Gonzalo Lira deducts: https://rumble.com/v1lor3t-2022-09-27-the-americans-declared-war-on-europe.html (13 min)
Victory Nuland declared Nordstream will be stopped when Russia goes after biolabs, on January 27th: https://twitter.com/StateDept/status/1486818088016355336?s=19
Basement dummy repeated that on February 7th on ABC News.
Sorry, pepes, to me, THIS is the precipice for Europe. At the same time, the storm is upon Florida! :(
If in a hurry, scroll down to / search phrase "This is a situation that we touched on in 47 Rōnin" and read forward.
Chertoff in Russian--literally 'devil's'.
Here is what BioClandestine had to say:
Welp, guess I was wrong.
They hired someone else to the Disinformation Governance Board and I cannot believe they are actually this stupid.
I thought for sure they would shut it down for good, because the backlash from the public is so severe. Even the centrists are speaking out about how wrong this is.
Guess I shouldn’t be surprised they are doubling and tripling down on stupid. Here I was thinking they might have a semblance of self awareness. I actually thought they couldn’t get anymore stupid and they have proven me wrong.
I will never underestimate their incompetence again 😂
Want to have some fun?
The Left - 🤯
When I become Twitter CEO ... I'm immediately changing the name to - Litter.
Tweets will be called Farts.
Retweets will be called Sharts.
DMs will be called Talking Shit.
Blocking will be called Bowel Blockage.
Muting will be called Silent But Deadly.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/live/ promises that Jake Sullivan with "more than 50 partners around the world" will declare their political will.
No idea what that means, but clearly another attempt to counter opening up the communication channels on Twitter and arrival of Trumpet.
FYI … out of nowhere, I had 6 hours of a severe stomach ache last night that eventually got so bad, I could barely walk or even get out of bed by early am.
For the first time in my life I had to call an ambulance and was taken to the hospital - I’m still here having tests.
Getting released finally - horribly long night and next day - thanks for all the well wishes. I see Catturd is trending - 😂 - you guys.
I’ll tweet what the doctors found late.
Trying to keep you guys updated when possible. I had to talk another ambulance back to the hospital last night. They finally found I have a small bowel obstruction. Just got transferred to another hospital, may be having surgery today or tomorrow. Thanks for all the prayers. 🙏
(via TG)
Just received this sad letter from GiveSendGo:
Update: Freedom Convoy Trucker Funds
The Canadian government has criminalized the receiving of funds from the Freedom Convoy 2022 campaign and now are trying to seize the funds to redistribute. In order to protect our Givers and the intended purposes of their gifts, funds not already transferred to the recipients from the 'Freedom Trucker Convoy' campaign will be refunded automatically, no refund requests necessary. Additional information will be posted shortly.
Thank you for your patience.
I’m tired of all the politically correct rhetoric. It is time to simply explain what happened and why.
Covid-19 is a man made weapon of mass murder that was funded and created by the American government and NIH
The American government serves the globalist elites and is the enemy of the people
Successful treatments were and are intentionally suppressed. Anything that gave people hope and reduced fear was obstructed
Global fear is used to fool people into taking mRNA shots
The mRNA shots were created to accomplish a globalist agenda
The globalist agenda is to
-decrease the world population and cause infertility
-to control and enslave people by injecting tracking technology and link that technology to the use of global cryptocurrency
-trans-humanist agenda through the mRNA delivered gene editing technology
Don’t fear covid. Don’t take mRNA shots
Form military tribunals and bring ALL the global predators to justice
All this can and will be proven with evidence
I’m a conspiracy realist
Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
See something, say something.
Yesterday, owner of guesthouse in distant island, told about January 12th letter from government party asking how many Ukrainian guest workers/builders and for how long (???) they can accommodate from March.
Two different colleagues today were asking for housing for their relative, who rented a flat in a political-party-owned house. Different parties, different town parts, definitely not the same person. Start January, they received notice of contract ending at the beginning of March, because house will be needed for Ukrainian "guest workers".
What did they know and when exactly did they know?
[...], I am a reporter in DC going through a list of donors to the Freedom Convoy at the US-Canada border. I am just trying to verify whether or not you actually sent a $xx donation via GiveSendGo from [Europe] in early February or whether someone has used your identity. There is nothing necessarily illegal or improper about making a donation, just trying to determine whether the donations involve real people or bots with stolen identities etc. If you could clarify it would be appreciated. Thanks, Kevin Kevin G. Hall-North America Editor Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project https://www.occrp.org/en Twitter: @KevinGHall [email protected] 202-746-1372
Just received and can not decide, should I reply or not.
"At [...] station passenger [...] had a mental breakdown or was under influence of drugs. Out of nowhere she started to attack other passenger with scissors, went through other people personal belongings. One passenger managed to pull out the scissors from her hands and she calm down a bit. Police were called, they arrived and also called an ambulance, because there was something clearly wrong with the passenger. Passenger was left behind with the police and ambulance."
From today's real day log of transport company, international route. Checked log for medical emergencies 2015-2019, there was total of 14 ambulance calls in 5 years (2 of them mental). Now it's 3-5 a week, mainly chest pains and breathing difficulties, panics; and approx. 65% less departures.
...because youtubed, tweeted, fakebooked vids are only temporary!
Clif started to create letters to state officials, to show them what is going on. You can find previous drafts and final editions, explanations, and subscribe at Substack. The latest one:
January 29, 2022
Beginnings of Great Popular Movements are always placed arbitrarily by historians. Those Who live through them, participating, and shaping, the events that become such Movements, are hurried by the intensity of the emotions and transformations of the moment, and thus burdened by short-sighted vision captured by rushing immediacy.
Events are overtaking us all.
Secrets Revealed: Revolution
The Uprising in Canada against the Occupation of the Western Republics by the Communist 'elites' as coordinated by the World Economic Forum (WEF) has initiated a Global Revolution among Humanity.
The founder and current leader of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, has been recorded on video claiming at least a 50% 'penetration' of 109 Western republic cabinets, or governments, and at least 5 US States to the gubernatorial level, WA State prominent among those. Jay R Inslee is featured on the WEF membership pages indicating complete ownership, and control of him, and of the government of WA State, by Klaus Schwab's WEF agenda.
It was through this coordination of these 109 captured governments, and at least 5 US States, as well as, the Federal government of the US, and the majority of UN working groups, that the Covid global tyranny plan has been pursued.
On 2022.01.29, the Global Revolution began in Canada. It will spread.
The 'pandemic' is over. The People have decided to end it. In support of this process, the People have organized and are sharing the 'receipts' that prove the complicity, and guilt of those under the control of the WEF, and its affiliated organizations. Politicians here in the USA, as well as other Western Republics, will soon be attempting to scrub their on-line records of associations to the WEF, no matter how tenuous. It will not aid them.
A major casualty of War, and especially in War practiced as Revolution, is Secrecy. This Revolution is already yielding documentation that will be used in the trials pending as this Movement proceeds. Persons guilty of committing Crimes against the populace via malfeasance in Public Health institutions, as well as the Laws controlling them, may expect to be prosecuted.
People injected with the 'vaccines' are dying at 3 to 4 times the usual, and historical, normal rates. This will grow with time for these next 3 years. Rates of cancers, and other debilitating conditions are many thousands of percent higher in 'vaccinated' individuals. These facts are becoming understood by the Populace. As this knowledge spreads, as well as the effects of the injections throughout the Populace, it will be expected that the damaged victims will seek recompense from the Guilty.
A wise person, upon recognizing that they had been close enough to the Guilty personalities to have been tainted by association, would prepare now for the inevitable questioning, investigation, and judgment of their role in the proceedings of this pandemic operation.
The events of this decade are being powered by the demographic and economic Long Waves of History as the Petrodollar collapses the global central banking consortium. As a Legislator, in charge of the Public Purse, this banking system collapse will greatly affect your work and future. The wise person will expect events to become far more chaotic and unsettled as we progress further into this decade.
In order to assist you in overcoming the difficulties of filtered information in this modern age, I will be sending emails such as this periodically, and as manifesting events may warrant.
Again, to repeat:
During a time of War, all actions taken by Officials will be viewed and judged against the larger background of the Conflict. Legislators and other officials, in all capacities, including supporting personnel, would be well advised to obtain, and read, the DOD Law of War Manual.
To download a PDF copy of the DOD LAW of War Manual:
Here is a link to encapsulated description of Devolution that may assist your thinking for the Immediate, and Long term future. We are at War. Every action and decision and Vote will have significant and serious consequences.
Everyone please send prayers for Joe Oltmann, Jovan Pulitzer, and a few others (who I won't name).
They are very sick with what is suspected to be anthrax poisoning.
As in Operation Dark Winter? And who are the others? Who was actual target?