Gates wanted to "chalk dust" the sun and was good to go till Sweden told him to find somewhere else to do that. He then buys all the available farmland in the States. Gates (with the chalkdust) wanted to recreate the volcano explosion from the 1800's era that caused certain places to snow for a year and brought the earths temp down.
WHO claims Tonga was inactive since 2014 and made a point 4 days prior to blowing to say that it is fine. But since it exploded, it brought the earths temp down a bit (maybe 1degree). Past volcanos have been said to cool the earth by .4 of a degree. This leads me to believe that gates used china to set it off causing the 37ft (ish?) explosion, followed by the second blow of over 60ft from the pockets stuck under water.
The difference between man vs nature. I say gates used china because china is fighting with Australia and what better way then to destroy them and keep his hands clean
Point: all these extra "natural disatsers" aren't natural and to stop blaming people who drive and heat houses. People like him make it rain in places like dubai once a week but its all of our faults hahaha cloudseeding is a problem but as long as the rich and famous get their weather wishes, its our faults hahaha ranting my theory. carry on haha
why is it that they can repeat the phrase: "were all in this together" but "wwg1wga" is banned from mainstream social media? its basically the same meaning and doesn't it all really come from the musketeers? all for one and one for all.
covid needs to be here till atleast 2025, to steal the 2024 election Trump 2024 will stop all mandates and they can't let that happen

They will no longer be doing contact tracing to monitor if they need to close, it's now based on absentees....... This means that if enough kids stay home for various reasons, they will do a covid closure (outing, appointments, personal days-which they suggest if your child is too tired or whiney at school)
remember: 2 people with covid is an outbreak Hahahahahahaha

hillary money and trump real estate? It's true, they really wanted her to win hahaha they needed her to win. Brandon and killary, thee most hated people to walk the modern day earth