MartinateMarinate 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's genuinely because I'm more of a lurker than a serial poster, and I often don't see a need to chime in unless people are way off course. I don't do it to "debunk" you know? I genuinely want people to look at the actual fucked up shit that's going on instead of getting lost down false leads. Like Im trying to say "it's ok, that's been looked into and its nothing so don't bother getting worked up about it - how about this shit though? That's completely real"

Does that make more sense? I'm genuinely trying to help the movement in my own small way but people think I'm just here to bring it down which honestly depresses me because I think we should be more open to people debunking or asking questions because this stuff isn't spoofed to us, we had to find it on our own.

Any suggestions? Maybe I should try and take part more I guess? I just worry I don't have much to say or add and I'll just clog up the bottom of the thread.

MartinateMarinate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apparently siilvaguna had his account deleted but an early version of the troll is still on his soundcloud, it still has the Callilou background noises/music and lists audio sources as comments. Think he was still working on it as it is missing a few bits.

MartinateMarinate 1 point ago +2 / -1

The satanic temple is a satirical group of atheists who use Satanism to highlight church and state issues. Ie, demanding a statue of satan next to the ten commandments on government property because they're not allowed to show bias to a specific religion. The larger "church of satan" is atheist organisation that preaches "God isn't real, so you are the "God" of your own life and everything is made up. So "do what thou wilt" (their motto) without hurting anyone else." They based most of it on Ayn Rand, a philosophy which many people here follow, ironically.

Neither actually worships satan and both will gladly speak to you about their lack of interest in the Bible.

See I hate that my comments end up being me debunking posts and being called a shill because I'm on your God damn side. But shit like this is why people think we're all idiots. Real actual occultist satanists don't have twitter accounts and huff post articles about them. They're not advertising it, for good reason.

MartinateMarinate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idk why it's back but it was debunked by many of us back then. It's literally audio from several episodes of Callilou and a witchhouse DJ who was trolling pizzagaters.

It sounds disturbing but it's layers of sound edited to a new pitch, played over the top of each other. It's on purpose.

MartinateMarinate 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its fake - https://www.bitchute.com/video/QEE8JWc1Zg0/

If you look further you'll find the "child" is actually audio from multiple episodes of Callilou.the make voice is witch house Dj Siilvaguna. You can hear it in his songs on YouTube.

It's a deliberate troll.

MartinateMarinate 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lmao, dude it was made by a witchhouse electronica producer. It's edited audio from Callilou.

Edit - https://www.bitchute.com/video/QEE8JWc1Zg0/ this guy gets halfway there. Look up siilvaguna on YouTube, check his playlist "Podesta world Corp" and all his audio sources are there.

MartinateMarinate 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he could, he would. This is being done to suppress the votes because he doesn't want a unionised work force. He's actively trying to steal their election in anyway he can. He's not actually trying to have an accurate election

MartinateMarinate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not really. Bezos and Amazon don't want the staff to become unionised, and so they're demanding that the vote for unionisation take place in person to suppress the voter turn out as much as possible.

They always said that demanding in person voting would suppress turn out. That's why they're employing it as a tactic. If anything it's the opposite of hypocrisy because they're using it as a voter suppression tactic like they claimed it always was.

It's many things but thinking this is Bezos honestly saying in person voting is now the only accurate voting measure now the election is over rather than a deeply cynical attempt by a billionaire to fuck his employees over is completely ridiculous.