Fauci Files Just Dropped! (twitter.com) 🕊️ FAUCI FILES 🕊️
posted ago by MrsCal ago by MrsCal


Brian's feed is where I spotted it.

https://truthsocial.com/@austerewyatt1 has long, really long thread on why local elementary schools keep sexually explicit material in curriculum and library: agenda started by a pervert who died almost a hundred years ago.


They mock everything of people (demos) each time they cry “our democracy”. Words are important. Maybe we should refer to that thing with a more correct word?


I've gone through previous posts we have at GAW, but my questions remain:

1) Temperatures

I live in a country where up to -20C is normal and around -30C (yes, Celsius not Fahrenheit) a harsh winter. At -25C on the morning, kids get a school-free stay-home day! I know few polar researches and have seen them prepping for Arctic expedition. That is COLD and you protect your face with fur around, and with masks which leave breath free (otherwise you freeze that mask on your skin with vapor from lungs, and are suffocated under the forming ice crust). All photos I see from Antarctica, are... from a warmer place. Look, e.g., at Kerry when he fled after Trump's win: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/john-kerry-lands-antarctica — that's someone at -10 to -12C, no way -40 to -60C! Kerry has to feel cold more acutely than younger ones in the picture, yet he wears no gloves, has left his parka [or short coat or whatever] open, no protection to neck or face. OK, let's adjust: it's 11.11, which corresponds to May in the Northern Hemisphere. And it's dry, so a bit less biting.

Location: McMurdo station https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMurdo_Station

Temperature maps: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_of_Antarctica#/media/File:Antarctic_surface_temperature.png

Spring, not summer, so temperature has to be at best -15C if not -20C. Feels like -10 to -15, if dry.

Nope, he is at a warmer place!

All the polynyas (open water with floating ice) opening at -20 to -40C??? That's not what you see at those temperatures. -10C is stable ice, passenger cars allowed to travel between islands. -20C, and commercial vehicles get green light, too. Barge companies try to interfere with icebreakers and create polynyas, to keep profit, but between smaller islands ice roads are intact until March, as a rule.

Who is breaking ice in Antarctic polynyas? Some seismic power tearing the crust? Something shooting up from depths? EMP?

2) Why they go there? Where exactly?

Kerry fled to Antarctica, while some others fled to Ukraine. Remember when a bunch of them met SOMEWHERE in Antarctica, in December 2021? Schwab, Lagarde, etc. Again: it can be a meeting place outside of regular sigint surveillance, and valued for that. But hello, SCIF-s at all their lairs are just as protected, aren't they?

Zero of their usual comforts. Can't use their usual private jets. Tons of fanfares each time someone goes. So WHY? WHAT or WHO is there, so they must go, personally?

Dorsey's tweet “It was a trap” afterward?


Good take from Pepe Lives Matter:

I feel like this needs to be addressed often because a lot of people don't seem to understand it...Trump DID save millions of lives by forcing the pharmaceutical industry to push out their vaccines quicker than [they] planned so that there would be no economic collapse or Great Reset. That's what they wanted..a complete society collapse which would have resulted in worldwide destruction. Trump came in at the absolute red line...at the precipice and pushed back against their 16 year plan to destroy Amercia and freedom worldwide. Now the establishment is attempting to blame Trump in order to replace him with a rhino when he was the one who pushed the world away from catastrophe. I refuse to accept their narrative.

[replying to] https://t.me/chiefnerd/6814

Screenshot2 for u/purkiss80 (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by MrsCal ago by MrsCal
Screenshot for u/purkiss80 (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by MrsCal ago by MrsCal

Few minutes ago, one of our analytical contributors deleted his account. Don't know what happened, but hope he will remember: he, his insights into frequencies and symbols, were a true gift to this community.

Until we meet again!


Ahoy, people, I need your GRAMMAR help (English is my fourth language, you see). So please be as [grammar] Nazi as you can, I really need that 😆

At the link from today's post, https://x22report.com/omnipresident-part-3/ I see “elections until now has been” but I'd write “have been”. What I've learned, is “singular 3rd person > has, all others/plural > have”. What am I missing? Some exception, or developing and changing tradition?

Countries/national states mentioned are often referred to as 'she' but the verb goes plural -- I take it they are either 'it' as inanimate themselves or 'they' as all-the-people-they-enclose. Some 'motherland' connection, …?

I sometimes see sentences where 'be' is missing to my eye. (Sorry, can not find an example among latest posts right now). Again: as a rule of thumb, words and expressions shorten with time: syllables in words and words without which thought remains understandable, just drop off. Am I observing this process, or just unkempt postings?


In a job-based TG group, today an ad was posted:

Требуются люди из Эстонии, Латвии, Литвы и других европейских страны на работу по регистрации аккаунтов. Оплата 50-60 евро. Нужно много людей!

People from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and other European countries are required to work on registering accounts. Payment 50-60 euros. We need a lot of people!

Poster's name is Ukrainian, not Russian.

Stay Safe, Stay Woo! LET'S VOOoOoTE!!!
posted ago by MrsCal ago by MrsCal

From Uncle Clif:

Hello Humans.

Just a reminder.

Next Sunday, the 13th is when my software processing predicts a very large and very rapid rise in building emotional tension that will tend to 'flavor' the events of the following 6 weeks.

The building tension rises very rapidly in early morning on the 13th to a sustained level not seen in the last decade. In spite of the many release tension episode that follow, building tension dominates over the next 6 weeks.

Be safe out there. It's up to you to see.



https://insiderpaper.com/twitter-says-layoffs-to-begin-friday/ leaked inside email. As several people have mentioned: good luck with keeping this off of social media.

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-04/twitter-sued-for-mass-layoffs-by-musk-without-enough-notice Bloomberg already knows snowflakes going to sue. Remember, in May, Elon was hiring lawyers capable and willing for actual court-fights. Probably has a tough team of them now, as smart as hardworking as his engineers.


Something, seems, is finalized.

https://t.me/THEREALTORIABROOKE/27054 (Sorry, I'mnot on TW)


Heads up. Very LARGE, like GIANT, building tension spike arrives on Nov 13, and persists as a series of waves of building tension that continue out to end of our sample which is (m/L) end of Dec. Another large spike appears at end of first week in Dec. JUST an FYI. No descriptor set will be posted.



Some people appreciate those who present the news. Others appreciate those who offer speculation about the future. These are my current thoughts about what may happen over the next few months.

I have no sources of intelligence or information that is not available in the public domain. These are my own thoughts based on my analysis of past events and some dreams from God.

A Speculative Timeline of the Storm:

The only reason Joe Biden is keeping gas & diesel prices down is to lose as few seats as possible in the November election. After the election, there is no reason to control fuel prices. The deep state needs to destroy supply chains and the economy as fast as possible so they can "prove" capitalism is a failure and try to usher in the socialist great reset before Trump returns.

Since this appears to be their plan, I expect a sudden rise in gas & diesel prices beginning mid-November.

Diesel fuel is the life blood of retail supply chains. Trucks and trains powered by diesel carry goods to the marketplace. When fuel becomes too scarce or too expensive, deliveries stop and retail stores run out of everything quickly.

If fuel becomes too expensive or too scarce and store shelves are not restocked, the public will panic and set into motion a chain of events that's impossible to stop. Stores will be looted, causing owners to close for business, worsening the scarcity of food and other items. Civil unrest will follow. (Note what is happening now across Europe.)

If civil unrest spreads, people will begin to prioritize their own safety over that of others. Those who work in protective services (EMS, Fire and Law Enforcement) must decide if they'll report for duty to protect you or stay home and protect their families. Some will choose to stay home, worsening the crisis.

If civil unrest becomes widespread, Governors will be forced to deploy the National Guard. Biden is likely to declare a national emergency and probably declare martial law (at least in some locations). This may be when the internet goes dark.

If the internet goes down, the financial markets and banking systems will be thrown into chaos which will worsen civil unrest.

Biden has been a civil as he can be toward the MAGA, community but after the election, he has no reason to hold back the wrath of the deep state. I expect increased harassment, persecution and unlawful imprisonment of patriots by the feds.

At some point, Biden's DOJ will attempt to indict and arrest Trump, which will lead to even more civil unrest and give the deep state more justification for targeting patriots.

A show of force is on the horizon between the deep state's uniformed thugs and armed patriots who can only be pushed so far. I expect that before a bloody revolution occurs, patriots in the military will assume command and assist in the reinstatement of Trump as President, either through a new election, or after presenting convincing evidence to the public that he won the 2020 election outright.

When Trump returns to the White House, he will appoint a new cabinet and the prosecution of corrupt people in places of power can commence.

After the November mid-term elections, I expect things to spiral downward quickly. All of this could happen in just a few short months.


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