Joecast 1 point ago +1 / -0

You along with everyone else will soon have the gratification of watching them squirm and grasp for anything, to keep them above the dirt. You been through hell because of them and then tearing this country apart, turning the people against you! All who support you know that! It’s been painful to watch, for you. But you stood your ground like no other. I can’t wait to see your brilliant plan unfold. Some people are starting to think I’ve lost it. But my faith. Faith in you, and all that are fighting with you. Will never waiver!! God bless you!! All of you. I could never express my gratitude enough to you, for this burden you took on for the people, for all of humanity. Don’t care if I’m brown nosing, and all you who think so. Can kick rocks. I have a little girl. And to think of what could have happened, and what life could be. I just can’t. I’ll support you in anything you do. Semper Fidelis

Joecast 1 point ago +1 / -0

You along with everyone else will soon have the gratification of watching them squirm and grasp for anything, to keep them above the dirt. You been through hell because of them and then tearing this country apart, turning the people against you! All who support you know that! It’s been painful to watch, for you. But you stood your ground like no other. I can’t wait to see your brilliant plan unfold. Some people are starting to think I’ve lost it. But my faith. Faith in you, and all that are fighting with you. Will never waiver!! God bless you!! All of you. I could never express my gratitude enough to you, for this burden you took on for the people, for all of humanity. Don’t care if I’m brown nosing, and all you who think so. Can kick rocks. I have a little girl. And to think of what could have happened, and what life could be. I just can’t. I’ll support you in anything you do. Semper Fidelis

Joecast 1 point ago +1 / -0

My faith will not waiver!! God bless Trump, Flynn, Powell, and the rest of the patriots fighting this battle!! And all the patriots standing firm! Hold the line, the best is yet to come!! Semper Fidelis!!