Some obvious shill just suggested in the Joseph Flynn thread that "we" wanted an "entire voting base of libs hanged" and got upvoted for it. When I called him out I got downvoted into pulp! Almost all the top comments are some doomer talk (WHERE ARE THE ARRESTS) or violent crazytalk.
This is getting out of hand. Anyone who is talking like that is not a Q supporter. Their main objective is nr.1 to make us appear violent, unhinged and dangerous. Nr.2 is to make us sound crazy. Nr.3 is to sow discord. This one accomplishes all three.
All this "let them hang" rhetoric is coming from the shills.
We want justice. In some extreme cases that may be a capital punishment as surely there are those who deserve nothing less. That would be after a fair trial and proven guilt beyond all doubt.
Anyone suggesting we are out to "hang all them all" or "hang all the normies" needs to be deported immediately!