I was thinking of the world we live in, where information is miles wide and only centimeters deep so often. We get so upset with trying to know things and be certain of them and win arguments about them. Really, all we need to know is the Lord. https://gratefulwifesprayers.wordpress.com/2021/08/04/a-prayer-to-the-lord-who-knows/ “Thus says the LORD who made the earth, the LORD who formed it to establish it, the LORD is His name, ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:2-3
I get so many things wrong each day. I feel confident in my knowledge of things or my reasoning about them, and then I find new information.
It often doesn’t matter how diligent I am in my preparation or research, I miss things and I make decisions that lead to things I couldn’t have predicted.
But You are the God who knows! Thank You, Lord, that You can and will reveal to us Your wisdom!
Thank You for the confidence we can have moving forward under Your leading. As we build relationship with You, we move deeper into wisdom and knowledge as You convict our hearts and reveal real truth.
In a world where reality itself so often seems to be in question, Thank You that we can rest in You.
In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen
Q 3570, [C] before [D] [C]oats before [D]eclas This part of this drop has always made me feel like investigating more. Coats? It just makes little enough sense to beg for digging. So I found:
COATS: Consolidated Options Audit Trail System I was reading up on this tonight and wondering if there's anything going on with securities and exchanges worth mentioning? Any financial people know of something coming in big just before the coming mid August revelations?
Alternately, I think from reading about it that it may be a "double meanings exist" moment. I was reading this press release from the 2010 SEC and the way they describe it sounds like the same kind of tool that may be needed/used for looking into things going on in the other kinds of Audits we are seeing:
"A consolidated audit trail system would help regulators keep pace with new technology and trading patterns in the markets. Currently, there is no single database of comprehensive and readily accessible data regarding orders and executions. Stock market regulators tracking suspicious market activity or reconstructing an unusual event must obtain and merge an immense volume of disparate data from a number of different markets and market participants. Regulators are seeking more efficient access to data through a far more robust and effective cross-market order and execution tracking system.
"If adopted, this consolidated audit trail would, for the first time ever, allow the SEC and other market regulators to track trade data across multiple markets, products and participants in real time," said SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro. "It would allow us to rapidly reconstruct trading activity and quickly analyze both suspicious trading behavior and unusual market events."" https://www.sec.gov/news/press/2010/2010-86.htm
Maybe worth digging from more purple than just myself, and very interesting to think on at least.
Here is the true precipice and we each stand upon it in these troubled days: Again, the devil *took Him to a very high mountain and *showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory;and he said to Him, “ All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.”Then Jesus *said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’”Then the devil *left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him. - Matthew 4:8-11 We all must choose.
I know Tim Pool is often considered a leftist no one wants to hear from on this site but I find him honest and even handed more often than not and this is good since it's hearing first hand from someone (Freedom Phone) who has been wildly attacked lately. Only 10 minutes https://youtu.be/_EgVOljYTcM
A long read but so worth it! Shared by Liz Cronkin on her Telegram, the article details the saga of a boy and his foster brothers who were raised by a pedophile who was deliberately selected as part of experiments in Germany. He came of age in the early 2000s, lest you think it a relic. As we know from things like Fauci's AIDS scandal and other stories, American foster care is no better. Children should not be raised or placed for raising by the State.
As an aside if you read this and identify with the victims a bit too much, I suggest reading Healing The Wounded Heart by Dan B Allender. We've all been injured and led astray by this hyper sexualized world, but God can heal all of it. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/07/26/the-german-experiment-that-placed-foster-children-with-pedophiles
"The phones of 50,000 individuals, including human rights activists and journalists, have been targeted by surveillance tools that were used by numerous governments. These tools can hack any iOS and Android phone, and there is no way to protect your device from it. It doesn't matter which apps you use, because the system is breached on a deeper level.
According to the Snowden revelations from 2013, both Apple and Google are part of the global surveillance program that implies that these companies have to, among other things, implement backdoors into their mobile operating systems. These backdoors, usually disguised as security bugs, allow US agencies to access information on any smartphone in the world.
The problem with such backdoors is that they are never exclusive to just one party. Anybody can exploit them. So if a US security agency can hack an iOS or Android phone, any other organization that uncovers the backdoors can do the same. Unsurprisingly, this is exactly what has been taking place: an Israeli company called NSO Group has been selling access to the spying tools that allowed third parties to hack tens of thousands of phones.
Since at least 2018, I have been aware that one of my phone numbers was included in a list of potential targets of such surveillance tools (although a source from the NSO Group denies it). Personally, I wasn't worried: since 2011, when I was still living in Russia, I’ve got used to assuming that all my phones were compromised. Anyone who gains access to my private data will be utterly disappointed – they will have to go through thousands of concept designs for Telegram features and millions of messages related to our product development process. They won't find any important information there.
However, these surveillance tools are also used against people far more prominent than me. For example, they were employed to spy on 14 heads of state. The existence of backdoors in crucial infrastructure and software creates a huge challenge for humanity. That's why I have been calling upon the governments of the world to start acting against the Apple-Google duopoly in the smartphone market and to force them to open their closed ecosystems and allow for more competition.
So far, even though the current market monopolization increases costs and violates privacy and freedom of speech of billions, government officials have been very slow to act. I hope the news that they themselves have been targeted by these surveillance tools will prompt politicians to change their minds." Found here: https://t.me/durov/162
A Prayer Against The Spirit of Victimhood in Our Society Full Discussion Here: https://gratefulwifesprayers.wordpress.com/2021/07/21/a-prayer-against-the-spirit-of-victimhood-in-our-society/
You know that when we believe ourselves victims and stare at our problems, we are leaving a door wide open to temptation.
Protect us from this, Lord! Help us to daily hide ourselves in You. Remind us that safety from these victim ideas resides in You.
We are free in You. We are justified by You. We are made conquerors and more through Your will.
Every time we begin to count ourselves out of self responsibility, please, Lord, remind us of that.
Help us keep in mind that we are responsible to follow Your calling and to serve not ourselves. Let us not count ourselves so high that we think we are owed more than to follow You!
In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen
If you know Q but don't know the theory of the 4 Turnings, you need to know. If you know Q but don't know that this theory, and history, and even the history given in/by the Bible all line up with a provable and observable 85 to 125 year cycle of humans running from God and trying to build their own "towers to heaven", then you need to know. If you know Q but don't know the Bible or biblical references, you need to know. If you know and research Q but leave these parts out because you're disillusioned or afraid of God, then you're not battle ready.
Eric Prince discussing Red October And Zampolits at 24:30 or so in this episode of Bannon too. https://qposts.online/?q=red+october&s=keyword
I know, these guys don't always seem 900% Q or America First aligned... and I always feel that is intentional. Still, since this is the second q-ish thing mentioned on Bannon today...
Vernon Jones audio played on Bannon today may relate to Dead Cat Bounce: https://qposts.online/?q=dead+cat+bounce&s=keyword
https://t.me/mikepompeoTG/536 Pompeo talking crossing red lines today.
Associated Q Posts: https://qposts.online/?q=red+line&s=keyword
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/redline Answer to "what does red line mean?"
3036 12-Mar-2019 8:50:23 AM PDT 8ch/qresearch https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/report-barr-gave-mueller-permission-to-indict-trumps-three-adult-children-and-jared-kushner/
Re_read drop:
[MUELLER] sealed indictments installed [DC] prior to [RR] loss of >>power?
Sealed indictments [DC][blockade last resort] installed post >>SESSIONS departure & WHITAKER assumption?
Sealed indictment count [DC] post_SESSIONS departure?
Sealed indictment count [DC] pre_WHITAKER assumption?
Power of BARR?
Can a sealed indictment be pulled post filing?
Did POTUS just install a rogue AG who allows for the indictment of his children based on false pretenses?
BARR Senate vote?
Do UNICORNS exist?
And a search on ddg of "Barr Unicorn" brings up a couple of interesting things that may tie in somehow and lead to more and may not.
This is a video of David Rockefeller discussing the 6 Unicorn tapestries his family owned and a text blog by a Sandra Barr discussing it. I have no idea who she is or what else good nought be about but it dinged a few bells of some of the things I see people discussing here.
This is an article from 10 days after the election accusing Barr of helping Trump and looking for an "election fraud unicorn"
I have no theories or anything, just a bit of a frisson down my spine sort of feeling that these things may be relevant right now.
This is a prayer to speak truth at all times, with the courage that comes from the righteousness and protection given only by Jesus’ blood.
Help me to speak truth as faithfully as I can at all times.
Help me to measure my truth against the truth of the Bible, the only standard for it that matters.
Help me to examine my heart by Your Spirit so I might know what is worth saying, and when I should be silent.
Let me leave my pride behind, knowing I am secure in Your esteem and held cleansed by Your righteousness.
Let me not seek for myself, but only to be a lamp stand, so more seek You.
Lord, when I hear that fearful voice, I know, the truth is that voice is not Yours.
Let me rest in confidence, Lord, and courageously speak truth in all situations and at all times, knowing I am righteous, redeemed, and protected by Your Son’s sacrifice alone.
In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen
Full post including discussion of what brought me to pray this way, here: https://gratefulwifesprayers.wordpress.com/2021/07/11/a-prayer-for-courage-to-speak-truth/
this is all pure conjecture and the spark of ideas but I wanted to see what you all thought. I was looking on Crazy Days and Nights at the blind items for today because they've had so much since 7/4 and things are moving so quickly right now in this information war. I find this blind item: https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2021/07/four-for-friday-why-hello.html?m=1 I'm usually not intrigued enough to try and figure out who they're talking about ahead of time. I know too little about Hollywood and celebrities to even attempt unraveling. However, this one was blatantly tied in to Haiti and speaking about Clinton Foundation, Bezos, and Gates, so I got curious who the actor was. I'm very sure it's Sean Penn. I'm so intrigued about how he's positing that the actor (and probably CF by insinuating there connected) may be on opposite side of this clandestine war from bezos and gates because penn is to my mind total black hat and a libtard pedo. They all seem black and all seem to be a part of the same circle of the oligarchy to me. Is it infighting? That could be good for our side. What say you? Any thoughts? Things I'm totally wrong on?
Percy vs Goliath. So good.
These boards are great communities most of the time, but if you're getting your information and especially your opinions from something someone said here, it's still too far secondhand. Qagg.news is good as it's got page numbers. I've started at 174 and am on 50 currently. I found out about Q late from the Donald and then watched this board a long time. They're full of good information, but they get cloudy and convoluted. I'm learning much more and seeing much more clearly what Q might or might not be by my own research.