Sorry, not another people got COVID post, but more proof vaccine is a shit sandwich and doesn't work post.

My wife's side all vaxxed tested positive a few different households and have been sick over 2 weeks now. Happened after we met for Christmas. Apparently there one nephew had it and decided to get everyone sick LOL.

My side of the family has the same deal. A bunch of vaxxed people hung out and all got the coof over Christmas. I am not vaxxed so wasn't invited LOL.

I have not been vaccinated, and it took me about 3-4 weeks to fully get over COVID, which was about 2 months ago. Used Zilenko protocol and Ivermectin.

So this is BS when they say it could have been worse. I believe worse is when you go to the hospital, and they vent you to death with remdesivir.


Hey guys, there's a growing number of musicians that are anti-vax. Can anyone help me find some more?

So far I know:

Eric Clapton - This Has Gotta Stop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNt4NIQ7FTA

Megadeth @ 5 min mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K96auHG1ud0

Nikki Minaj

Busta Rhymes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLsHDsl-F3g

Ice Cube

Smashing Pumpkins

Kanye West



Another FBI false flag shooting. OMG. We know DS playbook too well.



All of this to cover up the Ghislaine Maxwell case, where we will find out all the Globalists love walnut sauce hot dog pizza parties.

HOLD THE LINE, FOLKS! Your liberal family and friends are about to go FULL BLOWN RETARD.

Division in our ranks is a distraction!!! Appear weak when you are STRONG!!


So at my company and a few other companys from friends I know. We have seen since covid pandemic started changes in upper management.

For example older veterans are swapped out for younger liberal antifa personnel which are sometimes homosexual. They are now the ones pushing this covid vaccine mandate so hard.

I honestly think these people were planted by elite or most like George Soros. Anyone else seeing this BS.


Apparently we got a new cucked IT director, beginning of COVID pandemic. I swear, government is planting left wing faggots in these roles.

Anyways, he stated that not company but government forcing their hand, and we would all need vaccines by November 22nd and one by November 8th.

Email gets sent out. Co-worker got jab over the weekend but of course died from complications unknown, leaving behind his wife and kids.

About 15 mins later, another email goes out saying to submit medical or religious exemptions if you don't want jab.

At this point IT director has blood on his hands. Probably too oblivious to know he killed him.

Oh, it gets better...

Another email goes out saying they don't know if they can expect religious exemptions in a FAQ. OMG, what a clusterfuck this is becoming.

Anyone else with work jab mandate stories? This is going to shit fast.


They are saying if he doesnt take it he cant work. However if he doesnt work then I think the they will terminate him on grounds he didnt work.

Any suggestions from the big brains out here?

He gets sick with the covid tests. Btw

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