Johan_Liebert 2 points ago +2 / -0

THAT'S been a thing for a long time now, they're called emergency detention laws and all states have them. They're SUPPOSED to be there for things like bioterror (terrorists aren't going to consent to treatment or want to stay in a hospital) or for those special kind of stupid people who get something like Ebola or Smallpox and want to leave while being walking bio bombs able to to kill a ton of people.....Basically a Baker Act but for physical illnesses.


Johan_Liebert 2 points ago +2 / -0

SUE and crowdfund here.

Johan_Liebert 3 points ago +3 / -0

Japan doesn't have Antifa and went so far as to deport suspected hooligans as soon as they arrived for the World Cup in 2013 from England....They do have 2 Proud Boys chapters though, Tokyo and Osaka.

Johan_Liebert 2 points ago +2 / -0

Asia in general has been a mask culture since the Hong Kong flu aka H3N2 virus became a real epidemic in 1968 which hit Asia like train so you're not going to find any based-ness on that front.

Johan_Liebert 6 points ago +6 / -0

Had to be NHK. The media there has been trying to demoralize the people into being leftists but culture and group think has slowed it down to a crawl, they aren't anywhere near as bad as the west and the kids who buy into it are eventually beaten down by the societal standards and rules or be ostracized and labeled a "trouble maker" which can kill job opportunities and getting accepted into a good college.