I'm serious. We want to destroy the FEDS, but do we have to pay taxes for land still?
I write this today, because I know I'm not alone in this and others might be feeling the same way as me.
We are going through hard times now. I believe when Q said "The end is not for all of us" I think I know what he was referring. I have a 5 months old girl named Cataleya and we call her Cat or Cathy. I want her to do well, but she wouldn't do well without both of her parents, because I know my husband would not do well alone and will never forgive me if I let my intrusive thoughts win.
I have 3 life insurances that would help my husband and baby girl to do well in these hard times, however, I'm also looking for reasons to keep fighting even if I have to be hungry.
Although, I'm a mental health professional, I'm not doing well myself. I have intrusive thought every day and I fighting them as much as possible. If you are reading this, you are not the only one who feels this way, I can make up excuses and say "ooh, I feel like this because PPSD (Post-partum Stress Disorder), but others genuinely are feeling lost, dejected, and hopeless.
I share this today, because I want to keep fighting for our future generations and our country together and check of those who says "I'm fine".
Dems are pushing for section 230 to be reform after E.M bought Twitter... they are walking to the Leon's mouth. If Section 230 is regulated it will affect FB and others making them liable. If E.M make the move to "certify every human" in the platform that doesn't affect us, because we never hide. The left hides, their activists, antifa members and pedophiles in the platform will be all exposed for the world to see.
The Academy announced that Will Smith is banned from any event for the coming 10 years (not that I care) and he allegedly went into rehab for "stress" related to the debacle at the Oscar's. Faked or not that slap only affected Smith.
I'm in Norristown PA. On my way to work I came across a humbie with Military personnel. Then, 2 minutes I passed by the nursery that I go and across the street there are 2 groundhog busses unloading armed Military personnel.
With this post I dont mean to saw division, but have something to consider. We all know that history has been altered to benefit few of elites. But how are they and when did all started?
We all know that there is anti-white people narrative, but who are the White people that the left hates so much? Why politicians always accused White people of being "supremacists"? Why some Jews do not identify as White even when Jewdeism is a religion not a race or ethnicity?
I figured it out in the most innocent conversation with a co-worker. During our conversation I mentioned that most Hispanics are racially ambiguous we only care about whether or not you're part of us (tribe wise); Dominicans with Dominicans, Cubans with Cubans... etc. My co-worker mentioned that "race" was a concept created on 1500's to justify slavery and how he wasn't really just White, but he was half Baltic as his father is pure blood Baltic coming from The Czech Republic. That's when it hit me.
As humans, we are always in tribes and our tribes always have certain characteristics and behaviors that we can identify. Back in the days, before the slavery that came to be in the history books "The Whites" were people in different tribes that happened to have the same skin color, however, no tribe behaved the same. Exp; Aryans, Slavics, Baltics, Nordics.
Hence, all these tribes has been pile up together into one group identity by 1 characteristic (Pale skin/ being White), but the only tribe of people who doesn't want to identity as "White" are Jews, but not all Jews... Only the elites.
The Rockefeller, Rothschilds, The Khazarian Mafia and more powerful families has been around way before America was born as what we know today, so when did all started and why? Because some tribes of Jews were exiled from many nations, they didn't want to be identified as such Jews to not be exiled once more, so these power-driven tribes disguised themselves in the multitude of pale skin people. They changed the history, they changed the meaning of words (Present time is prove), they killed their own to have power and wealth.
The Titanic incident that lead to the creation of The federal reserve without opposition, The Central Bank creation, The Fias system, The Russian Revolution, The Romanovs assination, The Transatlantic slavery trade...How far back in history can we go and find that these tribes had something to do with the infiltration and destruction of societies and changed history to be the good guys?
The reason why there is a "Anti-White" people narrative is not because all White people are evil, but because the tribe of Elites are afraid that the "Whites" find out what they did to fulfill the biblical profecy of "The chosen ones".
I'm investing all my tax returns in precious metals and I want to know how legit is JM Bullion.
I work as a case manager with homeless and drug addicted individuals in Philly. As result of my exemption and due to my pregnancy my company decided to allow me to work from home.
Today while completing paperwork over the phone with a client, he shared toe that 7 out of 12 residents in the facility he is recovering at has been infected with the decepticom "Variant", as well as, 3 staff members and all of them.... ALL... of them got the booster shots. A total of 10 people in the same place has gotten the boosters and all 10 of them got infected.