BC apparently pays more due to a number of factors including the "russia/ukraine"......... In other words, "blame putin" https://youtu.be/yuxOQ9uN0Xs
Is it just me or is this their way of blaming trump? Because they said his name an awful lot. Roe vs Wade quick clip from global national https://youtu.be/g54g-CZb5Bo
We have no way to tell when it comes to humans and now they can figure out variants through wastewater? I DON'T THINK SO
I seen a video of a man doing basic math when he read an article in 2021 that said JT had order 400millon shots for canada. He figured that it was about 10 shots each. They've been talking about dose 4&5 this week but what really gets me is, everyone is scrapping the covid passport but keeps adding more shots to the required doses. Are they truly scrapping this passport shit or is it just so ppl will stop protesting and go away? They have provinces and states and countries thinking their good to go on with life and then there is that.......
It's hard to believe it wasn't stage or used as a way for everyone to pick sides. Everyone from HW has put their 2 cents in. Denzel doesn't shed any light on what was said while they talked. B. Cooper hugging up on Will after his chat with perry and denzel. Diddy comes out lmao something about work it out like family or some shit. Not to mention how it's the only thing from the oscars that all these irrelivant people are talking about. Did anyone see any clips of other winners? probably not, I know I haven't
I still think it was staged, to see who's still in HW and who will be exiting stage left lol

Anyone know anything on Psakis' replacement? Dirt or anything? Other then the "red" similarities? I already don't care for her "hmmms" "mmms" lol

TSA: mask mandate was to end on March 18 and the Biden admin has made sure to extend it by one more month April 18 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/tsa-extending-mask-mandate-for-another-month/ar-AAUTCI9
Masks must be worn till atleast April 18 (travelling on planes and public transportation) Anything they can do to prevent the world to going back to normal
While everyone is making plans to rid all restrictions, all over canada. Bonnie Henry is making BC keep the passport till June 30, 2022 with the possiblitiy of extending it, while saying that most plandemic restrictions will be with BC for atleast another year. As the 12-17yr olds are only just now eligiable for a 3rd or booster shot, they want everyone here triple jabbed before masks, social distancing or passports disappear. Who will save BC canada from Bonnie Henry?

School in Canada (one whole province that I am aware of) announced that they will be sending home test kits today. As the world is trying to stop all of this and go back to normal, they, for the first time are sending tests home. I laughed because they once again admitted they don't know. If you should get a positive, you LIKELY have covid. They still after all this time used the words: LIKELY have covid All the paranoid people will test with or without symptoms and they're counting on those freakouts to fudge somemore numbers. They will do anything at this point.