Nah I'm just one of the few people left with a strong sense of morality that extends far further than the intent of the laws I live under.
Not me, it's just I've seen a lot of wild accusations being thrown around here, such as all democrat supporters being pedophiles even when that's a pretty mild selling point of the party in comparison to the promises of hand outs taken from the wallets of the tax payer.
That's kind of my point.
Found the authoritarian.
Well yes? It's either that or some form of pseudo anarchy where just citing a moral principal you're upholding is enough to get you off the hook for what would otherwise be serious crimes without at least one of those two options our morality will decay to the point of non-existence like it currently has been.
Seriously making an argument to have police patrolling premarital sex, good lord. A new level of stupid has been unlocked.
I'm sure there are ways to determine if sex was had even minutes after the event, there's no reason we can't have police show up for a check up if someone reports suspected moral violations.
Teach your own kids morality and protect them from predators. Period.
You can't rely on kids to act morally and especially not when it comes to sex. Their own drive for sex and a relationship is our worst enemy when it comes to preserving their innocence until they are of age.
No, I'm pretty sure that's you guys accusing everyone who disagrees with you of pedophilia. The points I raise are major steps that the agenda would have a much harder time advancing without.
Once it's legal there will be nothing you can do about it and your kids will be raised to think it's wrong to persecute pedophiles. You can't wait until the last minute.
Besides another kid will take your kid's innocence just as well as an adult would so they need to be treated as just as much of a threat.
General attitude I've seen of everyone I've mentioned those steps to.
Oh yeah, bud, nobody cares but you. 🙄 Premarital sex should be illegal & who do you want to enforce that?
The police and if they fail to prosecute then it goes on the community to enforce morality.
The same government that is run by pedophiles?
I mean you have them enforce all the other laws, including pedophilia related crimes.
There is so much wrong with this. You can’t legislate morality.
That same argument will be used to molest your kids.
Mind your own damn business about other peoples sex lives unless they are diddling kids, in which case they deserve the death penalty.
Generation after generation that line has been moved to the point that the only thing that is over the line is child molestation.
I can't even tell if this is satire or not.
At least until you get to know them well enough. Then it becomes easy again because they're nothing like the media portrays, I should know given how many fags I hang out with.
This has been going on for decades, and none administrations have done anything approaching what I suggested, not even trump.
If it was more dangerous for them to be in the US than in their home country they'd think twice about coming in the first place. Simply ignoring any crimes done against them could do wonders without even requiring much government man power.
It's a hostile foreign force marching on your land. they are prone to violence vandalism and theft. A sensible government would have the declared a threat to life and property.
GIlfs will soon be the only thing it's okay to be attracted to as otherwise you'll be seen as a pedophile for liking a "barely legal" 20 year old.
I was wrong to be bigoted towards homosexuals because they're just as lost and confused as we are.
No, the bible literally states they are to be put to death, it's not wrong to be bigotted against us, if you budged on that who's to say you won't continue to do that?
They didn't infiltrate the homosexual crowd, they are the homosexual crowd. Most gays I know will even flirt with tweens and don't make much effort to hide that fact, yet they call me a pedophile for wanting a virgin wife. Faggotry and pedophilia have always been closely tied.
The way you guys use the term pedophile it also makes me think someone who is just attracted to pubecent teenagers and you actively accuse those who propose more specific terminologies of being pedophiles themselves. Even being attracted to a post pubecent teen is enough to be accused of being a "pedophile" by most users here.
That could just be 17 year olds which is common enough,
That fight is basically lost, you guys have been tolerating teenage sex going unpunished for decades now! When are we going to have proper laws in place to ensure the chastity of our children until the legal age of consent?
They'll still cause damage to the building and terrorize the surrounding community.
If I had that kind of money you can bet your ass I'd only be hiring white help.
oh plus $37k+ go fund me specifically FOR caring for illegals who are no longer there 😳
There are no simple answers to deal with this illegal immigration issue.
Yes there is and it's less than a quarter inch in diameter.
they don't need a place to stay they should be treated as an invading army.
Not door to door, only in response to a call.