LightBringerFlex 7 points ago +9 / -2

Ok. In a nutshell Lucifer and his VP Satan where more evolved and in lighter bodies. They were good servants to life under God. Lucifer happened to be extremely gifted for his level but his ego got too big and he concocted a plan to hijack this sector of the universe away from God. He manipulated many starting with Satan. A lot of the so called fallen ages are here with us in a parallel dimension called 4D. Lower dimensions don’t see higher but higher see lower. They can see us. Some call them Archons.

Lucifer was allowed to exist for a while because his rebellion acted like a controlled explosion. He eventually got sacked and now we have some of his staunch followers as the heads of the deep state which now expand across 9 planets. Earth and Saturn being the most important. The most powerful mafia cult is basically called Saturn Death Cult.

This complex web of evil has been losing power for ages because humans keep waking up from ignorance and it becomes harder to fool us. Trickery and manipulation is their style. Also mind control. Jesus really woke up many to the reality of God being love and this caused many old cults to collapse. Old school humans thought God was evil.

Now we are at the end game and soon we will evolve into the beginning of 4D. Suddenly everything will change. This is part of the reason the deep state has been panicking and rushing things. They know they can’t control us in 4D so they created TechnoLuciferianism which is a virtual world run by a digital Lucifer. If they can convince someone to upload their mind into it, then that person never goes to 4D and can still be enslaved. Musk’s brain chips snd Zuckerbergs Meta are part of it. They want to digitize the whole world and interconnect it to drown people into digital and then ask them to upload their mind. This is called the Great Transition.

It sounds bad but the odds of us winning are 99% and they know it. We are just too mature to be fooled anymore. The poison in food, water and air can’t even stop us. It just slowed us down. Half the cult wants to surrender from what I understand. Other half wants war and so they are in a civil war atm.

LightBringerFlex 18 points ago +20 / -2

I have studied the deep state for 10 years including reading many books so I know a bit.

Do you see deep state agents holding their finger to their lips all the time (silence hand sign)? This means keep your mouth shut. The big secret is that more evolved people can see more. We humans are almost to a level where we will see much more (4D). When we do, there will be the next level of the deep state which are basically aliens. They have been with us this whole time. They can see us but we can’t see them. I call them demons because they are part of the devil cult.

The Knight’s Templar used to summon these 4D entities in rituals. Certain drugs like Adrenochrome allow people to see them.

There’s a long story to this all. It’s so utterly disgusting I get disgusted but we have to know the basics of it to win this spiritual war. Good wins in the end so that is the good news.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of research.

I met an interesting lady who channeled Source on Twitter. She has been posting the info as she remembers it. You can see it here:


LightBringerFlex 4 points ago +4 / -0

I did archive but not anymore. I just got lazy. I still post wild shit though Lol. You can check my new reddit account under MrAnderson888 which is wilder than what I post here on this profile.

The deep state booted me like 4 times on Reddit and once on Twitter for dropping too much truth. Lol. Reddit is very swamped with shills nowadays is the problem but still plenty of real Patriots on there wanting to save the world.

LightBringerFlex 3 points ago +3 / -0

I started originally on Reddit and had my own sub years ago. Did you see me there?

LightBringerFlex 9 points ago +9 / -0

Thanks. Also the hammer and sickle are are displayed as an X. X represents Saturn as a person aka Nimrod.

Also the sickle is reaping the souls of the workers.

LightBringerFlex 7 points ago +7 / -0

“ Lead is the first and oldest of the seven metals of alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron & tin). The symbol for lead was also used to represent the planet Saturn in astrology.”


LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

The 3 power cults he mentions work directly for “the fallen angels” in lower 4D. It’s not hard to access them using certain drugs.

Those 4D evil beings were trapped on Earth and we happened to be in it and got trapped with them. We can’t see them because our mind is attached to 3D although we are soon approaching 4D through natural evolution is we will see lots of interesting stuff soon including great stuff.

When a lot of humans turn to the light and aim to save the world, God works through us and fixes up the world. This is happening as we speak. Hence the term God helps those that help themselves. Trying to save the world is a positive action and so God holds the same will and so we work together. As long as humans hold faith, we keep going and win.

I’m not religious but I went down the Biblical God rabbit hole.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. I have no doubt we can do it. Literally 0 doubt.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tax strike is already happening for a few years now. It just keeps getting bigger.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well the number of People in the current Oligarchy is 100%.

We will have some bad seeds among the masses but most People seek to do good.

We can spot trouble makers if they pop up. Nobody has too much power anyway. Instead of a few hundren men having tons of Power, 300 million have some power. Nobody is over anyone so nobody can really do much harm.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Government will never surrender no matter what paperwork you give them but the paperwork is a letter of intention to abolish Gov and so they have that now. That is important. There always has to be a manifesto so that part is complete.

Now, let's focus on the stuff that we are focused on now plus plan for the future. Now, People are defunding the Gov, homeschooling, starting gardens for food supply, removing poisons from their home (food, tv, water), redpilling normies, ect... These are all actions by us who are the new Government as the People.

As the Government, it is our job to figure out how to get rid of the old fraudulant Deep State government/corporation. So far, it looks like they will most likely loose all their followers as everyone is abandoning ship. Without enforcers, they have 0 power so we can just wait for that to happen naturally while also not paying taxes. We don't want to fund them or else that will show intention to keep them going which helps them in many ways. If anyone complains, stand your ground and call other Patriots for backup as need be.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, we need to build that system from the ground up now as the Gov falls. It is still there and operating it's basic functions.

There's no way for us to control it. It's totally hijacked by the Deep State. Let's just keep politicking here on social media and spreading ideas.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't recommend running for office. The system is way too corrupted for that. I just posted up a Gov model where we are all politicians basically running the whole country in a basic way. (check the comments section of this post)

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see PBI all the time on Youtube but I think this is their site here: https://thepbi.us/

The People have been talking about abolishing Gov for a long time so they went to DC and legally served then paperwork saying they are abolished.

Well, the Government by the People means we are all equals. No leaders at all. The only ones with a wee bit of extra authority are the Natural Law Police who strictly enforce Natural Laws that we all agree on Naturally (no murder, theft, ect..). The Courts are run by a Secretary instead of Judge who basically anonymously gets random 12 person Juries who only try to improve the situation of any case. For example, they might require someone who stole something to return it. Punishment doesn't work and prison should be only in severe cases. This is the general template we have on law and order.

All public stuff like PDs or bridge repairs are crowdfunded anonymously. There are great websites to do this easily. The penalty for a neighborhood not funding stuff they need is that they won't have it. This means if they don't fund the bridge repair, there is no bridge to use. That will motivate them to fund it.

All public stuff have to be transparent so People can inspect them for fraud. Private businesses that do fraud would simply be investigated by the Police.

We have enough arms to defend the Country against a ground invasion and there is no need to invade anyone so we are good with Armed Forces that way.

All ideas run through other People. Anyone who feels like an idea sounds good will naturally adopt it.

Social Media is our Town Hall. We discuss politics here.

All serious disputes over implementing ideas can be solved by unofficial or official votes. Official votes are done by those who have a stake in what's being voted on so if something is going to effect a Park in Austin Texas, really only Austin Texas People should vote on it. These official votes have to be a broadcasted aggressively so everyone is aware of them. National votes are harder but since mostly is going to be figured out at the local level, very few National Votes are needed. Basically we all agree like normal People do and if there is disagreements, we can argue whichever one is better and if that doesn't work, we can run a vote. It's really pretty simple. Very few things will end up being voted on since People will naturally cooperate.

No taxes whatsoever because sending money to a centralized location always ends up with People pocketing most of the money.

We need to fairly share TV media like we do Social Media. It's not hard really. Just have to figure out the nicknacks at the TV station.

That's the gist of it but then we all came up with solutions for everything else too from the economy to health care. All that stuff we can talk about online and brainstorm ideas.

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