Okannah 1 point ago +1 / -0


All these facts mean that present-day Ukraine is arguably a real threat to nuclear security not just in Europe, but on a global scale. It has everything it would take, from irresponsible people in charge of safety and security at nuclear sites, to the technical capabilities.

Credits : Olga Sukharevskaya
- An Ex-Ukrainian diplomat

Okannah 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, not heard of this. Does it bychance mention Argentina? Where Hitler is said to have fled to.

Okannah 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apologies. I messed up and failed to verify what I was [mis]remembering.

Okannah 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apologies, I was misremembering the numbers with a slight brain fade. The more accurate number is as stated elsewhere, around 1k.
I'll ignore the BLM comment as I can understand why you would conclude that. I'm not from the US and we kicked those loonies out.

Okannah 3 points ago +3 / -0

The occult reference is something you've made up.

I won't speak of behalf of Mr Dugin, other than allowing people to decide based upon the "Marxism" quote in full:

The Marxism which we can accept is mythic, sociological Marxism.

As a myth, Marxism tells us the story of the original state of paradise (‘primitive Communism’), which was gradually lost (‘the initial division of labour and the stratification of the primitive society’). Then the contradictions grew, moving toward the point when, at the end of this world, they were reincarnated, in their most paradigmatically pure form, as the confrontation between Labour and Capital. Capital — the bourgeoisie and liberal democracy — personified global evil, exploitation, alienation, lies, and violence.”
Marxism is tremendously useful in revealing those mechanisms of alienation and mystification that liberalism uses to justify its dominion, and as proof of its ‘correctness’.”
“Being a myth itself, in its polemical, activist form, Marxism serves as an excellent tool to expose the bourgeois ‘great stories’ in order to overthrow the credibility of liberal pathos.”
Freedom is the greatest value of the Fourth Political Theory, since it coincides with its centre and its dynamic, energetic core.”

Okannah 5 points ago +6 / -1

Every country suffers from poverty, especially the US, for without it there can be no 'middle class' nor 'rich'. Poverty never makes the news at home.
As for mass murder; US Police alone murdered over 55k ~1k (apologies for misremembering) civilians last year. My country? None and the Police do carry a side arm, along with pepper, electric and a baton. Selecting the side arm is never the first choice when faced with a disturbance or confrontation.
The people of Russia are more 'free' than those of the US. You believe otherwise simply because you are told 'bad man over there' and there is where you look, not home. Though, most people are awakening up to this deception. There is hope.