Look fat here’s the deal. Come on man! No malarkey.
Come on man! Poor people aren’t any more destructive than white men.
Look fat here’s the deal. You’re too old to blow me, but your granddaughter isn’t. Come on man! Hand her over.
Any girls on here need to shut up and let me sniff them. Come on man!
Come on man! You one horse pony
Look fat here’s the deal. You’re a lying dog faced pony soldier
The only thing too difficult to handle is explosive diarrhea
Come on man! You ain’t black
Come on man!
Look fat. Give me my ten percent, shut up and give me all your grandkids cause they need sniffin. Come on man!
Look fat heres the deal. As long as the girl is younger than 8 i definitely get erect. Come on man!
Look fat here’s the deal. Discredited by me in between sniffing my grandkids. Come on man!