MenthaSpicata -1 points ago +1 / -2

"Maintaining and escalating participation in existing horrible wars while sponsoring at least one coup attempt and wasting a trillion dollars a year on the military" is different from "keeping us out of any wars." Happy to agree that Hunter Biden sucks ass and should be in rehab or jail, but good news, the thousands of pictures of him raping kids were another lie told to you by the people who told you his dad would not be inaugurated today. Also, worth noting that Trump is on the Epstein flight logs and Joe Biden is not. I don't think Trump is a pedophile, I think he was just so excited to be friends with someone who had a private jet that he didn't ask enough questions, which is how I feel about most of the people on the flight logs who trafficking victims did not identify as abusers.

MenthaSpicata -4 points ago +1 / -5

Trump bombed the shit out of Yemen before suddenly doing a 180, and has maintained tens of thousands of troops and military contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan. The United States has a network of military bases around the world, even in the middle of the Indian Ocean, effectively holding a gun to the head of every other country on earth. Homeless people travel to cities because you can't panhandle in a cornfield. I'm under no illusion that Biden is going to solve these problems in 4 years, but they are real problems that require a serious consideration of reality.

MenthaSpicata -2 points ago +1 / -3

Epstein's real and awful, I just don't see any reason to extrapolate beyond the specific facts of what's come out about that in court. He entertained some rich perverts, but there's no evidence that it permeates, you know, every government in the world or whatever.

There are bigger problems than that one dude, like hunger and homelessness and war.

MenthaSpicata -11 points ago +3 / -14

Good news: in the same way that none of the rumors about today came true, none of the rumors about pedophile cabals are going to come true either. There's plenty that's fucked up about the world, but the bad guys are just people like us, and we can fix it if we work together.

MenthaSpicata 0 points ago +1 / -1

And he has 10 fingers and 10 toes and Melania's coat has 5 buttons and he has 1 microphone and there are 2 people on stage. What do all of those numbers mean?

MenthaSpicata 2 points ago +2 / -0

What would be the advantage of that as opposed to releasing them while trump was still in office and there was still a chance of overturning the election?

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