In my view there are 3 endgames here

Scenario A: "Temporary truce" - The commies lose their nerve and stop the woke assault and settle for the level of leftist control and wokeism that they had in say 2009 or 2010 range. CRT is killed off, COVID becomes considered endemic, but leftist interests in trans movement, climate change, etc. still exists.

Scenario B: The commies win. Don't need to go into detail here. America falls under their total totalitarian control, social credit system, etc.

Scenario C: The good guys win. This doesn't just mean going back to 2009. Remember the 2009 scenario was the middle ground that the left is rewarded for accepting temporary peace. The commies going all in on the other hand and losing means they potentially lose it all. All the toxic ways they had controlled people with and led them to become unhealthy physically and mentally are eliminated. The black community is finally allowed to thrive instead of being held down by communists in public education system keeping them in place. Masculinity and femininity make major comebacks. Big pharma and the universities no longer get to make a fortune ruining young people's lives and keeping them on the hook. And so many other benefits. All of this can happen if the elites lose their institutional power. Instead of having full totalitarian control of the world, they lose the substantial amount of control they already had for decades.


They have tried to make people hate

White people: Majority of the population and tons of white billionaires, politicians and liberal supporters so this wasn't going to work.

Police: This is stupid because it's a job and not a person. Not to mention the vast majority of people understand police importance to their safety.

Unvaccinated: Maybe most effective of the three, but you can go from unvaxxed to vaxxed in a day and boosters will take them back to unvaxxed. Plus there are some kids and immunocomprimised who aren't vaccinated.

The level of hate for the unvaccinated has been reduced by them already blowing their load on white people and police and the media having less credibility.

Overall holocaust may be prevented by the woke being an out of control clown car who didn't know what they were doing, or that every time they dipped their toe their ideal targets population size wise like asians or jews there was enough resistance against it.


While having an exchange on twitter with a poster who is high on classical art, a few things dawned on me

For people who think it's stupid that someone can take a literal shit on a canvas and sell it for more money than someone who worked 6 months on a technically amazing painting, what is the root of postmodern art and what happened to it?

First of all the problem is that things like painting and sculpture got replaced by other artforms in the culture, first books and then in modern era film, tv and popular music. In a healthy society, painting would then appeal most to conservatives who connect to traditional things, finding appeal kind of like country music. Especially noting in modern day where time consuming things like working on a painting or sculpture make more sense for people not addicted to the internet.

But instead, the opposite happened. The art scene got taken over by the most unbearable leftists hipsters and elites trying to impress their small narcissistic group. Since they are progressives who despise traditionalism, instead of caring about old styles of painting, their goal is to either to literally piss and shit on it, or figuratively by painting a giant square and calling it art. They have to, because anything else would be betraying their deep hate of the past.

In short this made me realize - what leftists hate most is traditionalism. They pathologically despise it, in part because they associate it with more homophobic and racist eras, but probably on a deeper level as well. They want nothing to do with patriarchal masculinity, country music probably drives them crazy, etc. I suppose in a way, they hate anything old. Perhaps because old age scares them so much. The only old people on their side are acting like children emotionally like Biden and Pelosi, there are no wise old woke people.


This mental virus had to be strong enough in both of these directions:

  • The impact on each individual. We are seeing them completely lose their rationality, empathy, humanity, morality. They're capable of so much mental gymnastics and depraved manipulation it's unbelievable. They're not with us right now folks.

  • The amount of individuals infected. We're talking literally BILLLLIONSSS across all different countries and cultures, nearly all political leaders, exposed to different media, etc. Compare that to Germany in the 1930s which was like 65 million people or something in an isolated environment.

Add those two together and how the F does this happen? This is the most astonishing thing to happen to the human race in history.


He wanted a "win", however this is a defensive move. If the media was really his personal Pravda he wouldn't have needed this to get good coverage.

I don't think the Democrats are really paying these guys or directing them. CNN stans the Democrats for the same reason their viewers do, they are woke/have TDS/etc. They are loyal followers but more out of emotional reasons. This also makes Democrats position vulnerable.


China called him a terrorist and I think he tweeted Xi is the biggest threat in the world a few weeks ago... I'm confused

Reading between the lines I don't know if Kamala liked Biden scolding the unvaxxed so much https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1436878001078214668

Kamala is a complete snake. However doing whatever it takes to get ahead politically might not be the end of the world. Does she actually have enough real beliefs to be woke? What if she decides following the radical socialists is a losing hand and has some more moderate plan.

Not to mention is she going to get pushed around by people like AOC and Omar as much as an old creepy dude like Biden? Or could there be a female rivalry thing going on.

She would be Obama come again which is horrible. But Obama era was more livable than authoritarian socialist.


It would be an extraordinary turn of events however these are extraordinary times. The US government has been taking over by totalitarian traitors and what appears to either be a bioweapon or massive hoax has engulfed the globe. Someone that we thought we knew as just a mediocre vice president from 09-16 has become the biggest villain in American history.

So the people being behind it being childfuckers who drink baby blood who had to take over the world before it got exposed and they all went down... Why not? Would it be that much weirder than what we're seeing?


I think most of us suspect stuff like the vaccinated vs unvaccinated numbers are rigged, but why trust any of the data they're giving us at all, even the very simple cases and deaths?

Every bit of covid data is filtered through hospitals which have to be full cult environments by now, the CDC and then MSM outlets.

People like Scott Adams say the news is fake but then point to data that the vaccinations prevent hospitalizations... why is the news fake but the numbers real?


We thought all along that the Democrats controlled their propaganda media, however who really has power over who? CNN could literally single handily destroy the Democrats if they wanted to and lead to Republican landslides in 2022 and 2024. Their viewers are such sheep that if they did a hatchet job to Biden like they did to Trump, or told the truth about things like Obamagate or the election, it would collapse their support.

Now I don't know if they use this power or not, but is there a world where this whole time the media was holding the Democrats hostage like reddit mods were holding them hostage and getting them to ban No New Normal yesterday? Or someone like China controls the media, who then control the Democrats?


It used to be that abortion was the most emotional subject where the pro choice people would get mad at you instead of debating you.

Now think about how much higher their emotional intensity about subjects like covid and BLM than it is about abortion. It's like 10x higher. They were WAY WAY WAY more mad about St Floyd's death for example than Texas banning abortion and basically Roe v Wade falling, even though the latter has been their nightmare for a while. The pro abortion people aren't burning down cities as a result of this ruling. They're not doing reddit blackouts to ban pro life subreddits like they did No New Normal. Abortion used to be a 10 on the REEEE lefty scale now it's like a 6.

Why does the emotional insanity have been THIS high?


I mean Israel is the one doing the boosters first... What if the boosters were a death shot? And the whole covid was designed to get them to this point so the population unknowingly submits themselves to a genocide? It would be a genius plan by the nazis.


Do you think they cracked under the ratings pressure or is there a rift between Hasan/Kamala and Biden and CNN is taking the former's side?

I'm gonna say Buttplug so they can go full identity politics.


After Candace post I thought about it more and I'm now thinking this is China attacking us/the world and trying to take over as #1. It's not about rich people going rogue and trying to enslave us unless you say they control China.

I have had the feeling for the last 1.5 years that the Democrats are acting similar to CCP including copying their approach to propaganda. Covid is obviously deeply connected to China to the point where they possibly created it. The lockdowns started with them. Xiden has shown to be financially connected.

The 2nd most powerful country in the world was communist and hated our way of life and decided to do something about it. They couldn't beat us in fair fight so they became masters of poison. Our big mistake was not treating China like a Soviet Union like enemy from 90s on. We didn't finish the job in terms of the major communist threats. They caught us sleeping. This is war between China and US.


Seems like they're just giving it to them to me. Democrats that confident in Afghanistan refugees voting for them?


I mean I may not be saying anything surprising here but consider

  • There is a growing amount of evidence Biden is evil with a capital E, considering the Democrats are a totalitarian bad guy party out of control and he is the front of it

  • He has been creepy around tons of kids (also took inappropriate showers with his daughter and his crackhead son shows plenty of signs of trauma for what it's worth)

Do we really think the evil guy who's creepy around kids, is only creepy because he's just a lost old man instead of being a pedo? Cmon man.


If you said a while ago this generation would have massive social problems due to the internet, it wouldn't have been that surprising.

I have thought about social skills for a long time since I have social anxiety, and my theory would be there are two main factors that determine your social ability

A - Emotional openness, ability to connect with others, etc

B - Interest in small talk

If you have A, the only difference your interest in small talk makes is whether you're a healthy introvert or healthy extrovert, either way you're in good shape.

Everyone without A has serious issues however they respond to it in different ways. People who "have social anxiety" find small talk annoying and narcissistic for the same reason healthy introverts do. What they really want is "big talk" and stimulating conversations intellectually or emotionally leading to friendships and relationships that matter. It's just they can't have them. Because they also can't force themselves to be into small talk stuff, they have no social lives at all.

Then you have another group that has the same ROOT cause as the social anxiety people, but are much more into small talk. So they are active enough socially, they are just "emotionally unavailable". They say a lot of shit for the sake of saying stuff. They see talking as something you practice at and get better. I would describe my dad as being this way. There was never a chance of having a convo with him about my feelings or his. He liked to ask questions he didn't care about the answer to, just to fill time. I felt like the words coming out of his mouth didn't change according to who he was talking to. I think he values being normal a lot more than I do.

My theory would be a lot of the woke crowd are in the last group. They are not emotionally healthy people and clearly they have limited to no empathy. What they're possibly really doing is overcompensating and terrified of being an outcast, they care more about this impression of others than actually solving their emotional problems. Someone who's really normal doesn't have to show everyone they're normal, but someone who's not normal but pretending they are, has to prove it to everyone in over the top way, like a guy with a small dick who acts tough. But by doing this they take the most surface heavy banal version of normalcy which is "Does what the MSM authorities say" and following the groupthink. Trump was a great thing for these people because they had small talk material complaining about orange man every day for years. When he left it created a vacuum especially with boring Biden but now they hold onto covid for all they've got.


Is it possible they were Soviet Union assets in the 70s and 80s? Or bought off/brainwashed sometime in the last 15-20 years?

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