I just now happened to pull up an old tab that had he video where he talked about this open. Here you go: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iKdtyDnGM-o&t=663s&pp=ygUUcmV2ZW50dXJlIGNvbnN1bHRpbmc%3D
It's been awhile since you posted so may not matter at this point, but fwiw....
My Dad has been transfusion dependent for awhile and has gotten lots of blood from strangers. I'm sure the majority of donors were vaxxed. He seems to be fine. He is also vaxxed (unfortunately). He has leukemia, so he isn't the picture of health, but he has received a lot of spike protein at this point and is still kicking.
I'm in Houston. Here you most certainly can donate to a specific person if that person has an open order for blood. We have an elaborate medical system and it's a huge metro area, though, so it could be different in other areas.
Is this the actual logo? It's a design crime!! I'm physically uncomfortable seeing spaces between some letters and none through others. The landscape starting with the tail end of the Z is just brutal.
Arizona, you've been design scammed. But, you probably deserved it.
Forgot about that song! I grew up with the original https://youtu.be/NVUGCdTVpug?si=XT3x3jo_t9Akn10w
My Dad considered using right to try to get access to a med that seemed to work for him, but no one else in a clinical trial. The whole trial got shut down, but with right to try he could potentially get approval to continue using the unapproved med.
I'm really sorry! Keep the hope. I work in public mental health and have people in my office all the time that are sober from hard drugs. Had a client in today who had been to court ordered rehab or jail for smuggling meth into jail. Shes been sober 2.5 years after that rehab and doing well.
You are doing the right thing with your boundaries too, no matter how much it hurts and how hard it is.
Praying for all of you!
Hello. I saw this post scrolling through /all and feel compelled to comment. I am a 45 year old single woman. I have 2 kids, a 23 year old son and 18 year old daughter. I have a long career in marketing technology, but have been without work since early '24. I cannot find work and even some of the industry focused companies I have worked for before are closing down too because the market is so bad.
So, I have been unemployed for the first time in my life for over a year now. In December, I finally had to sell my house and move in with my parents. I fight extreme depression everyday and scrounge to find even a touch of hope. It's very bad.
I find myself, sometimes, having irrational thoughts and can get filled with resentment towards those who are not yet effected by this economy. Thankfully, I'm 45 and have been through a lot and can pull myself together with some perspective most of the time. If I were a 25 year old, that would be WAY harder. If I were a guy, I'd likely be way angrier (versus a more feminine internalized sadness). If I were GenZ, I'd probably be more influenced by what people are saying on social media about the economy and the future. It's very dark for them.
I say all this to 1. Maybe give some insight into what it's like to be in the economic pit at the moment and 2. To maybe help you find some more (I'm sure you've already extended a lot) patience. Maybe those 2 things can help your conversations in some way.
I'm rambling. I don't have any answers, but I feel for you and your son.
One last thing...I have a car and regularly go to the park to just sit in my car and get some space away from my parents. I journal or read or just watch YouTube. Things I could do at their house, but it makes a huge difference for my mental health to be out of the house. Maybe it would help him to have some way and somewhere to go on a regular basis.
Sending prayers.