaccinated. The managers have already told me that if you don't wear your mask they are assuming you are vaccinated so I have no problems there. However where I'm stuck at is of I should wear my mask very proud so when customers finally start to ask I can freely explain what the policy is. I thought hard and won't voluntarily bash what's going on but I will be one of the only people wearing a mask. What would you do or whatcha think? I couldn't get introuble if sales happen to plumet because I wasn't promoting that I was only telling the truth.


If anyone can give me some information regarding discriminating unvaccinated employees in the work place by only letting vaccinated employees choose to wear their mask or not please send this information my way.

in honor of pride month (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by Jmadness ago by Jmadness
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