Muzza55 5 points ago +5 / -0

In case you guys don't realise it, us Kiwis have by far the worse leader of any country ever. I would go as far to say that America is lucky to have Biden over Jacinda Ardern, but that just doesn't sit well so I wont. It's time Globaly to stand up against the elites and push their reset plans they have for us in the sewer along with them where they belong.

Muzza55 11 points ago +11 / -0

Great post and you are so correct. Over here in N.Z we need saving and we need it bad. Our only hope is Donald Trump. The Prime Minster of New Zealand, if you can call her that, is as bad as it gets. She's destroying our country. When Trump gets the nod in a few days & he will, I really hope he will help clear out the evil in counties like N.Z too.