Forwarded from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Zelenko Protocol) (Zev Zelenko)
To Humanity
This paper was the FIRST in the world to demonstrate an 84% reduction in hospitalization and death if COVID-19 was treated early in the prehospital setting. These world class scientists did it for free for the sake of humanity. God should bless them for all eternity.
This is the single most deadly peace of academic fraud in the history of medicine. It completely discredited the medical peer review process.
I call for the authors of this lethal, treacherous and fraudulent document to be brought to justice along with the editors of the Lancet and NEJM. They willfully allowed the publication of homicidal lies that murdered millions of people.
Recovery murder experiment used POISONOUS and LETHAL doses of HCQ (2400mg/day). Death rate was over 25% of participants.
Results—1,542 patients of these 396 patients (25.7%) who were in the high dose Hydroxychloroquine arm, died.
Conclusion: if you poison innocent people with lethal doses of ANY medication then they will DIE.
This monstrous trial was designed to kill people and then blame HCQ for the deaths.
Hey, corrupt governments and The Hague—brings these sociopaths to justice.
The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded authority of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, will be used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens. “The continuing cooperation of Nunn-Lugar partners has improved safety for all people against weapons of mass destruction and potential terrorist use, in addition to advancements in the prevention of pandemics and public health consequences,” Lugar said.
Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then-Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials.
There were project files missing for the 2020 election in Otero County, according to Landberg. The voting machine company, Dominion Voting Systems, came out to “service” the units in June 2021, according to Otero County Clerk Robyn Holmes. Landberg concluded that Dominion “definitely had the possibility of erasing stuff.”
Landberg also noted how models of Dominion machines in Otero County had the capabilities of remote access from outside sources. He said manufacturers, such as Dominion “have led people to believe they don’t have that capability.” But they do have this capability, according to evidence provided by the Clements.
Landberg also noted that the Otero County audit found a feature within Dominion machines that would allow ballots to be filled out by the machine itself.
The audit team will present their work from their review of ballot images at a later date.
Every day we learn something new about the 2020 Election. Every single day.
The statistic is based on reported abortions. It is probably much, much higher.
aprox 700 yearly maternal deaths annually
2017- 3.8 million US babies born
maternal mortality rate of .018%
332,757 abortions reported in 2017
700 maternal deaths vs 332,757 infant/fetal deaths
Chamberlain goes on to lay out in a brilliantly researched thread the elements that make her the likely candidate for the leak. The thread is so good even Grenell chimes in:
Please. This is the best journalism we’ve seen in years.