LordStirling 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, and playing other videos as well. All the links are in the video description on Rumble, but here are the rest to add to the one you posted. Thanks

BREAKING: SCOTUS Delivers Major Blow to Corrupt Biden DOJ — Overturns Use of 1512(c)(2) in J6 Cases, Massive Win for Political Prisoners https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-scotus-delivers-major-blow-corrupt-biden-doj/

BREAKING: Jack Smith’s January 6 Case Against President Trump Torpedoed After Supreme Court Overturns 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/jack-smiths-january-6-case-against-president-trump/

BANNON ON FIRE! “This Is REVOLTING! Garland and Monaco, You’re Going to Pay a Price!” – Steve Bannon UNLOADS on Corrupt DOJ After 1512c SCOTUS Ruling (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/bannon-fire-this-is-revolting-garland-monaco-youre/

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

@~3:08:35 🔥🚨BREAKING: Paris Hilton is at the U.S. Capitol advocating for children victims of foster care. https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1806035834874855782

@~3:15:00 Thomas Massie’s Wife Has Died, Deranged Jews Jump All Over Him https://x.com/mommamak/status/1806795781531382157?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:22:28 ‪Watch out for any strangers coming up to your door, including delivery men. SMH‬ ‪@_CommonCENSORED‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1806818521709420566?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~3:24:32 60s fridge https://x.com/thefigen_/status/1804855403693371623?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:25:55 Increasingly Unpopular Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Suffers Shocking Defeat as ‘Fortress Toronto’ Votes for a Conservative MP for the First Time in 31 Years https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/increasingly-unpopular-canadian-pm-justin-trudeau-suffers-shocking/

@~3:29:13 Guns confiscated, dead farmers https://x.com/myhiddenvalue/status/1806141691696738597?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:31:37 Global takeover https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1806787907124101481?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:38:10 ‘Christians Against Trumpism’ Co-Founder Arrested for Soliciting Sex from 15-Year-Old Boy https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/christians-against-trumpism-co-founder-arrested-soliciting-sex/

@~3:40:23 Only 25 colleges left that mandate the Covid vaccines. Down from over 1000. I guess the science is different in some colleges vs other colleges. https://x.com/stkirsch/status/1805790944798851148

@~3:41:40 Incredible rockets landing https://x.com/ginacarano/status/1805808187616153900?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:42:47 Characters whose plans always fail miserably https://x.com/libertycappy/status/1806579282363252988?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:43:33 Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/lancet-journal-study-finds-73-9-deaths-following/

@~3:44:09 BREAKING: Documents Show Government Knew COVID Shot Takes Over The Human Body https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1805368696698724772

@~3:56:54 Humans injected with the CSL Seqirus H5N1 Bird Flu vaccine (AUDENZ), which is currently being globally distributed for human use, died at a rate of 1 in 200 (0.5%) compared to 0.1% in the placebo group, in one of the clinical trials (Study 3). This suggests that administering this vaccine to humans could potentially pose a significant risk of death. Governments should not be endorsing and mass-purchasing products that risk death. https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1806215791248818375

@~3:59:55 We can’t find an unvaccinated kid with autism https://x.com/letsgobrando45/status/1805587331837005992?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~4:03:14 Teleportation https://x.com/justxashton/status/1806087362855796835?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~4:08:43 ‪“I’m Dr, Ben Marble and I told everyone not to take a single ‘Covid-19 Vaccine’ POISON SHOT…and a lot of you didn’t listen. To all of the Fake Doctor Poison Pushers…you’re a bunch of fucking Weak, Pathetic Murderers…who ALL belong in Prison…”‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1805801004014633185?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~4:10:30 ‪They're trying really hard to cover up the deaths caused by the experimental mRNA gene therapy. To folks who have been directly impacted... please don't let them cover up these assaults/murders. Please continue fighting and making your voices heard. @_CommonCENSORED‬ ‪https://x.com/sensereceptor/status/1805447165092810775?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~4:14:55 Portugal highest vaccinated Portugal highest excess deaths https://x.com/goddeketal/status/1805381432346378506?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Long Covid due to vaccines https://x.com/vigilantfox/status/1805606417644023846?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~4:16:59 Oatmeal Cream Pie https://x.com/donnaprissyrn1/status/1805395800450810044?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~4:19:10 ‪While slavery was common to all civilizations, only one civilization developed a moral revulsion against it: Western Civilization‬ ‪https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1804204747601424648?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~4:24:39 You Can’t Make This Up: Experts are Now Investigating Whether Milk is Racist in Government-Funded Study on Dairy’s Ties to Colonialism https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/you-cant-make-this-up-experts-are-now/

@~4:28:04 2 hours of Biden cheap fakes https://x.com/therealzno/status/1803103324696174671?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

LordStirling 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cold open: Biden HORROR https://x.com/SaraGonzalesTX/status/1806560458276569582

Best Biden has ever been master edit https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1806790325673107618?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w


Trump eagle catches Biden https://x.com/realmattcouch/status/1806423155264647583?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Bad News for Democrats: Joe Biden Refuses to Step Down and Vows to Face Trump in Second Debate https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/bad-news-democrats-joe-biden-refuses-step-down/

Presidential Debate Ratings Are in — Most Watched Program in CNN History https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/presidential-debate-ratings-are-most-watched-program-cnn/

@~16:47 “Joe, You did such a good job. You answered every question, you knew all the facts!” https://x.com/bigfish3000/status/1806523955060126183?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

“Poor Dr. Jill did all she could!” https://ton.x.com/i/ton/data/dm/1806564869774213296/1806564810265448448/cpK7q0XF.png:small

@~17:35 He knew the facts, Jill? Prepare to watch the most brutal CNN fact check of crooked Joe you’ll ever see. Has the call already gone out to take out Joe Biden? https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1806539516519530734

@~19:29 Harrison Smith NAILS it ‪It took literally 5 minutes of uninterrupted Biden screen time for the entire Democratic population to turn on him.‬ ‪Thats how UNINFORMED they are.‬ ‪https://x.com/harrisonhsmith/status/1806529978382574008?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~20:46 Chase Geiser Excellent Analysis https://x.com/realchasegeiser/status/1806571592597807133?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~22:53 Mike Adam’s Good take https://x.com/healthranger/status/1806576928628854856?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

‪So who's gonna tell Democrats that their political champion in the White House is now the laughing stock of the entire world, and that nobody looks dumber right now than the gullible, delusional who supported Biden?‬ https://x.com/healthranger/status/1806582212017402301?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~24:00 Vivek analysis https://x.com/VivekGRamaswamy/status/1806716906000240659

@~25:10 ‪If Biden can’t handle a debate, how can he handle the most dangerous foreign policy situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis? It’s time to pull back from the brink.‬ ‪https://x.com/davidsacks/status/1806573844150526136?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Debate highlights https://x.com/ipot_official76/status/1806426700537856474?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Oops wrong one lol What is wrong with this dude? https://x.com/creepydotorg/status/1806592258315002328?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~25:49 Is Joe wearing an earpiece? https://x.com/thevivafrei/status/1806504349213872236

@~26:45 Was he fed the questions beforehand? https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1806530432009437254?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~27:42 ‪What drugs cause Biden's eyes to not blink and be so wide open? Answers welcome...‬ ‪https://x.com/barnes_law/status/1806515033847091696?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~28:41 Thank you North Carolina https://x.com/brendanmcinnis/status/1806549123455439146?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w You can’t make this stuff up

@~29:40 Jones reacts https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1806632886038073727?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~33:36 BIden Debate Prep https://x.com/vincentoshana/status/1806385043620905322?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~36:00 Biden after the debate https://x.com/wheat452/status/1806589990983381357?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Zoom https://youtu.be/-c9u--4A4fE?si=x3DGL2hz0rua4eKC

Old man Biden https://x.com/warsoftheinfo/status/1806571850128150751?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~36:30 Biden song https://x.com/its_the_dr/status/1806128674996916626?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~37:57 WOW! Joe Biden Looks Scared and Lost as Nurse Jill Claims Her Husband’s “Strength is Unshakeable” (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/wow-joe-biden-looks-scared-lost-as-nurse/

@~38:52 BREAKING: Democrat Party Insider Doug Kass Reports Biden, Klain, and Obama are Having Critical Meeting Today — Harris Furious that She is Not Being Considered as a Replacement (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-hedge-fund-owner-democrat-party-insider-doug/

@~40:55 Hosts on The View Clash Over Whether or Not Biden Should be Replaced (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/hosts-view-clash-whether-not-biden-should-be/

@~45:18 Potential replacements by Gator: Gavin Newsome to “step up”?!?!?! https://x.com/lauraloomer/status/1806527899085779411?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

The vid https://x.com/growing_daniel/status/1806559308856934423?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

“Replacement? "It rubs the lotion on the ballot?" ” https://ton.x.com/i/ton/data/dm/1806555474512195677/1806555463862861824/amgoThjl.jpg:small

@~46:45 Indiana Jones Newsome https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196606207511777352/1256346100584022108/449118039_502806002082774_2147486854069270823_n.png?ex=66806efc&is=667f1d7c&hm=c89b7a8245b9b8a5ba27ed859034a3930588841c8f6e5a619409aae324e82f09&

“Maybe this time..........."The Last Dance of the Hildabeast?" “ https://twitter.com/messages/media/1806578332999237657

“The Jabs and lockdowns did not quench her thirst for blood.........President/Vice President?” https://ton.x.com/i/ton/data/dm/1806556137279349109/1806556102533771264/s3BGgwgn.jpg:medium

@~47:39 Chunk yogurt disses Biden LOL “Guaranteed loss” https://x.com/mazemoore/status/1806528021433557303?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~50:20 Trump called Biden Brandon LOL https://x.com/KarluskaP/status/1806675477115126245

All planned https://x.com/jfkpaine/status/1806539445086355671?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~55:04 The Democrat Party Is Telling You Right To Your Face Who They Represent. It Isn’t You https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1806819159998910623

@~56:20 Cnn calls ichelle big mike https://x.com/PaultheAcadian/status/1806557757039911135

@~57:30 Trump war room restricted on x during debate https://x.com/lauraloomer/status/1806500764581274031?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

‪Media reacts LOL‬ ‪https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1806524313388113964?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~58:29 Why nobody talking about this https://x.com/amazlngnature/status/1806349497762464147?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~59:16 BREAKING: SCOTUS Delivers Major Blow to Corrupt Biden DOJ — Overturns Use of 1512(c)(2) in J6 Cases, Massive Win for Political Prisoners https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-scotus-delivers-major-blow-corrupt-biden-doj/

@~1:04:27 BREAKING: Jack Smith’s January 6 Case Against President Trump Torpedoed After Supreme Court Overturns 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/jack-smiths-january-6-case-against-president-trump/

@~1:05:05 BANNON ON FIRE! “This Is REVOLTING! Garland and Monaco, You’re Going to Pay a Price!” – Steve Bannon UNLOADS on Corrupt DOJ After 1512c SCOTUS Ruling (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/bannon-fire-this-is-revolting-garland-monaco-youre/

@~1:10:09 One of Justice Coney Barrett’s 4 Clerks Tied to Newsguard, Key Parts of Biden Censorship Complex, MURTHY DECISION CONFLICT OF INTEREST https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/one-justice-coney-barretts-4-clerks-tied/

Speaker Johnson confirmed his support of FL Rep. @realannapaulina’s motion to hold Merrick Garland in Inherent Contempt where the House Sergeant-at-Arms can arrest him https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1806821588890685654

@~1:25:20 Tractor Supply Co wakes up? https://x.com/tractorsupply/status/1806417863885902217?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:29:36 Hawaii going full woke WTF https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1806595851948839080?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:32:04 Meanwhile in Wales https://x.com/bgatesisapyscho/status/1806625694803259728?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:33:48 Pure truth https://x.com/mommamak/status/1806537789372072158?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:36:36 RFK Jr on trump and Biden’s Covid policies https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1806579286901481720?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:42:55 Laptop conspiracy https://youtube.com/shorts/1rsnTPofgEE?si=2-KiahApOrn5bEfZ

@~1:47:37 Macron and Zelensky https://x.com/catturd2/status/1806316098058326163?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:51:00 Trump is just a good dude https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1806296915266478104?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:53:40 How do chemtrails control your emotions? https://youtu.be/SPJS9GHVs_8?si=BqwLD5o49R-DAJij

@~2:01:06 ‪Study Finds "Hominins" Were Sailing the Mediterranean hundreds of thousands of years ago.‬ ‪The Aegean Islands have been isolated for over 450,000 years, yet evidence of activity, possibly by multiple species of early humans, is all over the place.‬ ‪The study revealed. ‬ ‪https://x.com/ancientepoch/status/1806453370460541265?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:06:58 Bill gates a psychopath https://x.com/letsgobrando45/status/1806304035244318865?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:29:06 Dog rides a dolphin https://youtube.com/shorts/_ntuT9MVfWc?si=OZzYZoGrgBPFMa2P

@~2:30:08 ‪A renowned medical doctor has spoken out to confirm reports that the drug ivermectin has been used to successfully cure cancer patients.‬ ‪Dr. Paul Marik, an American physician and former professor of medicine, made the bombshell announcement during a new interview.‬ ‪Marik, a former critical care doctor at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital who also served as chair of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, revealed that “the cancer disappeared” when patients were given ivermectin.‬ ‪https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1806259914635165767?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:47:33 Chevron Deference Doctrine OBLITERATED by SCOTUS!!!! SaltyGoat @SaltyGoat17 · 7h I don't think many people really understand what SCOTUS did today with overturning the Chevron deference... I found the best video I could for a quick explanation. https://x.com/SaltyGoat17/status/1806809267891999126

When OHSA unilaterally mandated that tens of millions of private sector workers take the COVID shot or wear masks, appellate courts cited the Chevron doctrine for allowing it People don’t understand how important it is that Chevron deference is dead https://x.com/gregg_re/status/1806786881180328427

DEEP STATE: Chevron Deference is Dead! I don't think most Americans realize how important this decision was. SCOTUS just neutered the power of unelected bureaucrats in Loper Bright Enterprises et al. v. Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce. https://x.com/amuse/status/1806734000565957110

With Chevron’s demise, it’s time for Congress to re-learn how to write real laws. https://x.com/BasedMikeLee/status/1806703944862687736

every libertarian learning that Chevron has been overturned https://x.com/LPNH/status/1806701235807867275

@~2:54:00 Vivek on Chevron https://x.com/VivekGRamaswamy/status/1806818657705545801

@~2:58:56 NTD Television on Chevron https://x.com/TelevisionNTD/status/1806849232814456866

@~3:00:30 Simon Ateba on Chevron https://x.com/simonateba/status/1806722765648773153

@~3:03:20 ‪Are you vaccinated? ‬ ‪It’s time to sue your doctor .. 🧑‍⚕️ share this everywhere‬ ‪You can also sue your pharmacy 👇 ☠️💉‬ ‪https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1806190508785717481?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~3:07:25 ‪Vaccine maker CSL Seqirus was selected by the U.S. government to complete order for a “pre-pandemic vaccine that is well-matched to the H5 of the currently circulating H5N1 strain,”‬ ‪CSL Seqirus will deliver 4.8 million doses of the vax as part of the National Pre-Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Stockpile program.‬ ‪https://x.com/info_maiden/status/1806630478889324662?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cold Open 2024 Debate https://x.com/simonateba/status/1805946690009993669?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Scotus kills 1st amendment!!!

@~7:04 RIP The First Amendment (1776-2024) In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the government IS able to pressure Big Tech platforms to remove content. This won't end well for us https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1805970285134307534

When #SCOTUS wanted to play Pontius Pilate and evade responsibility for 2020 Election issues, they cited "standing." When #SCOTUS needed to let @US_FDA get away with lying to kids about vaccines, they cited "standing." Now, #SCOTUS greenlights state censorship citing "standing." https://x.com/barnes_law/status/1806034777650422026


Standing doesn't exist in the Constitution nor in our legal history until #SCOTUS invented it in the 20th century as a get-out-of-jail card for corrupt government actors. The Constitution only requires a "case" or "controversy". https://x.com/barnes_law/status/1806037777131454769

Kavanaugh, Barrett & Roberts forming an institutionalist control of #SCOTUS that will mute the Constitutionalist wing of the court. https://x.com/barnes_law/status/1806036916007317595

This was the central complaint of plaintiffs @DrJBhattacharya , @AaronKheriatyMD , and @MartinKulldorff - decorated professionals who were suppressed, and whose opinions countered incorrect or dubious government claims. That situation is exactly why we have a First amendment. https://x.com/adeziner1984/status/1806072579972612585

Breaking: Supreme Court Rules Horribly on Most Important Free Speech Case in a Century — Murthy v. Missouri with Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft as 1 of 5 Top Plaintiffs Is Rejected by Court https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/supreme-court-rules-most-important-free-speech-case/

@~15:04 Mike Adams https://x.com/healthranger/status/1806023032772628487?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w



@~18:56 Mtg https://x.com/repmtg/status/1805974871735996910?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Mtg on WarRoom https://x.com/repmtg/status/1805998195517902959?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~24:33 ‪Today's SCOTUS decision makes it clear we urgently need to defend our God-given right to free expression. It's time to fight back and pass my Free Speech Protection Act so the government can no longer cloak itself in secrecy to undermine the First Amendment rights of Americans. ‬ ‪https://x.com/randpaul/status/1806000930887733261?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~25:19 ‪Twitter is currently involved in a pass purge of subscribers across pro-liberty accounts. Note that we have sued Twitter / X in our federal lawsuit filed on Memorial Day. Twitter is NOT a free speech platform. It's still routinely censoring voices of truth.‬ ‪https://x.com/healthranger/status/1806039460297257344?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Just in time to interfere in the November election. This is how our constitutional republic ends. Sad stuff. There goes our free speech. https://x.com/Bubblebathgirl/status/1805970936157405420

@~26:39 So they make sure we can be censored in big tech and then they roll out new pandemics https://x.com/toddspears1776/status/1805753946100973824?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~27:13 Speaking of free speech being stifled… CNN cracking down in debate coverage https://x.com/mommamak/status/1806013510914125852?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

X WILL NOT CENSOR OR TAKE DOWN DEBATE FEEDS https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1805402421595648220

CNN Treatment https://x.com/Here2triggerU/status/1805403589776466248


Assange reunites with family At 1:30 https://x.com/RonPaul/status/1806063883821707565

'No Physical Harm To Anyone By Leaks': Assange's Freedom A Huge Blow To Detractors https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/judge-overseeing-assanges-freedom-huge-blow-detractors-no-physical-harm-anyone-leaks

‪REPORT: Julian Assange spent $500k for his flight out of the UK to avoid landing on the American homeland after he was released from prison.‬ ‪https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1805583599317795016?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~40:20 ‪BREAKING 🚨 Former US secretary of state and ex-CIA head, Mike Pompeo, has been formally served with a lawsuit alleging he spied on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and visitors while he took refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.‬ ‪https://x.com/jackstr42679640/status/1805709638731477056?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

BREAKING: Julian Assange has been instructed to direct WikiLeaks to destroy any remaining classified documents and information in their possession and provide an affidavit once completed, as part of his plea agreement.‬ ‪https://x.com/realpatrickwebb/status/1805778051076083758?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

‪BREAKING: 🚨The DNC Emails Archive for Wikileaks have been REMOVED... Is this part of Julian Assange's Plea Deal?‬ ‪https://x.com/realmattcouch/status/1805818351827992825?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

‪🚨 BREAKING: ALL EMAILS RELATED TO THE DNC LEAK HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM WIKILEAKS‬ ‪Following Julian Assange's guilty plea to unlawfully obtaining and disclosing classified documents related to national defense, WikiLeaks has removed all DNC emails from its platform; all emails appear with an Internal Server Error Message. ‬ ‪As part of the plea deal, Assange must ensure the return or destruction of unpublished information held by him or WikiLeaks and provide a sworn affidavit confirming compliance, effectively limiting his legal exposure and potentially curtailing future leaks.‬ ‪Sources: NY Times, NBC News, @wikileaks‬ ‪https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1805842009615175756?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

‪Wikileaks just deleted over 20,000 leaked Democratic National Committee emails.‬ ‪The Deep State did a deal for a Assange. ‬ ‪Now it makes sense.‬ ‪https://x.com/bgatesisapyscho/status/1805851449974219165?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~42:20 PIRATE BAY STILL HAS EM https://x.com/KimDotcom/status/1806061827601883554

‪About Julian Assange: I fully support Assange's decision to plead to a felony and win his freedom, however we all know the real truth here... that ASSANGE IS INNOCENT and committed no crime other than "journalism," and that the real criminals are the ones who persecuted him, tortured him and stole years of his life by incarcerating him.‬ ‪https://x.com/healthranger/status/1805849606561185945?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~45:34 Jane ruby on Assange https://x.com/realdrjaneruby/status/1805900825790673186?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

HERE IT IS: Biden Camp Officially Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/here-it-is-biden-camp-officially-refuses-drug/

Wow. Biden campaign officially refuses to drug test Biden. https://x.com/StephenM/status/1805795082710204696

Cankles 2024? https://x.com/realchasegeiser/status/1806030669505507484?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~50:31 But it's not all bad news: BREAKING: County officials in Rio Grande, Colorado have terminated their contract with Dominion and all funding for their voting machines have been rescinded https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1806065857514324044

@~51:36 Anna Paulina Luna, Garland has until Friday to give them access to the tapes https://x.com/repluna/status/1806004120551096715?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~53:14 BASED Republican MOVES TO ARREST Merrick Garland For REFUSING To Turn Over Biden DOJ Audio Tapes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFiUGBZ0adk

@~56:50 Down goes Jamal Bowman https://youtu.be/ew8JXEiHjLI?si=w_DXa1YpNTUox4wO

@~59:04 Masssie Mocks Bowman LOL: “I’m Going to Miss Our Informal Chitchats in The Hallways” – Rep. Thomas Massie Trolls Insurrectionist Jamaal Bowman After He Loses Reelection Bid With Flashback of His UNHINGED Anti-Gun Rant (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/lol-im-going-miss-our-informal-chitchats-hallways/

MTG https://x.com/MTGrepp/status/1805797953648705771

@~1:03:02 Granholme BUSTED https://www.bitchute.com/video/3AtbwcKYRFQ/

@~1:11:45 Soros-Backed California DA Gascon’s ‘Ethics and Integrity’ Top Official Faces 11 Felony Charges https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/soros-backed-california-da-gascons-ethics-integrity-top/

@~1:15:09 Tucker Carlson responds to globalist attacks in Australia! This is fire!!! https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1806085809356869953

@~1:22:40 Prison camps in all 50 states - CIVILIAN INMATE LABOR CAMPS https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1805999876762710528?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:28:00 BREAKING: Biden Internment Camps For Americans Exposed By Border Patrol Whistleblowers https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1806087973877768621

@~1:45:09 🚨🚨🚨 MIND-BLOWING INTERVIEW Mexican lady Rancher is PISSED "WANTS TRUMP BACK IN OFFICE" She thinks "BIDEN IS WORKING FOR MEXICO" 🤯🤯🤯🤯 https://x.com/slave_2_liberty/status/1805589890207563841

@~1:49:03 A new article in Politico reports that senior Biden Administration officials have warned Lebanon that if Hezbollah retaliates to any Israeli attack in Lebanon, the US will become involved. Thus the Biden Administration commits the US to a possible major war in the Middle East… At 5:36 https://x.com/RonPaul/status/1806063883821707565

‪U.S. sends weapons to Israel, but is "powerless" in preventing Israel from attacking Lebanon?‬ ‪What???‬ ‪https://x.com/ronpaul/status/1806024971552014748?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:55:50 ‪🦠☣️Ukraine Bio Update☣️🦠‬ ‪New report from Russian MIL, alleging that the Pentagon relocated their bioweapon operation to Africa, due to Russia’s liberation of the labs in Ukraine.‬ ‪https://x.com/warclandestine/status/1805763235389321490?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

‪Breaking News: Confirmation that there are plants trying to get into Trumps White House.‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1805818446053052752?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:12:02 Dramatic Scenes Of Military-Led Coup In Progress In Bolivia https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/dramatic-scenes-military-led-coup-progress-bolivia

Not to be confused with actor Jose Zuniga https://imgs.search.brave.com/X3lGzo1bZwyJ8gEhUsv2JxBmFRR2RQy4SZ63BuoV5QM/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9tLm1l/ZGlhLWFtYXpvbi5j/b20vaW1hZ2VzL00v/TVY1Qk1ETmpaRGho/TmpVdE1EUXdNQzAw/TXpreUxXSmhaV1l0/WVdZeU5tUmhPR0l4/WmprMlhrRXlYa0Zx/Y0dkZVFYVnlNVGc0/TlRFM09EZ0AuanBn

‪The Ultimate Gay Frog Report‬ ‪https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1805742227743982055?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

‪Video: Gay Frog Interviews Evil Mastermind Behind Depopulation Agenda.‬ ‪Warning: Atrazine is human sterilization agent, which is why it is sprayed on your food.‬ ‪https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1805816114519117856?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:24:57 FBI Raids Oakland Home Tied to Campaign Contribution Laundering Scheme: High-Profile Political Connections Including Biden, Harris, Newsom, Bonta, and Becerra Under Scrutiny https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/fbi-raids-oakland-home-tied-campaign-contribution-laundering/

@~2:31:50 The rampant lies, misinformation, and suppression of factual information by our government during the Covid pandemic can never be tolerated again - and Anthony Fauci should be prosecuted for his role in it all. https://x.com/RepHageman/status/1806023960854671856

@~2:41:36 ‪After original plastic bag ban backfired, California looks to a bigger ban to solve the problem‬ ‪https://x.com/larryelder/status/1805868555902087274?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://x.com/alx/status/1805392840153076014?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

More https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1805380896733704388?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

‪Julian Assange is Free. This video is why he was imprisoned. For revealing the brutality of the American empire:‬ ‪https://x.com/broseph_stalin/status/1805391767539253464?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

JULIAN ASSANGE FREE AT LAST?!?! https://x.com/brightinsight6/status/1805423673467457614?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

‪Julian Assange is a hero who still deserves a full pardon and medals for exposing regime war crimes. We won’t rest until he gets them.‬ ‪https://x.com/dbenner83/status/1805391129204212193?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Assange pizzagate https://x.com/shadowofezra/status/1805424800908607971?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

‪Now That Julian Assange Has Been Freed It’s Very Important To Share This Clip Again, Julian Needs To Be Careful‬ ‪🚨 Tucker Carlson exposes The CIA was planning on murdering Julian Assange‬ ‪https://x.com/wallstreetapes/status/1805415860200526170?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

‪Listen to these words spoken by Julian Assange:‬ ‪“The goal is not to completely subjugate Afghanistan. The goal of Afghanistan is to wash money out of the tax bases of the United States…. the goal is to have an endless war, not a successful war.”‬ ‪Now look at Ukraine: ‬ ‪In Feb. 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine. By April, there were tentative talks of a peace deal. Why did then British Prime Minister Boris Johnson seek to end the talks?‬ ‪https://x.com/gunthereagleman/status/1805399033097372136?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

‪Twenty years ago, George Bush and Tony Blair brazenly launched an illegal war in Iraq, leading to the senseless slaughter of a million innocent lives.‬ ‪Today, these architects of chaos are rich, rewarded, and enjoying their freedom while Julian Assange, who courageously exposed their heinous war crimes, languished in confinement within the Ecuadorian embassy and rotted in prison until yesterday.‬ ‪https://x.com/goddeketal/status/1805445148072882428?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Pence whines about Assange being freed https://x.com/louvalentino_/status/1805437754060268013?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Meanwhile Jake Lang Day 8 of J6 Hunger Strike https://x.com/jakelangj6/status/1805272924506476673?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

TRUMP CAMPAIGN HIT WITH GAG ORDER BY CNN?!?! WTF?!!?! https://x.com/JesseBWatters/status/1805395973725995185

CNN threatens to crack down on commentators live streaming debate https://x.com/1_Crazy_World/status/1805396675760165045

CNN Debate Moderator’s Husband Is One of the 51 Spies Who Lied to American Public About Hunter Laptop to Steal Election https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/cnn-debate-moderators-husband-is-one-51-spies/

British Activist Tommy Robinson Arrested in Canada by Undercover Police After Delivering a Powerful Speech on Censorship and Government Overreach https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/british-activist-tommy-robinson-arrested-canada-undercover-police/

Trump / Hawk Tuah 2024! LOL https://rumble.com/v53j1ad-debate-week-dr-disrespect-drama-julian-assange-free-cobracast-199.html?e9s=src_v1_live

Good ideas from Thomas Massie https://x.com/repthomasmassie/status/1805567943381492075?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Meanwhile Bad ideas from fbi is assho FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing https://headlineusa.com/fbi-wants-20-years-to-produce-records-on-its-involvement-w-okc-bombing/

‪Disney just held a Pride parade for children.‬ ‪Arrest all adults who took part in this.‬ ‪Including the parents.‬ ‪It’s child ab*se.‬ ‪https://x.com/bubblebathgirl/status/1804904393705234751?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

LibsOfTikTok: “Pride celebration at Disney for small children. Disney was also famously caught admitting they are working to inject queerness into their entertainment. BOYCOTT DISNEY”

Dogs watch cartoons https://x.com/vinod_r108/status/1805368807860715795?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Matrix Prisons inbound? Welcome to the future of prison, citizen https://x.com/LibertyLockPod/status/1805347679372808343

Esoteric truths are hidden in Hollywood films Planet of the Apes https://x.com/brightinsight6/status/1805278226597695839?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Babylon bee is standing up for truth https://x.com/thebabylonbee/status/1798786684911317267?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Chase Geiser Challenges Harry Sisson To Duel 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://x.com/realchasegeiser/status/1805368123417411715?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w https://x.com/realchasegeiser/status/1805405833443860502?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Cancelcloco https://x.com/truthfulodyssey/status/1805373719713341760?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

‪Scroll forever in replies and you won't find a single comment in support. How is it we get politically dominated by these pukes when no one likes them or what they say?‬ https://x.com/owenshroyer1776/status/1805451417353584978?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

New airliner company? https://x.com/484ltd/status/1803562683502825777?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Biden debate prep https://x.com/gator526621636/status/1805450204012769511?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Merchan’s Sham Verdict Violated The Constitution In Spades – Unpacking Some Of The Most Grievous Abuses https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/publish-tomorrow-merchans-sham-verdict-violated-constitution-spades/

Steven Greer on PBD https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=4aIlnWBrlIRzfbxL&v=wnynozKz7Aw&feature=youtu.be

Medicinal mud baths https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1805349334588047852?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Hostile takeover of Europe ‪Leftist London Mayor Sadiq Khan Bans City's Taxis From Displaying ENGLISH FLAGS During European Football Championships ‬ ‪https://x.com/bradporcellato/status/1805342677925343413?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Wales Moves Forward With Plan To Punish Politicians For Telling Lies https://www.zerohedge.com/political/wales-moves-forward-plan-punish-politicians-telling-lies

Guidance essentially Prohibits medical clearance of pilots who have taken non fda approved products in yheir system https://x.com/dianat192/status/1804313804802535426?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

AZ registering illegals to vote https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1804873761486676230?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

CERN has apparently opened up a portal to the Cretaceous period lol https://x.com/billsesquire_11/status/1804843292707692573?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Ben Shapiro tries to shut down Thomas Massie's viral "AIPAC Babysitter" clip from the Tucker Carlson Podcast. Do you trust Massie or Shapiro more? https://x.com/LegendaryEnergy/status/1805392916460060818

Canadian treason https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1805059923417465208?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Fish can drive its own tank https://youtu.be/SgXlN0x--u8?si=9tXT_s0zM4ogXwTC

‪Mariana Mazzucato from the World Health Organisation has already planned a Climate Lockdown ‼️ ‬ ‪Backed by some of the world’s largest companies. 👇‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1805066155956244826?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

HotD VS Acolyte: we hate the women and gays 🤣🤣 At 4:09 - 5:55 https://youtu.be/TUSxLoddcGU?si=_uzzcN_NuPIjWvEe

Polar bears are thriving https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1805078113426006026?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

FBI Seeks Suspects Behind New Mexico Fires, Refuting Climate Change Narrative https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/fbi-seeks-suspects-behind-new-mexico-fires-refuting/

Why they couldn’t allow ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine https://x.com/mommamak/status/1805089726958899579?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

LordStirling 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cold Open: If you’re serious about change… https://x.com/carlbmenger/status/1804047926102053119?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~6:44 Louisiana Governor Signs Bill Authorizing Surgical Castration For Child Sex Offenders https://www.zerohedge.com/political/louisiana-governor-signs-bill-authorizing-surgical-castration-child-sex-offenders

@~11:29 HUGE! Kash Patel Drops a Bomb — British Court Reveals Paul Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier Back in 2016 and He Hid This For Years! (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/huge-kash-patel-drops-bomb-british-court-reveals/

WarRoom https://x.com/mommamak/status/1804738468485992476?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

KASH PATEL EXCLUSIVE: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/kash-patel-former-house-speaker-rino-paul-ryan/

@~19:01 Remember your representatives waving Ukrainian flags in Congress when Russia retaliates for US missile strikes that killed Russian kids on a beach in Crimea today. Joe Biden is provoking nuclear war with Russia. Are you ready to die for this demented fool? https://x.com/KimDotcom/status/1804937859562127785

Health ranger https://x.com/healthranger/status/1805132534260412555?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~23:34 Large Terror Attack On Synagogue & Orthodox Churches In Russia's Dagestan https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/terror-gunmen-attack-synagogue-orthodox-churches-russias-dagestan

@~30:00 BREAKING: Russia warns the US to brace for retaliation after missile attack. https://x.com/GeneralMCNews/status/1805308297248903593

@~30:46 ‪Russia is setting up its internal justification for striking US targets. When the nukes start raining down on "blue" cities across the USA, I wonder if all the Dems who participated in the theft of the 2020 election will realize their role in their own demise?‬ ‪https://x.com/healthranger/status/1805300581558587609?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~33:48 Netanyahu Ready To Wind Down Gaza Operations To Battle Hezbollah In North https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/netanyahu-ready-wind-down-gaza-operations-battle-hezbollah-north

@~38:28 Election False Flag Alert! Mad Maxine Says Blood In The Streets Before November https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1805354508207185971

@~44:47 WATCH: Senior VP at Disney Caught on Camera Admitting to Discriminatory Hiring Practices Against White Men Flees James O’Keefe After Awkward Confrontation https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/watch-senior-vp-disney-caught-camera-admitting-discriminatory/

@~54:30 SpaceEx Laing during concert https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1805096194454261975?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~57:38 UPDATE On The Lahaina Maui Fire Victims NEW: “Aloha from Lahaina, Maui. June 22nd update. As you can see, you still can't get into Lahaina. Access is still restricted. Nobody's rebuilding yet still 10 months into the fires” https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1805355891132448784

@~1:01:16 Debate preview LOL "This Proved Our Point": CNN Anchor Slammed Over Mic-Cut Exposing Jake Tapper Lies https://www.zerohedge.com/political/total-panic-cnn-anchor-abruptly-ends-interview-after-trump-spox-utters-inconvenient-facts

@~1:05:50 🚨Ben Carson is Dropping Redpills… The 45 Goals of Communism in America — It’s Happening as we Speak https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1805048904716595443

@~1:09:58 DEVELOPING: Cyber Group Claims it Hacked the Federal Reserve… But Cybersecurity Experts Express Doubts About Claims https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/developing-cyber-group-claims-it-hacked-federal-reserve/

@~1:14:50 "This Is Going To Be Far Worse Than The Great Depression..." https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/going-be-far-worse-great-depression

@~1:25:40 Biden DHS Group Used Jan. 6 To Justify Supercharged Surveillance Of Trump Supporters: Court Docs https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-dhs-group-used-jan-6-justify-supercharged-surveillance-trump-supporters-court-docs

@~1:32:21 A Minnesota Dam Is In "Imminent Failure Condition" https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/minnesota-dam-imminent-failure-condition

@~1:34:55 Chemicals From East Palestine Train Disaster Spread To 16 States: Study https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/chemicals-east-palestine-train-disaster-spread-16-states-study

@~1:39:54 ‪Supreme Court Rules Trump's New York Conviction Is Unconstitutional‬ ‪https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1805359157702189169?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:46:20 🚨UK Police Traffic Drones A trial in the SW UK will see Police Drones deployed - under the guise of ‘it’s for your safety’. https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1804925839986885021

@~1:48:00 ‪Rolls Royce is promoting a portable thermonuclear fusion reactor?!?‬ ‪https://x.com/justxashton/status/1804493805086781705?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:53:04 Brain sensors in devices already https://x.com/myhiddenvalue/status/1805140158569927116?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:56:54 ‪🚨WORLD'S FIRST 'LIVING COMPUTER' RUNS ON 16 LAB-GROWN BRAINS‬ ‪https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1804708780208165360?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:13:15 Infowars to be sold https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/developing-infowars-be-shut-down/

@~2:21:58 Videos of Apeel foods https://x.com/catsscareme2021/status/1805209282947719247?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:24:35 Peeling watermelon https://x.com/wallstreetapes/status/1804549838413123908?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:25:50 VIDEO: Bill Gates' Apeel Treatment Turns Fruit Into Rubber Zombies https://banned.video/watch?id=6679ee6f5643ab4683731978

@~2:33:35 And if that wasn’t gross enough… Oh look, Amazon is now selling camel toe underwear for delusional men. https://x.com/ImMeme0/status/1804705836213674458

@~2:35:11 Biden DOJ Official Hit with Criminal Referral, Ethics Complaints and Bar Complaints For Lying Under Oath About Previous Arrest For Stabbing Her Then-Husband https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/biden-doj-official-hit-ethics-complaint-lying-under/

@~2:36:50 WOKE Black Woman Judge ARRESTED For ASSAULTING Police Officer After Getting FIRED For Incompetence! https://youtu.be/4EbhFgZWWEk?si=omWZwyn5R582KGtV

WOKE Ghetto Judge BEGS Fani Willis FOR HELP After Bodycam Footage Exposes Her Assaulting Police! https://youtu.be/XfPi2i6phjs?si=UJfHJC-y0nqt_w3W

@~2:43:13 Boeing Starliner falling apart on way to launch pad https://x.com/therubberduck79/status/1805326296026615907?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:44:30 Texas Logistics Company With 500 Truck Drivers Abruptly Ceases Operations https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/texas-logistics-company-500-truck-drivers-abruptly-ceases-operations

@~2:47:57 Maher Audience Silenced After Andrew Cuomo Admits NYC Trump Trial Should Have Never Happened & Bill Maher on Biden’s poll numbers https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/maher-audience-silenced-andrew-cuomo-admits-trump-hush-money-trial-should-have-never

California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/california-reveals-all-job-gains-2023-were-fake

@~2:57:48 Black Lives MAGA https://x.com/Maga4liberty/status/1805407681026421100

@~2:59:34 Ron Paul On Russian Beach Cluster Bombing https://x.com/RonPaul/status/1805332079062008303

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

@~4:50:50 Whistleblower Military Doctor: Chemtrails contain barium salts, human plasma, microviruses, non-terrestrial nano-silicon machines, poisonous aerosols… Listen in…🤬 https://x.com/mommamak/status/1803856003475128347?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@4:57:40 R.I.P. Willy Mays https://x.com/wheat452/status/1803318130791358791?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~4:58:03 UK Debt Collector Goes Hard https://youtube.com/shorts/WKFzWIim170?si=4QvL13dbbjv7GSSC

@~4:59:33 Fat Cat bouncing ball sfx https://x.com/thefigen_/status/1803174282136002607?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~5:00:13 Psychosexual https://x.com/jbanklestankle1/status/1802847149174210761?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~5:01:32 Jewish American Pedophiles Safe In Israel WHY https://x.com/myhiddenvalue/status/1803319446775406799?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~5:04:39 Just Cause for new war against britain https://x.com/gigabaseddad/status/1803332891247858050?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~5:05:14 Shark attack https://www.facebook.com/JREclipsFP/videos/1107746773618554/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

@~5:08:58 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Explained in Under 5 Minutes LMFAOOOOO https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1803438396330705167?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Why won’t gov declassify Jfk info? https://x.com/shawnryanshow/status/1802763742284751242?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Jfk zapruder film madness https://x.com/lovetocook12345/status/1802535604552392710?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

More https://x.com/skriptkeeper17/status/1794892325384224845?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

More https://x.com/benswann_/status/1671171334951542784?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

More https://x.com/uncommonsince76/status/1781671529891147964?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

More https://x.com/wheresourheroes/status/1800544797322883232?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Mary Moorman Photo Stuff! https://jfkplayersandwitnesses.wordpress.com/2013/08/05/the-mary-moorman-photo/

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

@~6:29 ‪I Hope This Makes The Idaho Water Shutoff To Farmers Real For People‬ ‪https://x.com/wallstreetapes/status/1804124590727430232?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~15:58 Fauci lying about aids https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1804264362863136893?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~17:55 CHILLING: Biden Regime Declares Trump Supporters Domestic Terror Threats in Newly Released Internal Documents, Sought to Set Up DHS Intel Unit to Target Them https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/chilling-biden-regime-declares-trump-supporters-domestic-terror/

@~28:45 ‪SCOTUS RULING — Not too happy about this one as it sounds like they’ve Just legalized Red Flag Laws in all 50 States… right?‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1804222283499655406?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~30:08 Supreme Court 8-1: Citizens Lose All Gun Rights for 2 Years When Accused of Domestic Violence https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/supreme-court-8-1-citizens-lose-all-gun/

@~34:02 National Association of gun rights video https://x.com/NatlGunRights/status/1804242872197079302

@~45:08 ‪The Supreme Court is under total CIA/NSA surveillance by the Obiden administration. They must start by having a full security sweep of all electronic devices.‬ ‪https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1804267068478624108?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Another Supreme Court Leak? Biden Announced Executive Order to Legalize Immigrant Spouses 3 Days Before SCOTUS Issues Ruling on Spouse’s Visa https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/another-supreme-court-leak-biden-announced-executive-order/‪

@~52:02 ‼️ROE V WADE, A MANUFACTURED LIE‼️‬ ‪‘Jane Roe’ confesses on her deathbed that she was paid to say and play the part.‬ ‪https://x.com/myhiddenvalue/status/1802902704911733154?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~58:00 Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey to Launch Legal Battle Against New York Over Unconstitutional Lawfare Against President Trump https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/missouri-attorney-general-andrew-bailey-launch-legal-battle/

@~1:00:52 ‪Every state attorney general has to do this‬ ‪Don’t trust them if they don’t step up‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1804049940164792573?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:01:30 ‪THE SUPREME COURT HAS JUST GRANTED MY JAN 6 CASE TODAY!!!‬ ‪https://x.com/jakelangj6/status/1734979685694722141?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:04:55 Dog to be charged with felonies! https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1804037695003299877?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:06:14 The Gateway Pundit had to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy because rabid progressive liberals decided to try to bankrupt them with frivolous lawsuits. The goal, of course, is to take them out of the running because the goal is always to silence your political opposition when you are an illegitimate regime.. https://x.com/DefiyantlyFree/status/1803808644930077178

The Department of Justice Is Targeting The Gateway Pundit in Their Hopes to Ruin Us: As many of you know, on April 24, 2024, TGP Communications, the parent company of The Gateway Pundit, made the decision to seek protection under Chapter 11 https://x.com/JPNWMN/status/1803795255818690612

The Department of Justice Is Targeting The Gateway Pundit in Their Hopes to Ruin Us — Secretly Injected Itself in Chapter 11 Case – Why? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/department-justice-is-targeting-gateway-pundit-their-hopes/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=department-justice-is-targeting-gateway-pundit-their-hopes

@~1:13:24 WARROOM INTERVIEW! https://rumble.com/v52pxqx-the-department-of-justice-is-targeting-the-gateway-pundit-in-their-hopes-to.html

@JayneZirkle The Department of Justice Is Targeting The Gateway Pundit - Secretly Interjected Itself in Chapter 11 Case - Why? @gatewaypundit https://x.com/JayneZirkle/status/1803807644043366456

@~1:22:45 ‪BREAKING: FBI agents raid the home of Oakland mayor Sheng Thao. ‬ ‪https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1803846570762485823?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:25:19 HUGE! Case Against Nevada GOP Alternate Electors Dismissed By Judge… Radical Dem AG Loses His Mind https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/huge-case-against-nevada-gop-alternate-electors-dismissed/

@~1:30:00 DISGUSTING: Bill Gates Wants You To Eat Maggot Milk https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803837030532632919

@~1:36:45 ‪What is wrong with you @Disney @StarWars? You beat "The Star Wars Holiday Special" as the worst Star Wars of all time.‬ ‪I even double checked it. Yes, the Star Wars Holday Special is 150% better than the #Acolyte. That show barely deserves 10% rating.‬ ‪https://x.com/darrell02554398/status/1803389547612360740?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:40:00 ‪This American Is Being Forced To Go To Court Over A Cracked Windshield. If Joe Biden & Millions Of Illegal Migrants Don’t Have To Follow The Law, He Says “I will no longer comply” ‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1804037105858883931?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:42:00 Two thugs race and almost fight over package #MakeBoobyTrapsLegalAgain https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1804204962890813488?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:45:00 ‪Saudis move off the petrodollar last week & suddenly 23 years later regime media finally decides to blame them for 9/11‬ ‪https://x.com/mikebenzcyber/status/1804026560237691143?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:51:53 Mysterious monoliths are appearing across the world. https://x.com/TaraBull808/status/1803920291799929308

More https://x.com/TaraBull808/status/1803920015298875495

More https://x.com/TaraBull808/status/1803920006906024272


@~1:57:04 Are we witnessing the decline of humanity? https://x.com/TaraBull808/status/1803890266409177561

@~1:58:10 Earth Seen From Voyager 3.7 billion miles away https://x.com/oliverlipinski/status/1804050177805746652?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:59:23 Shocking Moment: Professional Boxer Collapses Mid-Fight in Apparent Seizure During First Round of Team Combat League Match https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/shocking-moment-professional-boxer-collapses-mid-fight-apparent/

@~2:03:57 Demographics are destiny https://x.com/harrisonhsmith/status/1804231164707672199?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:07:28 Amazon cunt refuses to correctly fill orders https://x.com/immeme0/status/1804176664458379498?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:09:04 “Pure Blooded” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ4eCFczjgs

@~2:13:53 ‪Listen To Every Word Of This‬ ‪“47 other states, you do not have to prove citizenship to vote. You can get a Drivers License through a Social Security number that you get from the federal government, that doesn't verify citizenship right now with the Biden administration”‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1804045482932482234?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:16:20 Jabs will kill most thru heart failure & 62% already have microscopic clots https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1803935559024546218

@~2:17:54 Proof https://x.com/Crazynews4real/status/1803941841680896266

@~2:19:36 Ex Pfizer Chief Scientist, Dr. Michael Yeadon: Anything With mRNA Written on It Is Designed to Be Harmful and no exceptions https://x.com/Anpo_Star/status/1803944500081102963

@~2:23:20 Melinda gates endorses Joe Biden https://x.com/simonateba/status/1803884777612996651?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:25:07 Hmmm… https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1803767313922961490?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:26:32 An Earthquake Changed the Course of the Ganges. Could It Happen Again? https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2024/06/17/an-earthquake-changed-the-course-of-the-ganges-could-it-happen-again/?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

Rep. Cori Bush claims that she cured a woman's tumors by touching her. Zeto skepticism from the interviewer. https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1802755626428137960

@~2:36:03 You Are Surrounded By Lies The hidden method of the mass psyop is the age old technique of the Hegelian Dialectic. https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1804004063476170904

@~2:41:14 Woman saves sperm whale with bare hands https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7WA8lwZzWUM

@~2:44:00 Gaddafi Files Pt.1 ‪Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails Revealed NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop the formation of a United States of Africa. #GaddafiFilesPart1‬ https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1803782148366766550?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:52:50 National parks handed over to WEF looters https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1803917703423340595?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:02:00 Julian Assange smart dust https://x.com/catsscareme2021/status/1803904574945690017?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:03:25 ‪🚨🇬🇧 Blade runner cuts down ULEZ camera in London.‬ ‪These cameras are tools for tyranny. ‬ ‪It had only been installed the day before….‬ https://x.com/worldaltmedia/status/1804258769049714873?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59whttps://x.com/bgatesisapyscho/status/1804257555192930574?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~3:08:38 ‘Our Children’s Well-Being Is at Stake’: Surgeon General’s Smart Call for Social Media Warning Labels https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/childrens-stake-surgeon-generals-smart-call-social-media/

@~3:12:26 Food ingredient is made from HUMAN HAIR WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?! 45:26 https://youtu.be/a2IkPhufwhI?si=-TuUbzzb-vjp2a0o

@~3:13:54 Importance of teeth before 1:05:00 High trust society 1:05:00 https://youtu.be/a2IkPhufwhI?si=9ZtMePOpiz7FrEzx

@~3:17:45 Vigano Exposes Pedos https://x.com/ShadowofEzra/status/1803873304484200738

@~3:22:45 BREAKING: Black Detroit pastor tells Trump, "President Trump, I'm so humbled that you would be here. President Obama never came to the hood, so to speak, and President Joe Biden only went to the big NAACP dinner, but he never came to the hood. So thank you." WATCH‬ ‪https://x.com/simonateba/status/1802084102880768459?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~3:23:43 Stonehenge reacts to being assaulted https://youtube.com/shorts/1pnWZ10e4NM?si=mSTZ24759AY9LYZz

@~3:24:13 Liz Crokin attacked? She big mad! https://x.com/lizcrokin/status/1803706098429395283?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:27:02 Shutting down the food supply https://x.com/harrisonhsmith/status/1803919531359994350?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:28:27 This is extraordinary. Yellen literally says that the interest you earn on your deposits / investments actually belongs to "the institution," not to you. This upends the entire western financial system and should cause every person reading this to RUN to your bank, brokerage https://x.com/HealthRanger/status/1803493225602359494

@~3:30:36 Ancient cannabis 'burial shroud' discovered in desert oasis https://archive.is/xgRks#selection-4855.0-4855.59

@~3:34:45 Keanu IS John Wick https://x.com/picturesfoider/status/1803076280767721880?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:37:27 Cowboy gun triple shot https://youtube.com/shorts/Cm3Hi4rw-rk?si=HcvqdusX_Hgi7Mff

@~3:38:32 Income tax https://x.com/mommamak/status/1803875007916859400?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:41:02 America: From Freedom to Fascism https://rumble.com/v24okz2-america-freedom-to-fascism-by-aaron-russo.html

@~4:33:44 Hep B shots for babies https://x.com/vigilantfox/status/1803792117153533998?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~4:39:29 Vaccinated VS Unvaccinated blood https://x.com/redpilldrifter/status/1803966430704210391?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

‪🚨🚨🚨‬ ‪Flight NE130 from Cairo to Taif, Saudi Arabia diverted to Jeddah, when Captain Hassan Youssef Adas, passed away suddenly mid-flight.‬ ‪https://x.com/_aussie17/status/1804066238152478809?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

‪Japan: 'Billions of Dying Vaxxed Have Dementia - Perpetrators Must Be Punished'‬ ‪https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1803930913904169433?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

@~8:40 ‘I Will Endeavor to Stay Alive’: Elon Musk Reveals There Were Two Failed Assassination Attempts Against Him https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/i-will-endeavor-stay-alive-elon-musk-reveals/

‪He’s got a point. How are we supposed to live a normal life when we have the knowledge we have ?‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1803629663534633148?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Deagle Report Reminder https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1803533525389328569

@~11:10 ‪Incoming Florida freshman Olivier Rioux is set to be the tallest player in college basketball history at 7-foot-9.‬ ‪https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1803592693844709847?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~18:00 PROJECT VERITAS?!?!?! CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover Footage Reveals Biden’s State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL — Admits Deliberately Importing Criminals https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/conspiracy-no-more-explosive-undercover-footage-reveals-bidens/

@~32:06 Putin gifts Un with luxury Limo. https://x.com/amuse/status/1803775956466733141?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

They go drifting lol https://x.com/us17/status/1803810466759606449?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Putin waves goodbye https://x.com/bricsinfo/status/1803837313107005691?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~34:34 My good friend @Judgenap will be joining me and many other great speakers at the 2024 RPI DC Conference! Get your discounted tickets while they last! https://x.com/RonPaul/status/1803891976300871779

@~36:41 Taking Rights Seriously https://youtu.be/3QMSDJn2wSU?si=iWwRvD85wJj3RBHC

@~40:02 O’Keefe to expose Disney heads ‪We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.‬ ‪The enemies of my mission have one major dilemma; they’ve run out of arrows.‬ ‪https://x.com/jamesokeefeiii/status/1803131096789581875?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Disney discrimination #OMG https://x.com/jamesokeefeiii/status/1803833834946883901?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~59:06 ORBÁN GOES FULL MEGA: Hungarian PM Chooses ‘Make Europe Great Again’ as the Slogan of His European Union Presidency https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/orban-goes-full-mega-hungarian-pm-chooses-make/

@~1:04:10 Comedian Marlon Wayans ROASTS Fani Willis Lover Nathan Wade During Interview https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803887258505752740

@~1:09:28 SICK: Pentagon Scheming to Force-Feed U.S. Troops “Experimental’” Lab-Grown Meat to Reduce Carbon Emissions – Military Veterans Respond https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/sick-pentagon-scheming-force-feed-u-s-troops/

@~1:17:30 toms3472: “It's getting pretty obvious from all the propaganda and censorship by the US govt that covid leaked in the US, and they thought they could cover it up by blaming China for it.

Covid was in the US the summer of 2019. What was thought to be the e-cigarette vaping illness (evali), which peaked in Sept 2019, was really the first covid wave in the world. E-cigarette users are 7 times more likely to contract covid-19 than non-e-cig users. They were the canaries in the coal mine.

The CDC was aware of it and covered it up (vitamin e thickener was the cover story) after discovering it was one of Ralph Baric's creations. They hoped to hide the numbers as a severe flu season and hoped it would be gone in a year.

When China detected it several months later, after it had worked its way to the other side of the globe infecting many countries along the way, the US decided to wash its hands of the now-pandemic and blame China.

To be clear, the virus had been silently circulating and spreading in the US since at least the middle of 2019, and since we didn't take any action until early 2020, that long lead time is the reason why the US struggles with such high levels of it.

With China, the virus didn't enter their country until late 2019. They detected it early and locked down early, allowing them to get it under control, which is why they had such low rates of it until Omicron showed up.

There were so many asymptomatic cases in early 2020, the supposed beginning of the pandemic in the US, because they were of people who had contracted covid months earlier and recovered on their own.

The US found every excuse in early 2020 to delay testing for this reason. It would have revealed the virus was already widespread in the US by the time China got their first cases.

The World Health Organization also monitored the virus as it spread in the US. Unlike the CDC, the WHO is an independent body, and when it refused to obey Trump's order to blame China after they detected it, he cut off their funding.

Whether or not GOF research was outsourced to WIV in cooperation with EcoHealth Alliance is irrelevant since there was never any leak from that lab.

It's why Trump held his covid meetings in high-security meeting rooms, the so-called "Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility" usually reserved for intelligence and military operations. This is the big secret the US is hiding about covid.

Covid-19 isn't the China virus. It's the America virus. The freedom flu. We knew this from DAY ONE.”

@~1:22:12 THREE YEARS LATER: Biden’s Multi-Billion Dollar Plan to Connect Rural Americans to High Speed Internet Has Connected ZERO People https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/three-years-later-bidens-multi-billion-dollar-plan/

@~1:25:09 Ecuador was hit today with a NATIONWIDE grid down power failure. No electricity across the entire nation. Cascading transmission line failure currently being blamed, but what caused the failure to begin? Cyber attack? https://x.com/HealthRanger/status/1803596289931632673

@~1:27:19 EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/exclusive-archbishop-carlo-maria-vigano-summoned-vatican-be/

@~1:30:49 Top Researcher Predicts False Flag Attack In Space Will Trigger Next Big War https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803907225842303023

@~1:51:27 Greg Gutfeld Rips Liberal Media for Pushing White House Spin on Biden ‘Cheap Fakes’ (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/greg-gutfeld-rips-liberal-media-pushing-white-house/

@~1:54:05 "The World Economic Forum has its tentacles in Idaho. I'll tell you some of the bills they have come to our state with, they are infiltrating our state. It's scary. I just found a bill, in 2015, my first year in the legislature, we had a bill with international treaty language put right into our state code. When I found the paperwork, WEF is listed as a supporter of this treaty language." Rep. Heather Scott of http://RepHeatherScott.com https://x.com/texan_maga/status/1756780806142382455

@~1:56:38 Trump Lawyers File Motion to Remove Engoron From NYC Civil Fraud Case After it Was Revealed Judge Had ‘Improper’ Conversation with Real Estate Attorney https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/trump-lawyers-file-motion-remove-engoron-nyc-civil/

@~2:01:05 ● Australia 20,000 missing children ● Canada 45,000 missing children ● Germany 100,000 missing children ● India 96,000 missing children ● Jamaica 2,000 missing children ● Russia 45,000 missing children ● Spain 20,000 missing children ● United Kingdom 112,000 missing children ● United States 460,000 missing children ● 900,000 missing children each year ● Actual numbers are 8 million world wide and 800,000 just in the USA https://x.com/myhiddenvalue/status/1803405075702071330

@~2:02:50 @ElonMusk Mario Nawfal @MarioNawfal 🚨EUROPE FACES POTENTIAL DEPOPULATION CATASTROPHE According to researchers, countries need a birth rate of 2.1 children per woman to maintain a stable population. https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1803788430012187075

@~2:06:35 Bill Gates

@~2:09:19 California’s $20 Minimum Wage Forces 91-Year-Old Owner Shut Down Iconic Hollywood Arby’s After 55 Years: ‘Final Nail in the Coffin’ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/californias-20-minimum-wage-forces-91-year-old/

@~2:10:08 Creepy optical illusion https://x.com/snjegi333/status/1803475826920530416?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:13:59 “I’ll Shank Your F*cking Neck!” – Pro-Palestine Protester Threatens to Stab RAV’s Ben Bergquam (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/ill-shank-your-fcking-neck-pro-palestine-protester/

@~2:18:23 Thomas Massie Tucker Interview https://x.com/repthomasmassie/status/1803769294658195871?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:23:13 ‪Still think the TSA is there for your protection? 🤣🤣‬ ‪https://x.com/riseupohio/status/1803591266539630830?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:25:39 MI Senator Goes OFF on Dirty Democrats After They Pass Bills Making It Impossible For Board of Canvassers To Investigate Election Fraud in Crooked State of MI [VIDEO] https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/mi-senator-goes-dirty-democrats-after-they-pass/

@~2:34:25 FJB as Obama speaks https://x.com/riseupohio/status/1803590293125767571?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:35:55 Biden IS the Cheap Fake https://x.com/riseupohio/status/1803483799340167568?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:36:33 ‪China has infiltrated every layer of American society and government.‬ ‪https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1803641675664990269?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:42:33 ‪The surrender of Ukraine will be disguised as a fake peace deal.‬ ‪Turkey leaving NATO‬ ‪https://x.com/shadowofezra/status/1688175842151849984?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:44:39 Mom of 4 Found Hanged, Police Now Suspect a Staged Suicide After Strange Clue Emerges https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/mom-4-found-hanged-police-now-suspect-staged/

@~2:48:18 Pedo apologist judge ‪Sen. John Kennedy asked Biden nominee for First Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Julia Lipez why she called a man who moIstd a 4 and a 9-year-old girl “a person who has a lot of good in him” and why she suspended half his sentence.‬ ‪Watch Lipez beat around the bush and refuse to answer. We shouldn’t have pd apologists appointed to judge positions!‬ ‪https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1803866060728205527?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬


@~2:53:10 Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America What you are about to see is a plan set in motion over 150 years ago and is still being carried out today. #Juneteenth https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803595622190293209

@~2:55:38 First 23 black senators all republicans? https://x.com/its_the_dr/status/1799521127779217520?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cold Open: BIDEN IS A CHEAP FAKE https://x.com/harrisonhsmith/status/1803516744696279101?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~8:45 25 Ways the US is being Destroyed in Under 2 Minutes https://x.com/liz_churchill10/status/1802876160176542073

@~11:19 Philly is a literal zombie apocalypse https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1803318344331735303?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~12:20 Stonehenge Vandalized WHO IS FUNDING THIS??? What should the punishment be for desecrating ancient ruins?? https://x.com/BrightInsight6/status/1803450249601753308

@~14:51 HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden Struggles Getting Into SUV After Virginia Fundraiser (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/hes-shot-joe-biden-struggles-getting-suv-after/

@~18:09 NATO Announces Plan To Bomb Russia https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803547892596015155

@~23:59 JUST IN: 19-year-old USC student arrested after he stabbed a homeless man who threatened him and broke into his car. https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1803222592469475779

@~26:54 Getting microplastics out of your body At 7:56 https://youtu.be/a2IkPhufwhI?si=BOW6sqJSg5P_B0ob LARA TRUMP AMAZING RNC PLAN At 21:05

@~33:53 J6’er died of cancer https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1803498775261905106

@~36:30 Interview with Harry Fisher

@~45:14 ‪BREAKING NEWS: In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads‬ ‪It has just passed peer review & will be PUBLISHED!‬ ‪74% of sudden deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccine!‬ ‪https://x.com/makismd/status/1803325043813839049?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~55:38 MIKE ADAMS AI ACTUALLY TELLS THE TRUTH https://x.com/healthranger/status/1803207643064049675?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~58:18 BlackRock building atmosphere destroying compound https://x.com/harrisonhsmith/status/1803202711032131861?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w Let’s say in a hypothetical Minecraft conflict scenario

@~1:01:54 Putin in North Korea https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1803141565122224475?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w More https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1803309235280945252?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:05:47 Idaho potato famine https://x.com/naturegirl571/status/1802704234359451716?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:10:26 Education VS indoctrination https://x.com/maga4liberty/status/1803264125398560880?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:13:30 GOP Reps. Introduce Resolution Without Senate Approval to Nullify Subpoenas for Bannon, Navarro, Scavino, and Meadows — Declare January 6th Committee Illegitimate https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/gop-reps-introduce-resolution-without-senate-approval-nullify/

Jim Jordan Weighs In On House Resolution Nullifying Bannon, Navarro Charges https://www.zerohedge.com/political/jim-jordan-weighs-house-resolution-nullifying-bannon-navarro-charges

@~1:19:19 “They tried to kill us” https://x.com/mommamak/status/1803355893569863909?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:24:26 ‪Ireland's Ryanair CEO has blasted as "fake" the refugees pouring into Ireland on his airline. They're coming from the UK and France - they are not economic refugees. ‬ ‪https://x.com/ronpaul/status/1803532055520673819?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:30:09 France is about to bring the EU to the brink of collapse https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/19/coming-french-revolution-will-destroy-eu-and-starmer-dreams/


@~1:38:11 White House Fuming, Cancels Meeting With Israelis, After Netanyahu's Public Scolding https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/white-house-fuming-cancels-meeting-israelis-after-netanyahus-public-scolding

@~1:41:00 Former Democrat Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard Says Katie Hobbs’ $400K Pay For Play Scheme Warrants Criminal Investigation (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/former-democrat-arizona-attorney-general-terry-goddard-says/

@~1:42:11 Stonehenge story

@~1:43:40 Trump and JONES at Turning Point USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803535176137420994

@~1:49:30 Trump on aliens At 10:15 https://rumble.com/v51nln8-alex-jones-to-be-shut-down-reeeeee-stream-06-14-24.html

@~1:58:02 If this is true, it's further proof of treason by our government and 3-letter agencies. We can't trust them to do what's lawful, to police themselves or to tell the truth to The People who's money they use. This problem is seeming too big for 1 President to fix. https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1803536922352165187

@~2:01:15 Jones predicted in 2009 Russia would be blamed for U.S. collapse https://www.instagram.com/reel/C77A9zUuXrq/?igsh=cTl1dHZydDl5d2Rt

@~2:05:25 Totally Unrelated news Reporter Collapses During Live White House Press Briefing (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/reporter-collapses-during-live-white-house-press-briefing/m

@~2:07:03 COVID VACCINE DECLARED NOT A VACCINE, BUT A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION BY THE COURT 👀 https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1803548455433879632

@~2:12:55 BREAKING VIDEO: Pfizer Head Albert Bourla Says COVID Was Just A Test https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803556908927734009

@~2:17:25 1966 coronavirus weaponization https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1803472303206060482?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

BREAKING VIDEO: Klaus Schwab Claims Globalist Minions Will Live Forever https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803550059356684705

@~2:23:47 ‪WOW 🚨 Sacramento Democrats Just Cut Over $75 Million In Funding To House US Veterans & Gave Another $1 Billion To The Failed High Speed Rail‬ ‪https://x.com/wallstreetapes/status/1802657660346741182?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:25:00 Former Major Fundraiser for Obama Deserts Democrats and is Now Backing Donald Trump (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/former-major-fundraiser-obama-deserts-democrats-is-now/

@~2:34:34 The Music Just Stopped: Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion In Treasuries & European Bonds To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/music-just-stopped-banking-giant-norinchukin-liquidate-63-billion-treasuries-and-european

@~2:38:48 EXCLUSIVE: Before Transferring to DA Bragg’s Office, Biden DOJ Bad Actor Matthew Colangelo Shut Down All 2020 Election Investigations https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/exclusive-before-transferring-da-braggs-office-biden-doj/

@~2:44:28 REPORT: City of Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/report-city-seattle-now-recruiting-illegal-immigrants-become/

@~2:47:41 ‪San Francisco now has a CCP Chinese (Non Citizen) on their election board! SFO has officially boarded the crazy train!‬ ‪https://x.com/maga4liberty/status/1802516965644279951?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:49:09 And here is, the first question the country asked on Nov 3, 2020. Did you see that? what the fuck just happened? https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1803537469692064150

@~2:55:07 🔥🚨DEVELOPING: Vice President Kamala Harris invited Dylan Mulvaney’s hairdresser Jonathon Van Ness to the White House. https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1803208808421855507

@~2:56:07 More abject horror results https://x.com/glockworka/status/1803265837865865535?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:57:46 CHICK LOOKS LIKE TUCKER CARLSON! https://x.com/JebraFaushay/status/1803045367828877377

@~2:59:47 Evil Parrot: “I’m not gonna hurt you!” THEN ATTACKS LOL https://x.com/827js/status/1803397755462733908

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cold Open: EPIC “Cheap fakes” meme https://x.com/drefanzor/status/1802834100346368437

@~6:15 Secret Service Agent Robbed at Gunpoint During Joe Biden’s Trip to California Resulting in Officer-Involved Shooting https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/secret-service-agent-robbed-gunpoint-during-joe-bidens/

Sleepy Joe Strikes Again VIDEO: Joe Biden Dozes Off During Famous Italian Tenor Andrea Bocelli’s Performance of Nessun Dorma at the G7 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/video-joe-biden-dozes-during-famous-italian-tenor/

@~11:29 Biden’s Brain Malfunctions as He Announces MASS AMNESTY for Illegals Months Before Election (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/bidens-brain-malfunctions-as-he-announces-mass-amnesty/

@~16:29 Cheap fakes!!! “Manipulated videos” At 3:20 https://youtu.be/aauSxye13K8?si=0JcvCsd8-279MQ6z

EPIC “Cheap fakes” meme https://x.com/drefanzor/status/1802834100346368437

Actually, it turns out that the left are the ones lying about video clips MEDIA FAIL: Leftist MSNBC Contributor’s Claim that a ‘Feeble’ Trump Was Guided Off Stage During Rally Blows Up in His Face After Footage Emerges Exposing the Truth (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/media-fail-leftist-msnbc-contributors-claim-that-feeble/

@~27:04 Trump responds “These Are Shameless Liars” – President Trump Comments on Biden Wandering Off at G7, Being Pulled Off Stage by Obama, and Claiming Videos Were Faked (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/these-are-shameless-liars-president-trump-comments-biden/

@~33:58 Scarborough cheap fakes lie https://x.com/AdamAdamjhonson/status/1803056794975064335

@~36:33 UH-OH: Indian Astrologer Known as ‘The New Nostradamus’ Predicts That WW3 Will Begin TOMORROW https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/uh-oh-indian-astrologer-known-as-new-nostradamus/

@~37:00 Eratosthenes https://x.com/allodarii/status/1802791032373010710 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tiNiX_8SuI https://x.com/allodarii/status/1802842130005504000

@~41:16 "Once-in-a-lifetime" cosmic explosion is likely this summer, NASA says. Here's what to know. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/once-in-a-lifetime-cosmic-explosion-nova-nasa-what-to-know/?utm_source=pocket-newtab-en-us

@~45:16 Trillions in interest https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1803076707538071575?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~49:23 TIMELY LESSONS ABOUT TYRANNY FROM THE FATHER OF THE CONSTITUTION https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/86031/timely-lessons-about-tyranny-from-the-father-of.html

@~1:04:00 New dealy bacterial infection in Japan https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/17/asia/japan-record-spike-stss-bacterial-infection-intl-hnk/index.html

@~1:09:55 Why was the dust of the World Trade Centers full of nanothermite? https://x.com/goddeketal/status/1802753603007922252

@~1:15:12 POLL: Trump Takes Lead Over Biden in Vital Swing State of Pennsylvania https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/poll-trump-takes-lead-biden-vital-swing-state/

@~1:20:27 Cops trampling people’s rights https://x.com/mommamak/status/1803186271667339306?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:25:17 Gobekli Tepi Noah’s Ark https://x.com/brightinsight6/status/1803095152535417249?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Argha Noa At 24:57 https://youtu.be/ZRGEts3PxDA?si=U2Dd4WxilUw7ABnf&t=1497

@~1:38:11 Check out Durupinar site https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG_Ubj-OCpQ

@~1:45:13 Detroit Rapper ‘Icewear Vezzo’ Explains Why He is Supporting Trump in 2024 (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/detroit-rapper-icewear-vezzo-explains-why-he-is/

@~1:46:45 McMAYHEM: Florida McDonald’s Employee Allegedly Opens Fire at Customers Over Drive-Thru Argument (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/mcmayhem-florida-mcdonalds-employee-allegedly-opens-fire-customers/

@~1:50:22 The public is being SQUEEZED beyond the breaking point! This is the first phase of radicalization. Radical problems require radical solutions. https://x.com/realchasegeiser/status/1803189768840200450

@~1:56:16 Kevin Costner Jabs Whoopi Goldberg for Cutting Him Off, Going to Commercial – ‘Stand Down, We’re Talking’ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/kevin-costner-jabs-whoopi-goldberg-cutting-going-commercial/

@~1:58:52 Biden to be replaced on ballot? Rep Luna https://youtu.be/GQ_wsBciGWM?si=ALhnkYzNK9PjHrDL

@~2:10:13 BREAKING: Nurses And EMTs Expose COVID Injection Holocaust https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803195401832468735

@~2:31:08 Electric motorcycle https://rumble.com/v524xqb-worlds-fastest-electric-supermoto-80hp-stark-varg-100mph.html

@~2:33:40 ‪“Every Taliban member who died during the war with us, the US government is paying them a stipend, the family. So our families of Americans who died there aren't getting squat, but we are paying Taliban families for basically dying while attacking us”‬ ‪https://x.com/wallstreetapes/status/1802536177200951425?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:35:55 We’ve Finally Found Her You know when people ask if you’re a conservative could you date a liberal? Well this woman is a “conspiracy theorists”/ truth seeker who tries to share the truth she learns with her husband who doesn’t believe anything going on that’s not on the news You just have to watch this, I’m sure there’s so many people in this exact same position. It’s gotta be infuriating. https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1802418505511530658

@~2:38:22 Tall ass Egyptian door hinge, bored with precision into hard granite! https://youtube.com/shorts/CgQcdvgvs2Y?si=Y8NxnzdnF20O-sV9

The Mystery of the Sphinx Temple! Evidence for Hidden Chambers, High Tech, and Secret Digs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVWfLe7OTKI

New Video The Megalithic Valley Temple In Egypt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtuNTt7f7mw

@~2:46:35 Chemists show how concrete could have been made in past https://www.sciencenews.org/article/chemists-long-lasting-roman-concrete

@~2:49:27 Think about it. https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1802426981264298293

@~2:49:51 ‪Ex-CDC Director: “There WILL Be a Bird Flu Pandemic”‬ ‪Dr. Robert Redfield suggests that bird flu “could make COVID look like a little pandemic” and that “it's not a question of if, it’s more of a question of when.”‬ ‪https://x.com/vigilantfox/status/1802572544756633793?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:51:34 Your burger may contain human and rat dna https://x.com/citizenlenz/status/1802581933639254057?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:54:04 Banks are criminals https://x.com/myhiddenvalue/status/1802482300434997443?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Male Royal Flycatcher, amazing bird! https://x.com/amazlngnature/status/1802282771261399074?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

@~7:22 Recently Images Of Joe Biden Have Been Going Viral, Many Questioning If He’s Being Impersonated Using The CIA Mask Technology https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1802449247973048496

@~10:10 Meet a Former CIA Chief of Disguise | Object of Intrigue | Atlas Obscura https://youtu.be/Q0uAh02-vPU?si=UpfDppInyQ-yuhtH

@~14:52 Patrick Bet-David: 100% Chance The CIA Is Using Advanced Disguise Tech, Body Doubles For Government. 100% Chance They’re Using Body Doubles For Joe Biden https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1802166052501291373

@~16:11 Obama watched in horror as Joe rambles incoherently https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-obama-looks-on-in-horror-as-joe-biden-incoherently-babbles-at-hollywood-fundraiser/

More rambling incoherently https://x.com/kylenabecker/status/1802804005170446482?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~21:35 ‪BREAKING: The Biden Administration has unsealed the indictment against Dr. @EithanHaim, who blew the whistle on the child sex-change program at Texas Children's Hospital. ‬ ‪He is now facing up to 10 years in prison for telling the truth about a practice that is now illegal.‬ ‪https://x.com/healthranger/status/1802809052818251995?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~26:10 ‪Spike Protein Can Be Eradicated From The Body, According To New Major Study— Dr. Peter McCullough Reports‬ ‪https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1802809205226602620?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

mRNA off switch? https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1802738531560759312?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Judy Mikovitz Alex Interview https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1802830483677381107?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~48:44 ‪Just horrific revelations about Pfizer. If ultimately found guilty of deliberate data manipulation resulting in deaths and disability of millions this company is finished‬ ‪https://x.com/draseemmalhotra/status/1802045575036039620?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~53:11 Kansas AG Sue’s Pfizer https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1802783593376215210?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Mike Adams posted it too https://x.com/healthranger/status/1802795687697862916?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

BREAKING--Kansas sues Pfizer over 'misrepresentations' and 'adverse events' of COVID-19 vaccine Kansas AG Kris Kobach alleges Pfizer violated the state's Consumer Protection Act When it rains it pours for Pfizer and the failed Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine. https://x.com/P_McCulloughMD/status/1802769685877797258

@~1:02:30 ‪BREAKING: New study finds that mRNA COVID vaccines aid the development of cancer.‬ ‪https://x.com/realpatrickwebb/status/1802788968938811897?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:06:26 ‪In the 1970’s US government bioweapons' labs started injecting ticks with exotic diseases…..‬ ‪https://x.com/myhiddenvalue/status/1802477650159829245?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:07:45 Newest Insanity From CNN – It’s a Conspiracy Theory to Say That America is a Republic and Not a Democracy (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/newest-insanity-cnn-its-conspiracy-theory-say-that/

@~1:15:54 Nematocysts https://youtube.com/shorts/vFjr-tHf2ks?si=ZgYqaAQSphL99AVb

@~1:17:12 Ben Carson: “We don’t have to accept it if there’re 100 ballots from the same address and they say it’s OK — it’s not OK. We don’t have to accept it if people don’t have voter ID. We don’t have to accept any of these things. This is America!” https://x.com/Bubblebathgirl/status/1802678208627671441

@~1:18:35 320,000 GHOST VOTERS Identified in MUST-WIN State of MI — Are Democrats Resorting to Dirty Tricks Reportedly Used by a Third-World Country to Win in 2024? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/320000-ghost-voters-identified-must-win-state-mi/

@~1:35:21 ‪Found missing Ukraine War funding in Idaho…‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1802795507225424377?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:38:10 ‪The Rothschilds forced the British Government to sign the Balfour Declaration in Nov 1917 to transfer Palestine to the Zionist Federation…‬ ‪Over 20 years before the holocaust.‬ ‪The holocaust would be the excuse they would use to commit their own genocide…🇵🇸💔‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1802375888983507337?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:43:02 🚨🌎 Holy Crap - The Albanian Prime Minister said this:-‬ ‪“The three major devils”‬ ‪He then calls them out one by one…..‼️‬ ‪https://x.com/bgatesisapyscho/status/1802463789347967150?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:45:10 "America is BUILDING these secret facilities in all 50 states" WHY?!? | Redacted with Clayton Morris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkrQ8ZRsQ8U

@~1:59:47 Kelly Brady aka Nancy Drew. Fences went up around the SCOTUS today they are expecting controversial opinions forthcoming!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 https://x.com/Pammywho/status/1802802248642338838

@~2:02:39 YIKES! Biden Freezes as Obama Grabs His Arm and Leads Him Off Stage During California Fundraiser (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/yikes-biden-freezes-as-obama-grabs-his-arm/

@~2:05:50 ‪Imagine if you will, the President of America, Leader of the Free World, offering his hand to several ‘nobody’s’ and being completely refused it.‬ ‪The ultimate diss. ‬ ‪It happened here.‬ ‪https://x.com/bgatesisapyscho/status/1802649046370132082?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:06:58 ‪"They have to replace [Biden]. They have no choice, they have to..." ‬ ‪"Trump is promoting the digital ID and biometrics to deal with the immigration problem—do not let the Republicans trick you into a control grid."‬ ‪https://x.com/sensereceptor/status/1802422889850847743?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:11:34 🚨 The Attack On American Farmers Continues Hidden in the latest Defense Bill Congress just passed is essentially a ban on all DJI Spray Drones American farmers have been using these drones which allows them to spray 1,000+ acres in just days. Now they’re useless https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1802829062722764872

@~2:17:40 Lizard person Schumer deletes staged grilling picture https://x.com/simonateba/status/1802657981693120604?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:19:20 MUST SEE TV: How Did They Allow This? Joe Biden Will Be Forced to Stand for 90 Minutes and No Interaction with Staff During Presidential Debate https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/must-see-tv-how-did-they-allow-this/

@~2:22:03 The EU has Officially declared the Covid Death jab / Vaccines were illegally Approved. GITMO is calling. 💀 https://x.com/myhiddenvalue/status/1802265686766666096

@~2:32:46 🔥"[T]he mRNA technology came out of the Pentagon. The Pentagon were the people who financed these Nazi COVID Franken-shots, and they were involved in the development of them." https://x.com/SenseReceptor/status/1802462883248214483

@~2:38:48 Activists break into a UK weapons manufacturer that makes weapons for Israel This is real activism not blocking traffic https://x.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1802627310505644306

@~2:40:39 ‪This is what America will probably look like before the end of this year.‬ ‪https://x.com/healthranger/status/1802219213978742971?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:44:12 The World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for a “controlled demolition” of the global food system as part of a major “reinvention” of how humans consume food. https://x.com/newstart_2024/status/1802346565031309703

@~2:48:35 Trump Hater Kathy Griffin Unable to Speak After Latest Surgery https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/trump-hater-kathy-griffin-unable-speak-after-latest/

@~2:50:50 Computer hackers at Georgia Tech say that hacking Dominion was easy just like Jovan Pulitzer hacked it in the middle of a GA Senate Hearing I attended in 2021. https://x.com/AmericanHubener/status/1802390662580449674

@~2:56:06 ‪Very scary...‬ ‪Dr. Brian Hooker: "We obtained some cells that were treated with a vaccine... and we wanted to see does the spike protein code actually integrate into human chromosomes. It did. We saw it integrate at very high frequency...My fear is that what happens is that code will reverse transcribe, that will become DNA and it will integrate into your genome so you can not only produce spike protein but you can also disrupt other genetic functions..."‬ ‪Source: Kim Iversen (Rumble)‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1802287084725588350?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~3:03:30 Miscarriages ‪This is very important information Big pharma does not want you to know.‬ ‪https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1802492468186783981?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~3:07:20 I think you think you’re black chick is MAGA! https://x.com/citizenlenz/status/1802518035867320457?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ep.174 Links & Timestamps: Cold open: Daily vibes of the work week https://www.facebook.com/reel/1629791431145364/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

Everyone freaking out about that Biden clip at G7. I found the full video. The longer clip, in context, is even more horrifying. https://x.com/thevivafrei/status/1801347846974661062

RUSSIA CEASES TRADE IN DOLLAR ‪BREAKING: #Russia just banned all trading in the #dollar and euro, across the Moscow exchange. The collapse of the #dollar and the rise of #BRICS currencies is happening faster than we even anticipated. Every time the incompetent fools in Washington D.C. apply more dollar sanctions to the world, the world reacts by dumping dollars and shifting to a new multi-polar economic reality. So now the #MOEX has halted all transactions in dollars. This same thing will soon be announced by Saudi Arabia which will halt the sale of oil in dollars. This will implode the dollar virtually overnight as countries around the world begin panic dumping the failed US currency. #Gold and #silver are the last refuge of asset safety in a world where western currencies are being obliterated at breakneck speed. Plan accordingly.‬ ‪https://x.com/healthranger/status/1800974299043594512?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

‪BREAKING: Russia's Moscow Stock Exchange officially suspends all trading in US Dollars and Euros.‬ ‪https://x.com/bricsinfo/status/1800915514891612570?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

☝️ “Using the monopoly position of the dollar, the US consumes a trillion dollars more than it produces, as if drawing these resources from other countries. This is exactly a modern neocolonialism” - President Putin https://x.com/RussiaIsntEnemy/status/1801300948112793710

More Putin: https://x.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1638324327425638401

More Putin: https://x.com/KimDotcom/status/1576833935266304000

SAUDI ARABIA TOO PETRODOLLAR AGREEMENT ENDS ‪𝗦𝗮𝘂𝗱𝗶 𝗔𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗮 𝗗𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝗨𝗦 𝗗𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗿‬ ‪Saudi Arabia will not be renewing the 50-year petrodollar agreement with the United States. ‬ ‪Instead, they will be selling oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan.‬ ‪This should be treated as a black swan event, but you wouldn't know it because the U.S. government is more focused on investigating tire tracks over an LGBTQ street intersection.‬ ‪Remember, the revolution will not be televised.‬ ‪https://x.com/shadowofezra/status/1801012855627526349?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

More https://x.com/globeeyenews/status/1801155438567903336?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

So, Saudi Arabia ended the Petro-Dollar, and Russia halted trading of commodities in Dollars… Meanwhile in America, we’re WORSE than broke with $34.67 Trillion in debt. And (let me get this straight) people want to print MORE dollars to send them overseas? Are you insane? https://x.com/realDaveReilly/status/1801091203481645177

The consequences of Saudi Arabia dropping the dollar - all in line with the plan I have long exposed in my books to move global power eastwards to China, Russia and the BRICS alliance. https://x.com/davidicke/status/1801143483400384855

‪🇷🇺 Russia publishes footage of its Warships and nuclear-powered submarine arriving in Cuba, near United States borders.‬ ‪https://x.com/bricsinfo/status/1801082350362935761?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

It’s Lizzo! 🚨10,000 LAWSUITS HIT OZEMPIC, WEGOVY, AND MOUNJARO OVER SEVERE SIDE EFFECTS Ozempic and similar shots like Wegovy and Mounjaro are reportedly facing up to 10,000 lawsuits from patients who claim the drugs caused debilitating side effects like stomach paralysis and 'tearing holes' in the food pipe. https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/1800973337117495376

Transcript of Special Counsel Hur Interview with Biden Ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer Released – Biden Stolen Classified Docs Scandal MUCH WORSE Than We Thought https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/transcript-special-counsel-hur-interview-biden-ghostwriter-mark/

‪🔥🚨DEVELOPING: A whistleblower that works for the Whole Foods Market corporation want to inform Americans about a new policy change that allows Whole Foods to add food from the garbage back on the shelves without the customer’s knowledge. ‬ ‪https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1800957570091528308?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

DEWs Are Real! Havana Syndrome Patent?!?! https://x.com/mommamak/status/1801119829509693674?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Mass formation psychosis https://x.com/mommamak/status/1801316257683091826?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

WWII Survivor Denies Holocaust, JAILED! https://x.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1799864597983465959?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Old picture of her? https://x.com/giftedtexas/status/1799839458877112536?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Others agree https://x.com/jcbasinger/status/1799867329616257502?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w




RECEIPTS!!!! https://x.com/zadokq244514/status/1799771815440683098?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

‪Former presidential adviser Steve Bannon has filed an emergency request to avoid reporting to prison so he can "vigorously pursue his remaining appeals."‬ ‪https://x.com/newsmax/status/1801155043707814227?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

This is big news for Michigan… A Michigan Judge, Christopher Yates, just ruled the Sec of States Election Manual sent to election officials is Unconstitutional & Against State Law https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1801086564732154039

More https://x.com/behizytweets/status/1801066762328252491?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

‪🚨UN ACCUSES ISRAEL OF “EXTERMINATION” OF PALESTINIANS‬ ‪A United Nations Commission of Inquiry has concluded that Israel has committed crimes against humanity during the war in Gaza.‬ ‪https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1800795142573510730?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Proof Biden is SOULLESS At start https://youtu.be/g11-jtSEi1g?si=he07XswnURjgsp2L

‪American Farmer Breaks Down What’s Taking Place In Idaho‬ ‪In addition to the water shutoff order on a half million acres of farmland impacting farmers and about 6,400 water users. The Government is targeting chicken farms and cattle across the US‬ ‪“They are coming for this food system and they're coming for the homesteaders”‬ ‪https://x.com/wallstreetapes/status/1801110901715820692?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Idaho Illegally Shutting Off Farmers’ Water WOW 🚨 American Farmer Blowing The Whistle On US Government JUNE 2024, Idaho Farmer’s Water Is Being Shut Off. “A water shutoff order on literally a half million acres of farmland. — A lot of these farmers, and this impacts about 6,400 water users.” https://x.com/wallstreetapes/status/1799974763475173801?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

New merch line meme from gator https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1187574482102140928/1250733566569218069/miniskirtkilt1AB1.png?ex=666c03e7&is=666ab267&hm=f73b012b867be9f94cd00637e0d5796aebe267d3efe36dc9969cfdfab1a6e4ce&

YOU WILL KNOW NOTHING AND BE HAPPY!!!! https://x.com/BrightInsight6/status/1801306572167200827

Denver airport https://x.com/returnofkappy/status/1800881190062403833?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Dan Bongino deep state rant https://x.com/dbongino/status/1801196420961100135?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Jabbed up and dead as fuck you stupid fucking fuck https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1801187888983687620?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

4 Dems ARRESTED for election fraud https://x.com/jessebwatters/status/1800697022577598619?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Fairies are real?!?! 😳😱 https://x.com/mommamak/status/1801307491571048800?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

People stealing laundry detergent https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1801112880349118863?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Biden = “LBJ but retarded”. Wow, so perfect lol At 1:09:24ish https://rumble.com/v4xiwqn-ep.-212-trump-fbi-raid-alex-jones-lawyer-victory-biden-ballot-and-more-viva.html

‪I have been waiting 20+ years to see somebody in Congress do something like this. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna is now working to BAN HFCS and toxic dyes and sweeteners from our foods. This would have a HUGE impact on reducing diabetes, obesity, cancer, etc., and save the nation billions of dollars in health care costs. Help support this bill!‬ ‪https://x.com/healthranger/status/1801079725340647658?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Cloned Baby? https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1801066124638921178

Russian Nukes make Little Boy and Fat Man Look Like Ants https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1800858613961179428?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Palate cleanser: SHARK SAVES TURTLE, DELIVERING IT TO HUMANS FOR CARE https://youtube.com/shorts/NgpMziAJw44?si=uk5br36mB6Jk0Gce

Dark MAGA Hat For Dark Times https://x.com/teamtrump/status/1797718092614660431?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Adam Sandler seems like a good dude https://youtube.com/shorts/Q4l2Orh6Ypo?si=Rkg-oHv9uo1S0p0_

You may have already covered it, the scandalous story of dead and wounded Ukrainian soldiers have organ's harvested https://rumble.com/v511aln-ukraine-has-a-dark-secret-and-ukrainian-families-are-demanding-answers-reda.html

And this is a hilarious clip from Monty Python where teem shows up an man house to collect his liver because he signed up to be an organ donor. Play to 1:01 is funny part. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Rswk8zp2fFgb/

They arrested the three kids that left skid marks on the f*g flag with their scooters At 33:13 https://rumble.com/v51a0m0-hunter-biden-guilty-on-gun-charges-reeeeee-stream-06-12-24.html

‪X just deleted this after 700k views - so here it is again‬ ‪CIA admitting to using weapons on US Citizens....👇👇🚨🚨‬ ‪There is a lot that is being suppressed - a lot‬ ‪https://x.com/americashaman/status/1800999536241889683?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

@~3:54:54 Palate cleaner: Baby gator in moment of bliss https://x.com/amazlngnature/status/1800846235068182637?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:55:25 Bannon Says Deep State Will Be Arrested https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1799977281957605719?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:56:28 NEW GATOR ON THE DAY! After much thought of "how to do it," I put my thoughts on the song "God We Need You Now" by Struggle Jennings and Caitlynne Curtis. I saw the video after it came out and later researched the lyrics. The lyrics added to the symbolism in the video is a friggin masterpiece. If you are unfamiliar with it, here is my blog post earlier this morning. I suggest digesting the lyrics and then watching the video if you have never seen it. https://gatorontheday.wordpress.com/2024/06/12/god-we-need-you-now-struggle-jennings/

@~4:06:48 “This Is Going to be a Mushroom Cloud When We’re Done” – John Solomon on FBI Targeting and Harassing Conservative Agents (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/this-is-going-be-mushroom-cloud-when-were/

@~4:10:54 ‪Breaking: Marine Corps Colonel Warns - This Is An Active Coup Against America‬ ‪https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1799984830295212424?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~4:12:53 Russell brand: vote for trump if you care about freedom https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1799501869791740214?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~4:13:48 ‪When one door closes, another one opens. @RealAlexJones begins his career as a professional bikini contest judge.‬ ‪https://x.com/owenshroyer1776/status/1799457164399972789?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~4:18:45 ORCA KILLS A GREAT WHITE SHARK https://www.facebook.com/reel/1481266012459949/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

@~4:20:01 Employees at Philadelphia Coffee Chain Voted to Unionize – All Three Stores Closed Down a Week Later https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/employees-philadelphia-coffee-chain-voted-unionize-all-three/

@~4:27:13 ‪Candace Owens is dropping red pills. She just exposed how Charles Manson was a CIA asset working with the MK Ultra government program, how Kanye West showed her text messages from his MK Ultra handler, and how Diddy is allegedly a FED working for the government. They told us that the MK Ultra program shut down but does anyone believe that knowing what we know now? ‬ ‪https://x.com/ultrafrog17/status/1800991950717305109?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~4:33:00 ‪The WHO knows all about “health”‬ ‪They say Your Children Must Learn About Masturbation, Expressing their Sexual Feelings & Needs, Pornography, & How to Self-Stimulate ‬ ‪CHILDREN BETWEEN 0-4 Years Old‬ ‪• Childhood Masturbation— Enjoyment & Pleasure of touching one’s own or others bodies‬ ‪• Express their own sexual needs & Wishes ‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1800997151465435331?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~4:36:05 Bidenmerica https://x.com/blackbeard1322/status/1782401642135973972?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~4:37:59 Luxor Temple of Man https://youtube.com/shorts/7smMMkh8QIk?si=BTimg2mzKTwNxZI5

@~4:39:20 Awesome girl plinking targets like nothing https://x.com/gunthereagleman/status/1799615660412338260?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~4:39:50 ‪"You have to be brave now."‬ ‪Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: "We're in the middle of the biggest crime in history. It's global. It has the intent of control, removing everybody's freedom, and will involve killing further millions, if not billions of people. It is long planned." ‬ ‪"If you comply with this tyranny, it will end with the loss of your liberty, and probably your life. That's what's going to happen if you and everybody else choose to do nothing at all."‬ ‪https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1800116172228112483?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~4:44:12 Dr. Sabine Hazan: COVID vaccines killing the bifidobacteria in your gut, destroying immunity https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1800727147591713266

@~4:48:03 A top doctor has spoken out to warn the public that bird flu has been weaponized in bioweapon labs to make the virus more transmissible between humans. Dr. Kelly Victory, a leading emergency medicine and disaster specialist, says her studies have uncovered such conclusive evidence that she can "guarantee" that .. https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1800734488852623645

@~4:48:56 Orange is the new black chick talks about gold juice?! Wtf? https://www.facebook.com/reel/1209078050249857/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

‪The Greeks believed that ichor was the blood of the gods, supposedly present in ambrosia (the food of the gods) that made them immortal. Homer describes that Aphrodite was wounded and from her flowed divine blood. Is the golden plasma what grants immortality?"‬ ‪What was really the Ichor?‬ ‪https://x.com/sergioa94679493/status/1800740539525918834?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

Gold dust? https://x.com/scienceboyjack/status/1800742706614014191?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Unreal 1931 song https://www.facebook.com/reel/450028667972884/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

It’s real tho https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Girl's_Pussy

Oliver Anthony goes back on his word and signs a record deal (LOL) https://youtube.com/shorts/PoCnaFQU4d0?si=-S4oMssrKVO5NLfI

LordStirling 1 point ago +1 / -0

Update: Judge Dismisses Infowars Bankruptcy – Alex Jones Releases Statement After Victory in Court (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/update-judge-orders-liquidation-alex-jones-personal-assets/

@~30:76 Empire invades InfoWars https://x.com/riseupohio/status/1801678598379565149?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Roger Stone: Long Live Inforwars https://x.com/rogerjstonejr/status/1801096931759833142?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~41:18 ‪Listening to the hearing. The CRO McGill sounds like he is actually chief liquidation officer. Completely failed in anyway restructuring to keep Infowars churning. He is Paranoid of staff and obviously biased against infowars and Alex Jones. Never spoke with the Infowars employees or ownership about any decisions that he made that everyone should be aware of.‬ ‪https://x.com/newsbowne/status/1801676336534012213?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~42:15 ‪BREAKING: Alex Jones has agreed to sell his assets to pay off the Sandy Hook families. This means InfoWars and other things he owns will now be sold to the highest bidder‬ ‪This has nothing to do with Sandy Hook, it's all about punishing him for awakening the masses to what the "elites" do behind closed doors‬ ‪Pray for Alex Jones‬ ‪https://x.com/behizytweets/status/1798931494695772348?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~43:18 Tucker: Taking Alex off the air is tyranny https://x.com/infowars/status/1801676489596735552?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~45:28 ‪🚨 Records Show Sandy Hook Plaintiffs Have Spent 27 Million Dollars Pursuing Alex Jones in Bankruptcy Court.‬ ‪🚨2018 to 2022 Plaintiffs Spent 60 Million ‬ ‪🚨Liquidation of INFOWARS Assets & Alex Jones Assets Will Net Approx 4 Million‬ ‪🚨 Now You Know, It Was Never About Money‬ ‪https://x.com/infowars_tv/status/1800231772463976531?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~48:67 LEGAL ALERT: The Supreme Court has struck down former President Trump's bump stock ban, ruling 6-3 that the ATF exceeded its authority when it issued the rule. The opinion was written by Justice Thomas: https://x.com/gunpolicy/status/1801619007147057458

@~1:00:51 BUMP STOCKS LEGAL https://x.com/michaeldcargill/status/1801624855906779278

@~1:03:61 DOJ won’t go after Merrick Garland https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-doj-wont-prosecute-merrick-garland-contempt-congress/

@~1:10:10 CALLS FOR JUSTICE: Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials Have Been Submitted to District Attorneys in Louisiana https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/calls-justice-criminal-referral-requests-against-anthony-fauci/

@~1:12:45 Archaeologists Just Made a ‘Spectacular’ Discovery at George Washington’s Home https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/archaeologists-just-made-spectacular-discovery-george-washingtons-home/

@~1:17:41 Joe Biden’s Daily Pharmaceuticals Reportedly Revealed https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/joe-bidens-drug-cocktail-reportedly-revealed/

@~1:19:49 ‪WOW 🚨 Idaho Farmland Water Shutoff “Coincidence” ‬ ‪Hidden in the Ukraine Bill was funding for cobalt mining in America. Over 200 politicians invested in this company mining cobalt. The Department of Defense gave that company $15 million out of the Ukraine bill to mine in IDAHO‬ ‪What are the odds?!?‬ ‪https://x.com/mommamak/status/1801671539592478850?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:24:03 Ready To Have Your Mind Blown? The DOD (US Department of Defense) Is Providing School Lunches In America “I thought DOD stood for something else, but you're saying it's definitely Department of Defense providing the school lunches?” “Yeah” https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1800722898187124892

@~1:29:25 BlackRock involvement https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1801229381207036075?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:31:27 Oregon too https://x.com/AmericaShaman/status/1801718845750796532

@~1:33:30 DEW frequencies https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/NGOs/VIACTECAnnex.pdf

@~1:46:12 Israel is now attacking Lebanon https://x.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1801516109641957744?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~1:47:41 Secret Elon musk meeting in Israel? ‪So it turns out that Elons trip to Israel wasn't just for kosher theater and an IDF propaganda tour.‬ ‪A secret meeting took place while he was there that went virtually unreported by any news media outlets. ‬ ‪https://x.com/theofficial1984/status/1801321261001306129?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:15:11 Karma is a bitch, or sometimes a broken hip https://x.com/partisangirl/status/1801486200722886928?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:17:36 Hollywood cunts will try to break trump’s fundraising records ‪🔥🚨BREAKING NEWS: The top stars in Hollywood are preparing for an ‘iconic fundraiser in the Hamptons in Los Angeles to help Biden win the election’.‬ ‪https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1801347981716652402?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:19:24 Dog shoots rubber bands! https://www.facebook.com/reel/1632459244223589/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

@~2:20:30 Vaxx pushers caught damaging children https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1801703952502698223?s=46

@~2:27:02 Terrorist Biden https://x.com/johnmol34875666/status/1799442311027241009?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:27:16 Just a reminder https://x.com/jerrydkidd/status/1800601766159163599?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:28:03 Biden will poop himself 30 times before this video ends https://x.com/free_butnotfree/status/1799650074760560917?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:29:00 ‪BREAKING ‬ ‪Reform UK has just overtaken the Conservatives in the polls.‬ ‪We are now the real opposition to Labour.‬ ‪Join me on ITV1 in 20 minutes.‬ ‪https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1801549361509212261?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:29:52 ‪More evidence of farmers destorying their crops to manufacture food shortages.‬ ‪https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1801272011064291730?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:32:02 ‪🤯🤯🤯‬ ‪STUNNING: This map shows all the food processing plants that have either caught fire or been destroyed...👇‬ ‪They are trying to destroy our food supply!‬ ‪https://x.com/drakeslayer100/status/1801278369583202414?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:34:12 Safety first https://www.facebook.com/reel/3755095661432755/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

@~2:35:49 Questions are now being raised about important laws that have been added to state codes in all 50 states over the past 25 years. These laws were deliberately designed to abrogate private property rights and could in the future be used to harm all Americans who hold investment securities, including those held in IRA and 401(k) accounts. At the state level, the concerning statutes in question are contained within the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), primarily in Article 8, which deals with securities. UCC Article 8 is dense and complicated, and until recently, very few outside the financial industry have understood the full implications of this law. https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/1ee786fb-3c78-4903-9701-d614892d09d6/UCC-Article-8-State-Legislative-Alert_Final_1.pdf

@~2:50:32 🔥🚨EXCLUSIVE: Here is restored footage of a BBC News reporter meeting with a man that was connected to at least 400 children that were abducted and trafficked to the United Kingdom to be used for ‘blood ritual and sacrifices.’ https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1801422215247692147

@~2:55:58 & @~3:04:51 Speaking of horrific child murder stuff… Frazzledrip shit https://x.com/mommapancakess/status/1800236357756850413

@~3:00:16 Tucker Alex Jones Interview https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1801546700554674493?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:12:38 #Biden is making federal agencies register #Democrat voters. An executive order that helps one candidate over the other...? And we, the tax payers, are paying for it. This is government overreach and #ElectionInterference at its finest! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8KNF1ah3Zf/ @~3:16:57 Princess?

@~3:17:53 Corsetti on Alex Jones & Tucker Carlson https://x.com/BrightInsight6/status/1801734656070717814

@~3:21:30 ‪🇺🇸 MANHUNT AFTER TEEN RAPED IN FRONT OF BOYFRIEND IN NYC‬ ‪A predator is being sought in New York after a 13-year-old girl and her 15-year-old companion were kidnapped and tied up before the girl was raped in a park in Queens yesterday afternoon. ‬ ‪Details of the crime are sparking questions about the state's laws and the offender's background. ‬ ‪Source: ABC‬ ‪https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1801521426790330449?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~3:26:10 So, Saudi Arabia ended the Petro-Dollar, and Russia halted trading of commodities in Dollars… Meanwhile in America, we’re WORSE than broke with $34.67 Trillion in debt. And (let me get this straight) people want to print MORE dollars to send them overseas? Are you insane? https://x.com/realDaveReilly/status/1801091203481645177

@~3:27:10 The consequences of Saudi Arabia dropping the dollar - all in line with the plan I have long exposed in my books to move global power eastwards to China, Russia and the BRICS alliance. https://x.com/davidicke/status/1801143483400384855

@~3:33:02 I think you think you're black LMFAO https://x.com/Amer1can_Barbie/status/1801323856411639898

@~3:36:54 ‪This is why I will never be an organ donor, thanks to Alex Jones opening my eyes to their greedy psychopathy.‬ ‪https://x.com/spaethon/status/1801445954236657737?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~3:37:56 Sandy Hook families want to seize Alex Jones' social media accounts https://x.com/floridamanterry/status/1801405336881905790?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Mike Adams: It's happening, just as Alex warned. Now the Democrats are demanding confiscation of Alex Jones' TWITTER HANDLE, and the handles of all the other InfoWars hosts, too, so that the deep state psyops teams can impersonate AJ and others in a massive gaslighting operation against America. This is beyond insane. What will they demand next, that his tongue be cut out? https://x.com/HealthRanger/status/1801453949678915588

More: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/sandy-hook-families-want-seize-alex-jones-social-media-accounts-2024-06-13/

More: https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1801386343685308572?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:43:32 Kaitlin Collins is trash! ‪NEW: CNN’s Kaitlan Collins stunned after Fani Willis’ lover Nathan Wade abruptly gets up during an interview after being asked about their relationship.‬ ‪This is so bizarre.‬ ‪https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1801238920027595091?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~3:47:28 New electronic attack plane EC-37B https://x.com/fhaeromedia/status/1726936032934006882?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:49:03 Grandpa practicing picking locks to break Trump out 🤣🤣🤣 https://x.com/TONYxTWO/status/1801425692065726912

@~3:50:23 Everyone in Florida Right Now LOL https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GP_elEiWEAEQRAm?format=png&name=small

@~3:50:43 ‪BREAKING: The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled against Fani Willis and the corrupt judge in the Young Thug trial where Attorney Brian Steel discovered a plot by Willis and the judge to intimidate witnesses‬ ‪Willis isn't just corrupt with the Trump case, she's corrupt all around‬ ‪Steel was held in contempt of court by the judge after revealing he knew what they were planning and the GA Supreme Court just stepped in to stop him from going to jail‬ ‪https://x.com/behizytweets/status/1801011283287789753?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~3:51:45 Trump was right https://x.com/wallstreetapes/status/1800904330595451232?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:53:08 Space jam producer meets 15 year old girl for date? https://x.com/vitalyclips/status/1788045013617627511?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~3:54:54 Palate cleaner: Baby gator in moment of bliss https://x.com/amazlngnature/status/1800846235068182637?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

LordStirling 2 points ago +2 / -0

@~1:54:00 Coverup at Gobekli Tepi! https://x.com/brightinsight6/status/1800969268928053308?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

Corsetti Comments: https://x.com/BrightInsight6/status/1801001250068021284

@~1:58:40 In New York’s Washington Heights is a 4-story brick building called Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC). This former convent houses a revolving stable of children who’ve been removed from their own homes by the Agency for Child Services. These children are black, Hispanic and poor. Many of their mothers had a history of drug abuse and have died. Once taken into ICC, the children become subjects of drug trials sponsored by NIAID (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease, a division of the NIH), NICHD (the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) in conjunction with some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies – GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Genentech, Chiron/Biocine and others. https://x.com/MommaMAK/status/1799657973767081999

@~2:07:46 “It’s All Bullsh*t” – Leaked Documents Reveal Joe Biden’s Executive Order on Asylum Seekers is a Total Scam https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/its-all-bullsht-leaked-documents-reveal-joe-bidens/

@~2:11:34 New Jersey’s Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control Reviews Liquor Licenses at Trump’s Golf Course Following Sham Conviction https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/new-jerseys-division-alcoholic-beverage-control-reviews-liquor/

@~2:15:06 GINA CARANO HEADS TO COURT https://x.com/ginacarano/status/1800924498189062227

@~2:20:58 Ben Stein finally has CLEAR EYES! https://x.com/its_the_dr/status/1796338883803652227?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:23:44 Reminder MARBURY V MADISON https://x.com/its_the_dr/status/1799636775201321311?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:29:03 Mini DEWs? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C70cmM0NyYZ/?igsh=eTlzMG9nOHpvanU1

@~2:33:33 "Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed" HD | Mythological Documentary https://youtu.be/-5e9pWgyZYA?si=hY2OCTXhR4u8beOx

@~2:39:35 But don’t worry about DEWs, because it’s summer time, and the flippin’s easy! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Kmootuxvv/?igsh=MWkxZDFpeTl4M3AxNA==

@~2:41:31 David Hogg Adam Lanza https://x.com/returnofkappy/status/1800622711334404415?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~2:45:00 Bactrian Gold Findings Show Ancient Greek Presence in Asia Predated Alexander https://greekreporter.com/2024/05/31/bactrian-gold-asia-ancient-greek-presence-alexander-the-great/

@~2:54:09 ‪NEW: Atlanta prosecutor who is shown on a podcast talking about integrity, has been jailed for 7 years for stealing $15 million in COV*D relief loans.‬ ‪Remarkable. ‬ ‪https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1799954761959244160?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~2:56:46 ‪Arlington, TX “family-friendly all-ages” pride fest featured dId0s, sx toys, women flashing their beasts, drag queens, people walking around in bnd*ge gear, and merch with the word c**t proudly displayed for kids. ‬ ‪https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1799947487723257976?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~3:00:00 Didn’t know how black he was https://www.instagram.com/reel/C79KAZmShsa/?igsh=MTlzajk1NjNmYW9hdw==

LordStirling 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cold Open: Lefties v animals: who wore it better? (the attitude, not the clothes lol) Lefties LOL https://x.com/GirthyB1/status/1800621777397436704

@~8:14 Camels agree https://x.com/nodmsperfavore/status/1800885274395742357?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~8:47 Talk about a mic drop moment. Best debate i’ve seen yet😂 https://x.com/Roostersbak/status/1800191757449392413

@~12:20 BREAKING: US House Just Voted To Hold Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress…Will They Arrest Him? [VIDEO] https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/breaking-us-house-just-voted-hold-merrick-garland/

Cold Open: GARLAND https://x.com/GOPoversight/status/1800886582775583113

@~22:06 Merrick Garland covered up OKC bombing? Also ran Ruby Ridge “investigation” (cover up)? At 1:07:18 https://rumble.com/v4xiwqn-ep.-212-trump-fbi-raid-alex-jones-lawyer-victory-biden-ballot-and-more-viva.html Biden = “LBJ but retarded”. Wow, so perfect lol At 1:09:24ish

@~24:29 ‪SUICIDE IS NUMBER 1 CAUSE OF DEATH FOR U.S TROOPS‬ ‪The Pentagon revealed that active duty U.S soldiers are 9 times more likely to kill themselves than to be killed in combat.‬ ‪The study by the Defense Health Agency found that between 2014 and 2019, there were 883 suicides compared to 96 combat deaths.‬ ‪So far, in 2024, 55 soldiers have died by suicide.‬ ‪Source: USA Today‬ ‪https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1800788462846595461?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

More https://x.com/NursingCSU/status/1800930379668303915

More https://x.com/ddsoffice/status/1800808677143618038?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~33:46 Elderly California Homeowner Guns Down Robber Trying to Break into His Home – Police Respond by Arresting Homeowner on Suspicion of Murder (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/elderly-california-homeowner-guns-down-robber-trying-break/

@~42:00 ‪Breaking right now Hezbollah is pummeling Israel with rockets after they bombed south Lebanon last night. FAFO.‬ ‪https://x.com/partisangirl/status/1800784813303189918?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~42:53 US Lifts Ban On Arming Extremist Ukrainian Brigade https://x.com/RonPaul/status/1800959733571973532

@~51:44 Americans fighting on the ground in Ukraine? https://x.com/lanativepatriot/status/1800881626148450658?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w

@~55:33 ‪"I question how severe [bird flu] is among poultry...because...what they're doing is the government agents are coming on farms...and doing mass PCR testing...and only the government's got the test...So what I'm telling you is this whole thing could be manufactured."‬ ‪https://x.com/sensereceptor/status/1800971639632408614?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:00:20 ‪When an Advisor to a former French President went on record to reveal the depopulation agenda.‬ ‪https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1800478832765575398?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w‬

@~1:04:58 Is this one of the reasons they are killing chickens? 🤔 https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1800800782570357181

BREAKING - Our new study presents strong evidence that the current HPAI H5N1 "Bird Flu" Clade outbreak is a result of laboratory leaks from the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, Georgia and the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. https://x.com/McCulloughFund/status/1797958384882196724

@~1:10:15 Dr. Ben Carson Announces He Will Meet Up With Trump This Weekend As VP Rumors Swirl https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/dr-ben-carson-announces-he-will-meet-up/

@~1:12:50 ARE THEY HERE? Harvard Study Suggests UFOs May Belong to a ‘Stealth Civilization’ Living on Earth https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/are-they-here-scientific-study-suggests-ufos-may/

@~1:34:04 And if that’s not scary enough… China's Ex-Robots develops humanoids with enhanced facial movement https://ground.news/article/hyper-realistic-humanoid-robots-could-be-used-in-psychotherapy_1b6b6d

@~1:38:24 1/3 [2013] Leaked [NASA] document written by Dennis Bushnell, Chief [NASA] Scientist at the Langley Center. [JULY 2001] Top Secret document document on how the government is engaging in warfare against the population to reduce and control the population. "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars".[2025] ."SUGGESTED MAJOR US FUTURE WAR ISSUES..👇 https://x.com/HicksKiwi/status/1765772790601494814

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