Same timeframe of the case (nearing summer), same people who think of supporting that agenda posed by the media (my body my choice, i cant breathe), and same playbook that they are playing: protests, riots, violence.

And all is said and done so that they could justify the cheat in the midterms. It may or may not have another midterm variant, but they are setting the stage for the same playbook to make things so miserable. This time, not on Trump, but on the Supreme Court justices and all the conservatives that do not align with their beliefs. Plus, Elon Musk has control of Twitter and they go reeeeee

What could they possibly be hiding?

Oh, its my body my choice. But what about the choice to choose getting vaxxed and boosted?


Wait, right you said that woman cant be defined? How come your defending womans rights now?



You thought liberalism was about choice? Then what about now? They only choose what suits their agenda. Vaccines good, life bad. They dont support freedom to choose what goes in, but they support mommy killing baby.

They are the ideology of mind control. CNN, MSDNC tell them this, they follow. I thought to be liberal is to think differently and to research? Now, libertarians and conservatives are the ones who are doing like that?

Here are the current things that liberals supported:

  • Biden is good, orange man bad

  • caballah good woman, not cackling hyena

  • free palestine

  • vaccine good, fiser moderna good, bourla hero

  • billyboy good, malone bad

  • slava ukaini, putin hitler, bioweapon good

  • pervert good, kid is for money, no values

  • censorship good, control good, mean tweets go byebye

  • math is racist, teach about hate

  • kid is free real estate, teach them to hate God and worship satan

  • agency transparent, schiff good, fang fang no exist

  • election china does not exist

  • orange man bad orange man bad, disregard his books and strategies like art of deal and comeback

  • baphomet worship, fentanyl maniac worship, pedophile worship, killery good, obama and his husband good

  • tesla guy bad coz own censorship land

  • disney is good for kid, teach them to wear dress when they have dong

  • abortion right good, but our choice only, not the ones who refuse jab

  • say haha with their mask on to think other people losers when they do not agree with them

many many more.....

Man, they are so stupid. Should they be thinking about them? I thought it was free to think. But for them, it is not because Yuval, Soros, and Schwab wants them to think like that.


This tells you everything you need to know. Its normie news. I do believe that Dave is focusing more on the events that anons would seem to take note. Sure, we know that Liberals like to reeeeeee all around, but do you think that it is necessary? Think of it like this, does Dave even talk about Ben Shapiro or Tucker Carlson in most of his reports? There you have it.

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How could I be able to forgive them once were vindicated that COVID isnt deadly at all? My parents, my classmates, are still buying to the fact that another surge will happen and a 5th 6th 7th 8th dose is required. Sometimes, when I feel like I'm free, they will still talk about this coming wave because Bill Gates and the lying press tells them to believe.

I sometimes dream of shouting to them, or even saying that they are stupid despite the fact that they are blind. Sometimes, I just cant imagine them waking up, or even saying sorry to me, I just cant even see if they would ever come out knowing the real truth. In a country that is so so so deep embedded in following authorities without question, I just cant comprehend how you will feel the same way as me.

When the plandemic is supposedly going to move on, these close people of mine would still say oh its not over, we still need to line up this May to get booster, 4th 5th 6th, forever and ever. They wont even admit that Omicron was giving people natural immunity regardless and would still keep on saying that the vax saves them or they got COVID this really bad and took these medications that are not IVM, HCQ, or anything.

Compared to a regular person, you could just ignore them. But in my case, these are my family and members, my friends, my friends from church, really those around you. I may have gotten out of the matrix, but its hard for me to let them out. Yes, they really need to decide, but I just cant watch them let me be eaten into their belief thinking too.

They are into the current thing, yes. Have you heard of the climate "scientists" arrested because they are saying 4-5 years left in Earth? They believe in that. In our elections, they are fighting over Marcos v. Leni, both of the same sides (most of them want Leni). That is our thing. They also think that Trump may be a bad guy because of the climate propaganda. And they wont come out to the topics about fiser documents, hunter biden laptop, or even biolabs.


Mabye, mabye not. But I do believe that Dave has made me speak like what he says. Take a listen to him, it seems that he is really changing the way on how I say words. I think that I am diagnosed even without testing if I am positive or not? Why? Its because I say his words constantly. Later on, I do believe that I might be him in the future.

Listen to this, if you are in your sleep and if you are need of talking about your health, go to prepare........


All of a sudden, they are being alarmed because they think that we only have 3 years left to live? When news sources could not show protests against lockdowns and will limelight climate activists?


It would mean that he is one of the good guys. I haven't seen them say anything about him as of the moment aside from the legacy media and blue checkmarks.


Imagine living back in the days of 2020, where you could not go out of your house, kids cant go to school, no mall, no hotels, no anything, just stay home. Right now since things are going up again, it just makes me feel like I was cryogenically asleep for 2 years. And then all of a sudden, governments want to lock down again on a variant that was just derived from a fake phoney and false pcr test and the symptoms are just the cold. Why will they want to lock us down again?

I just feel very dark witted sometimes, Im gonna graduate highschool already, and then they will fear us in our country that after the elections, cases will "surge" and then lockdown again, then force 4th 5th 6th 7th boosters just to get back? THIS IS SO FUCKING INSANE! LIKE IN ALMOST EVERY SOCIAL MEDIA SITE, SO MANY PEOPLE ARE HAHAING THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA just because they know that our DOH is a bunch of clowns and will justify that because people are complacent.

I pray that in the upcoming months, this plandemic hoax/attack against humanity will just end when people will not think about it. Imagine moving on and then all of a sudden going back because some bastards want it to not be over? Yeah, in the US, a lot of states are secured because their governors/people have balls to live life with it. But look at the other countries especially in Asia, a bunch of NWO stooges that will continuously ravage peoples lives to make them worship fiser.

Mabye I need a calming time, it may be holy week/lent, but I firmly believe that God would be able to turn things around. We are moving forward, and such wicked people want to pull us down.



Remember that money in their fiat system is useless. They are just using those printed money to make people poor to their system. Their main focus is to glorify Satan and to praise the devils and do John 10:10.

What came into my mind is this. Are the pharma companies really into the money? Remember, they are in line with governments. Their purpose really is to worship the devil and to make Earth hell.


One of our pastors said in an opinion that there is no ideal leader. Trump by his saying is wicked because he curses and has issues with women.

I just dont think of it like that. In his time in the WH, he did a lot of things to Christ. He was against the evils of the devil, he was against child trafficking, he upheld the right to life and the rule of law, and made sure that America became great while executing the greatest plan to save America which is mabye devolution or decertification?

My community is full of 4-6ers. More of 40-60ers in our city. They think that boosters will be forever and those anti "boosters" people have to be aware of the next upcoming variant as said by the news. Sometimes, I just get too worried about it because when things are going so good outside of us, things are just getting kinda worse for us as our national elections are happening.




What if Elon Musk has the ability to unban Donald Trump. And then when Trump is in twitter he will say everybodys favorite phrase:



The verse says: Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. Romans 13:1 NLT

What are your thoughts about this?


LIKE LITERALLY WHY WOULD THEY EVER PUSH THIS TOUGH FOR 23 MORE SHOTS? Are they making another virus from a soon to be destroyed biolab? Or its because of another control group who took 5 shots


It isnt beauty but the devil's beauty. These people who dress up and make up in grotesque costumes want to please the devil by making themselves look like literal demons. And then they want children to say that they are nice people?


Yt keeps on saying that he is a bad guy and a "qanon" thing. I just want to look at his ads to have inspiration on the ad that we will be making for our marketing class. Anywhere else to see his ads other than the shithole in YT?

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