So this was posted today, it's an excerpt from here:
What's this about Eric Coomer being "arrested again"?

I mean we know that the MSM doesn't tell us anything without an ulterior motive. Why are they pushing this empty shelves and inflation narrative so hard? They're not doing this to inform the public. Just like with their COVID fear mongering, they are trying to scare us into making their narrative a reality. But why? Qui Bono?
He just seems like he's checked out, like he wants to be "fired". Does anyone else feel this way?
He's doing the exact opposite thing that he should be doing at every given moment, just to name a few:
- MIA for days when Afghanistan is going down
- Sleeping in front of the Israeli PM today
- Getting close to kids on camera every opportunity he can
- Blatantly going against the SC for the eviction moratorium.
I don't think he can mentally handle the job. But a lot of these actions are just so blatant. He wants out so he can return to his basement in Delaware.
I'm not sure what to think of that. Good, bad?
He's been advertising for months that he has these PCAPS and he was going to show them to us this week. If you really had absolute proof of a crime, would you advertise that you had them before they were made public? I think not. Perhaps what he has is not PCAPS but something completely different and he's been sending blackhats on a wild goose chase for months looking for PCAPS.
Perhaps the data that he showed us with the before and after server images are the goods we should be focusing on. He has an elected county official that stands by them and is a witness to the coverup. What if those images are enough to prove that fraud occurred? Maybe CO will be the first state to decertify their election. That would be a hoot.
Tina Peters is a hero. She was not afraid, she knows she's right and she was fearless.
This interview with Dr. Frank has a lot of information in it, recapped some highlights below.
Mike Lindell He implies that it was Space Force that recorded the election data (PCAPs) -- but doesn't come right out and say it. Also implies that Trump put the data recording in motion. 3009 counties hacked -- they haven't even exposed yet what the payloads in the PCAPs are (payload is what the data was "doing").
Wisconsin Dr. Frank had been working behind the scenes with the legislature in Wisconsin since April.
Pennsylvania He says that they know WHO was modifying the voter registration database in Pennsylvania leading up to the Nov 3 election.
Michigan 650k legally removed/inactive voters were added back into the registration database by the Michigan SOS 3 weeks before the election. By executive order!
I want to be prepared for this but have no idea how to even fathom what will happen. The closest modern event for this that I can think of was Watergate and the resignation of Nixon. I sought for a non-MSM explanation of what the markets did during that time:
Have others considered this and what have you found?
What happens when some of the super elite are involved and exposed?
They own the market. Do they sell?
Does that creating a selling frenzy? If you remember 2008-9, everything sold off together. Nothing was spared.
Do breakers kick in to halt the bleeding if so?
What happens to the US dollar?
FYI Meme stocks and crypto are not the answers I am looking for.
IMO Tucker going main stream with the fraud tonight is a sign. It's coming and he's trying to get ahead of it. I hear a freight train a coming and I want to be ready. Financial pundits are not even aware of all the fraud and audits happening ... if something strikes, they will say it's a black swan event that no one could've seen coming. We know better.
This week has seen a series of interesting events:
- Mcafee "suicide" and the potential for a 31 tb drop on the Deep State
- Britney Spears burst the damn on Hollywood
- Basel III starts on Monday - important physical gold rules for the Big Banks
- The Deep Rig movie premiers tonight. And also the Trump rally.
Individually these events are interesting all by themselves, but taken altogether? Are the stars aligning?
Deducing from some of the messages today about the audit...
Bennet said there were a total of 44 pallets (as I recall). Each pallet would therefore represent about 2.3% of the vote total (1/44=2.3%)
This morning they had 3 pallets remaining.
This afternoon they stated they were 80% through the count.
So that would imply that after the three remaining pallets are counted, they come up quite a bit shy of 2.1 Million votes:
80% + (2,3% x 3) =86.9%
2.1M x 86.9% = 1.82M votes
Puts them about 280K votes short.
Assuming of course that all of these statements are accurate.
I'm surprised that this isn't being talked about because it is sounds ground breaking to uncovering the steal.
Starting at about 1:36:00 is when the cyber defense expert begins:
He says there is vote flipping captured in the data (which cannot be tampered with). There were almost 3000 US counties where intrusions occurred at the county level. Meaning that there were at least 3000 counties connected to the internet (illegally) i.e., they had 3000 IP addresses.
In just 19 data packets (a small portion of the number of intrusions), there were 500k+ votes flipped. Those 19 intrusions are proven to be from China.
The one thing that I have not heard anyone address is how did Mike Lindell et al get this internet traffic data?