LOL only 200 sad lonely people on a .win domain think it was fake. SEEMS LEGIT.
you sound like the type. "im so bullied" - "omg nobody believes me" - "the media are such big bad bullies boo hoo" fucking sad faggot. Go make some friends and a career and find a girl who will fuck you. thats the key to happiness. get out of your moms basement and people will show you a bit of respect
lol cry baby bitch. Talk about a snowflake. OMG US CONSERVATIVES GET SOOO BULLIED boo fucking hoo you pussy
DJT never left the whitehouse! How can they think he lost lol. National guardsmen have been in communication with his secret service.
dood. OMEGAlul on these freaks ahahhahahaha
It's because we read all of the idiots crying about being wrong and we've come to kick you morons while you're down for trying to ruin our country and way of life via attacking our police officers and capitol you scum
wow how inciteful you dumb asshole. It's almost like two totally different languages aren't phonetically identical hmm
also liberal in latin means : liberalis Liberal, bountiful, generous, honorable, noble, gentlemanly
LOL says the guy supporting a witch-hunt for hundreds of thousands of supposely missing kids but have no actual source for your beliefs lmfao. Americans are mentally ill en masse lmfao
there is no such thing as a "conspiracy fact" you dumb sack of crap. Thats what a CONPIRACY IS. Look up the definition of things before you start creating new terms that are completely redundant. You sound like a tard like the rest of these Qcumber terrorist lunatics
it's called CRISPR and it's a chinese procedure you dumb piece of trash. It's widely reported on and the only doctor to have done this in secret eventually was caught and jailed so stfu you all say you research things but cant even find the most obvious and basic things like CRISPR. That is genuinely fucked up and you are mentally handicapped
lol that's the definition of schizophrenia. Looks to symbols and hints in things that arent meant to be messages lmfao. You all are absolutely bat shit crazy
yet you people are willing to kill them and the capitol police to throw a revolt in the US capitol. Scumbags
lol you are an actual retard if you think trump, who can't even manage to follow a written speech, can't speak in public without praising himself and stroking his ego is out to "save the world" dude he barely even tried to help the hurricane victims from Puerto Rico which share our american blood lol. You all are corrupt assholes and dont really care about anyone else you just want to feel important or helpful when in reality you are terrorists that are bringing the downfall of our democracy and doubting everything good about our country. Focus on the shitty parts like billionaires running our elections with money via Citizens United. Look into REAL problems and not fake pedophile rings in the government and small pizza businesses you lunatics
change the tax code to prevent tax havens, change tax rates on the richest people like elon musk and bezos. Make real legislative changes. Stop trying to overthrow my democracy you losers. Nobody believes you because you are crazy and full of crap
I have a girlfriend and I'm being paid at work and I get to troll you idiots lol it's awesome. also I am a gun carrying country boy in Missouri so that shows how stupid you assholes are. My school was 17 miles from my house so you get an idea how rural it is here. Yall are sorry suckers
LOL so grounded in completely made up symbols and signs by an online blogger. You have been totally duped
because those guys are killing cops at our countries capitol building you dumb piece of shit..?
because you assholes are killing officers at the countries capitol building you retard. Of course we're all worried that our family members are slowly losing their minds because you are obsessed with pedophilia for some weird reason. you need a counselor
LOL the 250 million other people in america are out to overthrow YOU? hahahahahahaha what a douche. You can't even be bothered to make up nonsense anymore. You've decided to flip reality on it's head when you dumb assholes who think you're "woke" or whatever are trying to take over the capitol over those of us who fought for years overseas for our democracy and now the white trash from the woodworks is trying to steal my country? well, fuck you. Not a single brother in arms that spent time in the military would abandon and betray the commander in chief and all other brothers of the other branches. Keep dreaming you crack heads
I am 100% here to kick you idiots while you're down because if good ole' bullying won't teach you to be normal like in public school, IDK what will. get back to scurrying around the dark forums of the internet hoping for a clue to a random blogger who claims to be some god of the world. Explain how he could stay hidden when he is in the government and the IP addresses can easily be tracked. It's called doxxing. You can find streamers with basically little to no effort in real life. Why wouldnt demonic pedophiles easily do that to Q if they are controlling the government and the world like you claim. It's because you are retarded. That's why. It's fucking lies
you guys know the first thing we learn in the military is the chain of command and to never question orders. Biden is the commander in chief you dumb asshole. He is the head of the military. He is already shifting where our navy is located near Israel to move away and also our fleet in the pacific is moving so explain that. The miliary would have brought home tons of troops like trump lied about and claimed he would do when he ran in 2016 but he didnt. He lied and our brothers and sisters are in iraq for fuck-all while you retards drive yourselves insane with lies that YOU made up. NOT TRUMP. Trump never said he believes in this crap and dodges it every time he is asked bc he wants their vote and that is it.
im getting paid to do this right now bc I'm at work with an hour of downtime before I leave :) soo.. thanks for entertaining me when I cant do anything else
we've come to kick you while you're down because it's funny and we tried to tell you long ago in the before time.
BEFORE Biden was your president that is! duh dum tsst
lol hilarious name
lol photoshop is a crazy tool buddy. Good job on finding a fake video and not even citing it lmfao