Biden to Blame (
posted ago by Onesideeye ago by Onesideeye

As nasty as the weinsteins are, I just wanted to point out that, it wasn't till Wes Craven died in 2015, did women and men come forward and stick it to the weinsteins and be heard. (everyones know since the 90's but did nothing) I think Wes Craven was the main guy everyone was truly afraid of in hollywood. Being the Modern Day Horror Man and all and weinstein and craven are always together. kinda like QTarantino, made what 10 whole movies and almost all or all are weinsteins.

How can everyone be against pedophillia but still visit porn sites? Even after they exposed pornhub and the 50+videos of a 15 year old. The everyday visitor most likely has seen atleast 5 of said videos. If your frequent on said sites, you have no business HERE

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