LemurLarry 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bitcoin is better than a reserve dollar because the total supply and issuance cannot debased or changed. Too much focus is given to the dollar value of btc, especially in short time frames, IMO. The sooner people start to price things in satoshis (fractions of a bitcoin) instead of rapidly devaluing fiat currencies, the better. And because the government cant create more or censor payments, this takes away much of their power over anyone that stores their wealth in btc.

And frankly I agree, the other "cryptos" especially ones backed by Gates or China are scams.

LemurLarry 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haven't you tried any of the widely available lightning wallets yet? Makes it all very fast and very simple. Transacting with bitcoin is easier than jumping through the hoops necessary to set up a bank account or credit card at this point.