KellyAnneConway -2 points ago +1 / -3

I’m bout to deliver this pizza. Into my mouth. Then out my pooper. I ate so much popcorn lately waiting for shit to happen. Every time I crap it’s a breacher. I keep wiping and wiping and the poo never seems to be TOTALLY gone. It’s like my asshole is made of brown crayon or something? Anyway Godspeed and good luck in the days of darkness that began 3 days ago but also start tomorrow.

KellyAnneConway 1 point ago +1 / -0

The order in which the cheese coupons will be distributed will be alphabetical. If your name starts with a letter Z, you may want to make arrangements. Cheeses offered initially will be mostly of a cheddar variety. Swiss and mozzarella varieties to follow. Stay cheesy out there.